Comprehensive List of Reasons why players quit out of Matches

Let’s list all the reasons, don’t hold back, be brutally honest

And let’s talk about ideas on how you might approach reduction of each reason

  • Maps & Modes - players see maps or modes they don’t like and leave at the start of match, or during the match if they give it a chance but simply aren’t in the mood for it - the solution seems obvious to have players select which maps and modes prior to queuing up, but at the potential cost of watering down the players over more matches and requiring potentially more infrastructure to support more matches?

  • Uneven Teams - Players notice that the other team or their team has less or more players and leave at the beginning or soon after starting the match - Don’t know how you could possibly fix this, other than doing a better job providing bots (improved) where the player slots would normally be. Developing more interesting bot replacements that would make the human missing presence be unimportant seems to be the only real direction to go in here

  • Team not building adequate amounts of Rally spawns, maybe bots need to be programmed to build some?

  • majority of team are console players, pc players need a choice to turn off cross play

  • MM bugged match (10v13) or worse 10 vs 15 as I have experienced - bug has to be fixed

  • Game enters player late into a match, player doesn’t like not starting from the beginning of match, leaves.

  • Certain players or groups - some players quit when they see certain players or groups in the match, either on their team or on opposing team. Guess you could have a block list of players you don’t want to play with, but this could significantly reduce the queue and player size for those players, again watering down significantly the pool of players. Creating similar other issues as some the above other reasons

  • Not getting the toy they wanted at the beginning of the match - Only real option is to quit and find another match and hope to get it. There is no real fix for this, BR system will only make it worse

  • Not spawning, watching the team and not playing and then deciding based on the start whether to stay - can’t really do much about this, people going to do what they going to do. Can’t force people to play exactly as everyone else wants them to play.

  • Seeing bunch of snipers or mortars on same team, instantly quitting match - They could introduce something like a cap, for example 2 sniper squads only at a time, similar to vehicles, but who knows, that might just cause those snipers to then quit, so you just replace one quitter with another quitter to satisfy one, over the other

  • Real life calls - can’t really do anything about this, real life is still priority for now, until the ai chips start to run your brains and you are plugged into your matrix capsule

  • Technical Issues, it happens, part of gaming, internet and pc life in general

  • Difficult painful situations experienced in the past - sometimes you played the game enough where it feels like you are in the movie Edge of Tomorrow and no matter what you do, you already know the result no matter what you do, so the only thing left to do is to quit. In my opinion the maps and objectives need to be larger and better designed to create more opportunities and alternative choices to break out of dead locks and farming situations, this would largely help with many other issues, whilst perhaps upsetting the group that likes tiny objectives

  • Facing a difficult or undesirable situation, for example a team full of grenade spam or flamethrower spam - the BR system is really going to help make this problem more common, can’t wait. But seriously, the solution would have to be caps on certain things, so then you risk upsetting the crowd that likes to abuse things in numbers and be the cause of quitting.

  • Having too many noobs on same team whilst facing team full of experienced players or pre made teams - these are two reasons in one, and really the BR won’t help with that, since weapons alone aren’t responsible for player skill and player experience, player team work and even player disposition, sometimes a player is just messing around and doesn’t feel like being a tryhard. There is no solution for player variety, other than going full esports structure…but on a casual game where majority of things you are killing is bots, makes no sense to me.

  • Suspicion of cheater, exploiter either on opponent team or friendly team - hard to tell if it’s a bot often times, but when you see that most times the bots are hopeless and somehow you experience terminator bots or hacker player it can cause quits, even if it’s just the suspicion of it, doesn’t matter if it’s true or not, just the experience of it can cause quits. The bots were nerfed for this reason and need more work to help make them be more human and believable

  • Suspicion or confirmed saboteurs, same as above, might not be actually on purpose but it can stimulate another player to leave, can’t stop people from fooling around, some will use flamethrowers on friendlies or throw molotovs or gas everywhere to impact friendlies, all kinds of team sabotage can happen such as aim blocking and shoving, and it pushes people out of that match

