That makes sense. I have Enlisted on an M.2 drive and things loads crazy fast. Always waiting 30s on match start lol
Much less complicated:
I quit if I feel like it, for whatever reason. I play for my own enjoyment. My time is valuable.
I laugh at those that this upsets and are so entitled they think we owe them to remain in a match that isn’t fun.
games for most people serve as escape from life
to quote a classic
if a game is not fun, why bother?
sure there are dark souls fans that like challanges and enduring harships, not all gamers are the same
it’s a very weak excuse in context of videogames, especially enlisted which i think aims for wider appeal
why bother enduring thing we don’t like in our free time, when there are tons of actually FUN games to play
i dont know why no one upvoted this post, very good work.
ill point out how this game still has no map choice mechanic, which forces players to use match “desertion” as a map selection mechanism.
this game can not succeed with a large playerbase when most new players will be annoyed as fuck because the game forces them to play maps they dont like.
i also wanted to leave after 2 months because the constant train mode spam in berlin made me lose any respect for the game and its makers, then i started instantly leaving every map i dont like and the fun in enlisted skyrocketed immediately.
Ping issues. Normally, my ping is around 100-170. But, sometimes it gets worse and if it does I just quit the match and stopped playing the game for a while.
Regarding supporting these types of free to play model games, I never once considered supporting warthunder or crossout financially, didn’t even bother supporting Heroes & Generals or several other free to play games that I just did not like the practices and game enough
But Enlisted actually got me to support it a little bit within my means
So when I contribute to this forum with my opinion and experience, it is a big thing for me
Just happy that had a chance to have my say, probably won’t be far into the future where won’t even have a chance to think freely anymore
Thank you, have my moments, it’s a fascinating topic for me
so that justify to ruin your teammates fun just because you are butt hurted by a gamemode or a nitpick of yours that makes you rage quit?
i see no reason why you should quit something that you started other than actual real life " issues " urgency or anything that has to do with that soley reason.
the others, not so much.
because as much as people would like to point out " muh fun " i’d like to remind you that you contribute to ruin others fun by leaving. which becomes a circle and a plague of others leaving if not stopped.
( even op confirmed to apply to this ““strat”” because some moron on the forum suggested it )
hence punishment in place are the solution.
i suppose not everyone ( not even you ) care about the fun of others. which it’s fine. but then don’t complain about what’s coming.
because it cost you nothing staying and try to change things around.
heck, even more xp involved.
but you do you.
And I still deep down would rather we all didn’t quit matches so we could all benefit and have potentially better matches more often
but the reality just doesn’t allow it, people just won’t do it
I came to this forum to make a fuss about just that and as I put myself in the shoes of the others that supported the quitting, I decided to give it a shot, and I realized the power of it (joined the dark side ). I used to never quit, never. I was diehard to the bitter end.
and sadly yes it does ruin the experience for the others, and I honestly don’t know how you fix it
because if we severely punish as I was initially hoping, that would also ruin the fun for many
so you just can’t win in this situation, you damned if you do, you damned if you don’t
but at least with quitting each player makes their own decision and uses that as the only real way to find the good fun matches, whether that be stomps or close fights, I like close fights, and I too enjoy losses if it’s closely contested and I have a decent showing
Refer to the OP’s quite large list of reasons, there’s plenty.
That you take the game too seriously and cannot fathom why others might not, is your prerogative only. Others, might think differently, and enjoy the game in a different way.
Same reason why some prefer customs, or lone fighter, or standard.
Again, thinking others owe you to remain in matches they dislike, is a laughable concept.
We play for fun.
it cost time, will to play, and if you have premium quite literally money.
this thing “fun of others” why should i care? its my job carry my teammates? it my job to do 25 + deaths trying to conquer the point alone?, its my job to take out every fucking single tank while i try to conquest the point wwhile i build rp? no so my teammates can go fuck tehemselfs.
and i should do all of this for what? i get less xp from the game i get more stressed and getting absolutely destroyed again and again and again doesnt gave me and valuable game knowledge
i dont owe nothing to anyone, and yes i expect other players to think like this as well it is their right.
Rather perfectly said. My thinking as well.
not even gonna comment on rest of projections in this comment, kinda rude, i don’t even desert, only 3 reasons (disconnected, me or anyone in party; berlin train mode, ruined berlin for me; real life)
but for real, what teammates, here are just 2 examples of what matches looks like, maybe you play on diffrent sever and in peak player times, but this is enlisted reality for not small % of matches
PvE tunisia matches, you are not leaving any teammates, because there are NONE
Peak stalingrad 2v10 matches, i only played beacuse i wasn’t alone
but we do care, that’s why we point out issues where people desert.
even if i stop deserting completely, this won’t stop everybode else from doing it.
Now imagine those issues are fixed, we can all have fun then.
