Comprehensive List of Reasons why players quit out of Matches

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i used to be opposed to it.

but after all, life and war was something like that.

you might have the right equipment, but if users are questionable at it, let the sort decide.

if a soldier did good but lost, that’s more than enough reasonable. ( either because his teammates weren’t good enough, or because the opposition was better or how the soldier could have made different choices that could have sorted to different outcomes. it’s all about situations and opportunities on the individual )

there are a multitude of reasons of why X and Y can happen.

but i’d argue that reasonable.

sure, 10 v 10 will not be actually a 10 v 10 depending on the skills.

but at the end of the day, if we wanna mention realism, it’s kinda what happened as well.

some are brigther than others. more luckier, or generally better than others.

This is not what I was talking about.
I would like my effort to be rewarded without the influence of other players.
I don’t mind losing ingame, I really do not care about stats. I don’t even care ingame balance that much.
But when I suffer in the matter of experiences/orders just because RNG put me into incompetent team, or worse - team full of bots. It really feels extremely punishing and frustrating.

That’s why nowadays I quit matches I know we’ll lose.

Personally, for me this it’s way bigger issue than being forced to play gamemodes I don’t enjoy as much as other modes.

Plus I think this exact thing helps to create biased factions like Japanese or Tunisia Allies. It really isn’t healthy for the game.

i am somewhat on the same boat, where i’m noticing that despite me having bought premium, i kinda need to do 20 matches or more to make one level past the 20s/30s. ( i’m betting if i can reach the tiger II before the new update, but i doubt it, i have other things to do and i’m not really in the mood for grinding. so i just stucked decking up my volkssturms and generally playing with those )

but that would require it’s own topic about the matter. rather than making questionable reasons on why you potentially leave.

it requires the step further that op is not even remotely addressing.

i don’t know.

what i know, is that currently tunisia allies and pacific axis it’s because of the playerbase stacking just to play those.

with the br thingy, this would potentially decrease. because people are somewhat forced to face other players across the br ( hence filtering many people based on equipment ) and make it somewhat on par.

therefore, reducing the " unbalancements " that many people cry for.

which from there, it’s up to you to win, or lose. along side your teammates.

that’s one thing that i always notice and people don’t talk about.

cool. you( not you speficially, but a common behavior that i see in the forum ) lost and you blain your teammate.

yet, if you win, i don’t see you thanking your teammates when you do win,
yes, you might have made 200 kills or 300 kills against bots with your automatic wonders, but it’s also partially thank to your teammates.

which comes to individualism rather than thinking as teamplayer and being sportive aboit it.

it’s always " me me me " and " i i i " about why I leave, why I don’t like that or I don’t accept it.
blaiming the others than their selves.

outside from this tangent, i think the br is somewhat of a shortterm solution needed to be ironed out.

and hopefully avoid the stacks or limit them.

( with that being said, some brs will be played more than others because of meta or generally advantages of one faction over another. that’s just how players work unfortunately )

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That’s not quite true. I do quite often use Good job quick chat if I was satisfied with my team.

But sometimes I can be very toxic in chat as well xD

TL,DR quitting when the conditions don’t fulfill own taste/expectations.

Aka, ragequitting, or at best “grumpquitting”.

We can debate whether the unsatisfaction comes from objective or subjective factors, but still voluntary quitting is an act of exclusive self-interest. Be it legit or not.


Quitting will be always self-centered. I cannot imagine scenario in which quitting would be somehow positive.

preserving ones sanity or health? not positive?

you shouldn’t be using the internet at all if a game match gone wrong creates you so much drama.

you know that?

mental sanity?
over enlisted?

this made my day.

Never ending cycle. In this case you should just uninstall the game for the good, lol.

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well not when you can use quitting as a strategy

I learned that from this forum, and it actually works very well

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then don’t complain when the " strategy " will be punished.

or use exscuses for your own personal problems while pointing fingers at the game.

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  1. Conquest mode, I’m not playing conquest.

  2. Taking too long for my weapon to spawn in, sometimes when I first spawn in my weapon is invisible and not useable, and if I have ran all the way to first objective and my weapon is still not visible yet then I just leave the match.

  3. Spawning late into a match, usually not gonna play a match that has already started


it is all interconnected

the game creates problems that extend out to the player, and the player has limited tools to deal with those problems

so quitting is the only tool available to help a player put the odds back in his favor

just how the system has been designed

can’t blame the player for playing the system when the system is trying to play the player

hate the game, not the player


This is the first time I heard about something like this, lol. ://

Happens to me all the time, weapons taking a while to load into my hands. Idk if its because of my PC, my internet connection, because of other reasons, idk. Its not a huge problem, just I don’t really want to wait and hide near the objective until my weapons spawn in.

Did you try to contact support?
I really don’t know what could help you, I am not really tech guy.

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I used to have a similar bug with my previous laptop. Once in a while, my own weapon and hands would take noticeably longer to load, and if I moved before they finished, I would lose control of my soldiers.

It stopped happening since I upgraded to a new machine with SSD, so I guess it’s at least partly related to the performances of the PC.

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i think that is a memory (hdd/ssd) or connection problem, check them

if usage of the hdd is 100% is time for an upgarde