  • Spawn Camping situations - this can happen because of poor map designs but also due to the way some players play, whatever the situation if it becomes out of hand it’s a very good reason to just leave matches

  • Failed spawn protection - sometimes it works, other times it does nothing, seems like something that could be fixed, but then there are other issues where the spawn areas are moved to where the battlefield is still happening, which is just poor game design, but can enrage players to leave a match. Solution seems to be to address the spawn location issues

  • Grey zones in certain maps are horrendous and ruins the gaming, some players just don’t want to have such restrictive imaginary limitations on the battlefield and if it wipes their squad when they are in a good position after it shifts it can be enough to send a player away from a match and the entire game, obvious solution seems to be to address many of those grey zone issues

Add more reasons, will add them here as I go. I’m sure I didn’t think of everything, so will update this as I think of it and as people might add things I missed too

Also what reasons will there be to quit extra with the new BR system that are different from the existing system?

  • Too many players at the same BR using the same thing because the player queue pool is condensed into the players using the same gear

  • A player reducing his BR on purpose with the goal to play at the same level BR and the system dragging them up

  • At certain BR it becomes more difficult to get the vehicle the player wants to play with from the start

  • Player still sees uneven teams because one team got the high BR and the other team has most the lower BR and or the high BR quit and now the low BR are being farmed

  • Player Immersion is lost when an entire team at certain BR will be spamming things like flamethrowers, seems that such things have to be limited like vehicles as the only choice to prevent this at that BR

  • Player Immersion is lost at starting BR where the player will never see things they would expect to see in battle and want to pick up in battle, such as end game weapons

  • Increase in map pool that might bring extra maps and modes that will cause more quitting because they are being added to the list and if you get unlucky streak, you could be forced to quit several matches just to find one

  • Quitting the entire game because there is less to virtually no advantage in most matches to having end game gear

  • Quitting the entire game because loss of longevity and goals thanks to the removal of Campaigns that the player planned on completing in the future and it will be gone forever

  • Quitting and playing less because the best matches will only be available in off peak times, so forcing a player to adjust his gaming schedule around this can be difficult or not worth it for some people, so peak times might cause a section of the playerbase to begin quitting more or just turn the game off completely

Didn’t cover it all and all the reasons and extra stuff about how to potentially reduce each one, but we can discuss it as we go


My personal reasons:

  1. 85% of time quit because of unfair experiences for losing team. I don’t want to waste time while exping stuff before the merge.

  2. 10% because of conquest.

  3. 4% because I just rage quit. Mostly because of incompetent behavior of my own team.

  4. 1% because of when vehicle slots are blocked and I was in mood to play them.


booting up a game just to quit and make alot of exscuses?

why play in the first place?.

sounds like a lack of character. or willingness to put up a fight.

if that’s the case, you deserve every punishment that you would potentially get.

( P.s. half of these points don’t even make sense. )

Marathon of how that is not a game issue but rather player's one

which i guess a selector would be right to have about now.

but life is full of things that we don’t like. so you must endure them.

so you are not willing to put up a fight and just here to kill bots.

how about you suggest pves instead of messing around with those who actually plays the game to play.

again, you could suggest a solo queue and another for grupped people. which devs did considered as long it doesn’t hurt the player base.

worse? i doubt that.
we don’t even have it yet as a main gamemode.

yes you can.

that’s how punishment would solve this issue to begin with.

dude is more worried about his team than doing his own


this is only the one i can get behind. but if the punishment would say for example, lock your squad for 5 minutes, i doubt that will cause you too many issues.

on top of that, we could use a better rejoin session.

this one is funny. you pretend to care about your team and complain when they mess up, yet you will take no responsabilities and take the easy way out instead of dealing the consequences as a team?


it’s part of the game.

if you don’t like it, you can try others brs.

many people have to deal with things that they don’t enjoy. but the world doesn’t evolve around you or me.

so you either adapt, or find something else.

more like, using an exscuse for an easy way out just because potentially the opponent is actually good but don’t want to recognize it.

there was a saying;