How can You not realize demanding me to stay in game so You can have more fun is kinda hypocritical. Instert stoopid why you care, it’s only game.
You respect my fun, i respect Yours
solution is not obvious. here are possible solutions:
- hard MM rules (your “obvious” solution). doing it with hard MM rules will make this game PvE. there are 128 maps you could theoretically have 128 MM queues for every minute and half. game is currently struggling with 6 queues and couldnt support even quarter of the possible queues
- favorite map. you can also preselect maps/modes that you want to play and favorite map out of 20 players will be played after MM makes its first MM. this has big disadvantage of possible limited map pool
- soft veto. while similar to favorite map, you select map/modes that you absolutely dont want to play and then you play random map from least hated maps out of 20 players.
this will be less of a problem post merge. globally there is little difference between numbers in opposite factions. they already announced rewards for join any, so if 5% of players join any you will have even human teams
overall i expect that there will be less bots post merge. also this is education of players problem and not bot solution.
there is not enough playerbase for another split. you would have crossplay off (console) that is ghost town already, crossplay off (pc) that would be future ghost town and crossplay on that would have even less human players than before. no matter how i shit on console players, this is not viable solution before playerbase increases drastically.
10vs13 is max uneven match that you can have it. it is caused by stack of 4 players and when MM is looking for 10th player to fill the spot it grabs the stack and sees it as 1 player instead of 4.
10vs15 is more of a visual bug where at least 2 players have quit and their bots are alive, but cause one team is roflstomping the other team, those bots of players that quit are constantly alive. you can easily check this by number of deaths. active players will die, while that bot team will constantly have same number of deaths. only after bot team dies it shows that player as disconnected.
there could be an option to block this behavior, but imho this is good mechanism. if player joined late match, that means it is replacing either player that left or bot. if he stays you get another human player and if he leaves you would get same bot that you would have if he never joined.
i havent seen this before. usually players quit cause of stacks and not cause of certain players. going against stacks when playing solo is masochistic behavior.
and solution for stacks is non existent. you cant guarantee for 2 stacks to be in queue to match them against each other, you cant forbid players to stack up and you cant give them separate MM queue. this is just something that we will need to live with.
there is 1 minute timer for watching before game kicks you out.
i am against that. if team wants to play snipers and mortars that is their fun. nobody should force playstyle that they want on some other player, but i think that it is also fair to quit such matches.
losing match is not a problem as long it is satisfactory. problem is in one sided roflstomps and you cant affect those without banning stacks and introducing skilled based MM and that would be death of the game.
BR MM will actually mitigate this in large %. you will have large part of veterans in high tiers playing their own game, part of the veterans in mid tiers and part of the veterans in low tiers. overall you will get less veterans per match than you could get now. also you are mixing skill and veteran definition. fps arent new genre and if anyone played fps before they can be relatively easy skilled in enlisted. veterans also arent all skilled. players dont need to be shielded from skill, just from unfair matches where you cant hurt enemy with your weapons/vehicles (aka stuart vs tiger).
cant say i noticed any cheaters. but considering how shit skilled vast majority of player is, i wouldnt be surprised if they called every above average player a cheater.
i have very rarely encountered deliberate troll. there needs to be votekick function for these kind of situations. most of the friendly deaths that happen cause of fire are accidental.
i agree with this. this usually happens with tanks and not with infantry.
it always works (unless there is some bug). only time it doesnt work is when you spawn on player made rally point and that is cause there is no spawn protection there.
not a quitting reason.
best time to seal club bots and newbies with end game equipment while they are equipped with starter ones. i mentioned before that peak times will probably have ±2 to ±4 MM while in off peak times anything goes unless they introduce some hard ±MM limit.
i dont see it as bad as long as underlying problems in the game arent solved.
like map selection, bot heavy teams, stacks roflstomping etc.
i am happy that devs at least try to fix some of the problems and have some other problems under consideration for future updates.
oh trust me.
when punishments will be line, the rest will fall with it.
of course.
if you leave, then you are bounded to get punished.
it’s that simple really.
but in a game where it’s primarily made to be a pvp, someone somewhere will also have less fun than the opponent.
should we just give up and leave every game?
i hardly doubt that.
more like, excuses rather than reasons.
which again, it’s fine if you do, but you should be punished making you or quitters quit less.
except, no one complains when someone leaves customs. i dare to say, it’s fine to leave customs.
because you don’t know what to expect, and customs weren’t meant as a primary game.
there i can see reasons why someone would leave.
such as no liking the mods, got mislead, ( with the upcoming settings ) too many restrictions and so on.
but it doesn’t harm as much as it would in the normal matchmaker.
btw, i couldn’t care less if people leave or not.
i don’t take this game seriously.
i rather delete the issue out of the equasion that potentially ruins other players experiences. such as new players.
