Core current tasks

Nah, of course not. It’s just a minor update…definitely not the devblog we all been waiting for


Let’s hype

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Let’s. Definitely goin’ big…since devs were giving us a sneak peek about next upcomin’ big update :stuck_out_tongue:


I was thinking about the new progression system and what you said

This sentence made me scared because I think you are planning to change loot boxes and replace them with in-game money

Please don’t do that!!!

In-game money in FPS is not a good idea and it will allow for even more p2w gameplay and Enlisted is already p2w a lot

Just try finding another solution if it’s not too late


Depends on implementation, I’ve seen it done well, but in a system I don’t anticipate seeing here.

Darkflow isn’t capable of making a well done in-game money system

Name 2 they’ve implemented

Will you wipe progress for both Campaigns on OBT/Release?

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iirc it’s been stated that anything that isn’t a premium or a special event item (ie, camouflage BT or that special pistol) will be wiped.

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if there is a wipe. very likely, but not guaranteed.

Like 99% likely


Guaranteed - there is a dev blog published somewhere where they say it will happen.

ETA: found it -


Any news when Berlin will be available?

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It will probably come as the last gamemode
I think tunisia and Berlin will come after the OBT so probably at the end of 2021 or the beginning of 2022

I hope not, that’s too long.

they’re campaigns, not gamemodes.
And Berlin is probably coming before Tunesia

  1. English is my second language

  2. Does it matter?

Just trying to keep people from getting potentially confused

well, berlin has been already tested, and we partially gaved our feedbacks.

while tunisia has been touched by very few people.
so, yeah. we will have to go in tunisia first. as it’s the one that requires testing and further development.

it’s not the time to slow down for things that the community has already played.
unfortunally for you, as i believe that you didn’t had the chance to play berlin, you like many others will have to wait for the full release of the game. or maybe, a future berlin test 2.0 ( if that will be a thing ) which i’m afraid it will not be closer for at least 1 year.

eventually it will come out, but we have to think about others thing at the moment.


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However, Tunesia has had much less development time than Berlin, so it would make more sense for Berlin to become available first.