" oh yeah, join us in enlisted… where uh… players leave. "
i doubt it will be much fun to see people leaving you in the shit to do everything when you just started.
that’s how you kill the spirit of the game to begin with.
sounds more to get it easy.
it really doesn’t.
it actually help you to get some xps from bad matches.
just as why should dev cares of people that leaves feelings?
hence, punishments are on the way for people who aren’t sportive enough.
so, people that leaves can go fuck them selves all they want.
that’s fine.
and punishments will be even better.
so there will be many less quitters.
it’s not really a projection. it’s laying down the pattern.
which in less than a month shouldn’t be an issue anymore.
so i don’t really see the point here.
punishments would.
because majority of what is being presented an issue comes to the person it self.
i suggest you to actually read what op posted as much as similar topics.
it just comes to the player, not the game issues.
so it’s more about those individuals being selfish and not really there to play but to farm bots.
which it’s fine, it’s kinda the premise of the game.
but there shouldn’t be easy way out because people are not able to take responsabilities ( or blames ).
i see.
but isn’t the merge supposed to fix that? how is op comaplaining about that.
but has somewhat little to do with quitters ( ish )
that’s just on them.
and speaking of those three, that’s what we should focus on.
not half baked rants on whatever is above supposed to be.
beside, amusing opinions but you chaps ain’t really gonna change my mind and i’m usually open about things.
if anything, once again you make me believe in punishments even more.
so that it would set an example to get some standards around here.
Anything that involves voting, I’m out. I don’t trust a mob or group with what should be my personal choices, this would inevitably end up like the BF3 situation and I would just leave and it would be a great way to kill the game
When I mention uneven teams, I am not just talking from a population stand point, I am considering all things that create that, not just equipment either, since that is all the BR is focusing on and why it’s a disaster for me
Also we have already discussed that having less bots has no impact, and I have proven that to myself by playing in bot heavy campaign and playing lower bot pop campaign, anyone can test this for themselves through playing a lot, instead of just looking at stats that are watered down and spread out and due to averaging out over the entire game
The cross play option I was thinking of would be optional, so it’s wouldn’t be forced, so each individual player can choose for themselves. Personally I haven’t even felt that playing with console players is an issue, but each player can decide for themselves, so I’m sure there would be a good amount of people that don’t care enough to switch cross play off
the 10 vs 15 we also already discussed, wish I had taken a screen, but as I had already said there, there was no disconnects, and it was like that from start to finish of the match
you don’t have to live with anything, some people have quit the entire game because nothing is done about matching premades vs individuals so quitting matches is only logical if they do want to spend time looking for better matches
well we have accepted a limit on 2 aircraft and 2 tanks, what is the issue with limiting mortars to 1 and snipers to 2 and flamethrowers to 1 ? for example?
so you acknowledge that MM based on stacks and skill would be the death of the game, but somehow doing it with weapons, gear and vehicles isn’t? Your logic here is a special kind of logic that I guess can only be described as a special kind of unfounded bias. But at least own up to it.
I don’t see how you will get less veterans per match in the BR system at the top tier, if you are a veteran playing end game now you are pooled vs the entire population of the game in your campaign, in the BR system if you are queuing at the end game BR, you going to largely be queued against only vets, your logic is once again completely deluded and basically BS
So you are ok with a vet smashing a noob because he is a skilled vet or surrounded by his elite skilled vet gang, but not with superior gear, as if that makes any real difference really, being dominated is being dominated. Whether they are using an STG or a grease gun is not really the point, and this BR won’t stop vets dominating noobs at any BR they choose to play
votekick is another horrible idea and you would know that if you experienced how heavily abused it was in several games where it had to be removed because of peer group abuse and in games where it hasn’t been removed, it continues to be abused by the dominant groups and creates issues. Just look at Post Scriptum where they can basically tell you what class you have to play because they run the squad and server, or in games like foxhole where it was the most insane thing I ever witnessed with group abuse against individuals
spawn protection on game hard spawns don’t always work in this game, it is surprising if you never noticed this
I believe so, but then what is the cost of losses from that
will be a lot of players that will just leave the game after that
not every game, just the ones that are no good and until we find a good one
it’s just the widely accepted culture of this game and no other way to do it
regulars over quitters?
i doubt people who boot up a game just to leave it because it doesn’t please them accordingly will impact that much, but we’ll see.
i’ll die on this hill if i have to.
full order 227 active.
not one step back.
Sure Erika, sure… You “couldn’t care less” but at the same time are so invested in the matter that you hope other players receive harsher punishment for not playing the way YOU like.
Normally, you have sensed topics.
But this time, what you say is laughable.
Instead of your petty vindictive wish that is to punish players more, the OP tried to propose solutions to make the game FUNNIER (correct flaws making ppl leave) should be done.
And a POSITIVE enforcement, like bonus rewards for loosing team, so they don’t waste their time.
If you’re so sour that not everyone think your way and desert for whatever reasons belonging to them, then just stay in customs