" if they play better than me, they must be cheating ".

and that makes you leave?

again, why booting up the game in the first place.

this is new.

but as far as i can tell, despite the gray area being questionable, i have yet to face something that i can’t kill even if there’s a gray zone between me and my enemy.

so far, out of the many exscuses, the real life one is perhaps the only reasonable and understandable one.

all the others, not so much.

customs exists

op decides to ignore them.


no. it’s a courtesy you do if you want to play with other players. unless you want to bring them to your level with their equipment.

it has nothing to do with the game.

either that, or 6 campaigns with reused content.

the choise has been made because the latter didn’t worked.

playing enlisted for immersion is one thing.

staying and complaining for the immersion is another.

despite all, clearly immersion is the least of devs concern right now.

no one is forcing you to quit except your self.

again, i failed to see how this is the game problem / issue when it’s just yours all along.

except, that would allow you to use every weapon that you want, and playing for the fun of it.

you know? a game? the thing that are made for?

if you play enlisted for the grind, that’s a problem of you.

i guess you do have a point.

but at the same time, not really.

the game does not have end goals. but the editor allows you to fill those gap.

just because you can’t be bothered with, doesn’t mean it’s not there.

" off peak times "?

what are you even talking about.

just nonsense as the rest.

if only people had a dense spirit and commitment in the game as they do with the typing, we would be in a better place for sure.

but yeah, let’s avoid responsabilities and blain other stuff.

when you could have used your time better by suggesting others gamemodes and other improvements to make the game better and more fun.


I still do play more than I quit. :man_shrugging: And I don’t think my reasons are just pure excuses.

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did i replied to your message?

i don’t think i did.
( if i did, clumsy me ).

but, anyway.
that’s… good for you?

still. qutting is bad.
no matter any exscuses that you or your colleagues uses.

it’s just a fact.
( otherwise devs wouldn’t have hinted to put a punishment in place. because no one likes quitter. as they rightfully said )

hence, if you don’t quit that much, you shouldn’t have much to worry about.

just like warthunder ( since we are headed there )

you quite? your stuff gets locked for 5 mins.

No, but I responded to you.

I do think quitting is valid thing. Devs should know reasonings of players who quit.
That’s why I didn’t like your response much.

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Reasons why I quit:

  1. I very rarely quit. When I do, it’s because:

  2. Lost connection, unable to rejoin (most frequent)

  3. Real life happens.

  4. Very, VERY rare ragequits (triggered by REALLY bad matches where I keep dying without killing anything).


Because i want to quit that match Because of…, any additional motivation that someone urge need say it at the whole forum is only a useless excuse Because him fell guilty (and i dont understand why)

Everyone of us wen they boot a game just fix some objective in their head

  • have fun
  • grind
  • play with this equipment
    … ecc

And wen a battle cant help us fullfill our objective we quit for find another one who instead does

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this forum is messed up.

the replies don’t even show up.

hence why i’m wondering if i did.

just like your message, i presume you actually used the arrow thingy, but it doesn’t show up

there should be the replies arrow. but only god’s knows where that is.

too bad i and apparently the devs don’t agree.

you are entitled to have your opinion and reasons. but that doesn’t make them right nor justifiable.

that’s fair enough i would think.

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If you citi some user the replies arrow dont show up


that’s the thing.

even if you cite them or not, sometimes the arrow shows up, and others don’t.

it’s like rng.

Also, I’d personally point out:

OP made a king-sized list of reasons, but ultimately, it’s mostly semantics.

It’s very simple: there’s unplanned quitting (technical issues, real life), and all the rest, no matter how you paint it, is 50 shades of ragequit.


Nah, i didn’t express myself clearly. I do think quitting is very unhealthy for the gamw overall. But it’s valid thing nowadays. So devs should know why players quit. So they could find solutions for those reasons instead just punishing quitting players.
That’s why I think topics like this are relevant.


we’re on an agreement

you would be right, if it wasn’t that majority of the points listed ( just like 80% of the topics of these kind ) are players gripes rather than the game actually forcing people to quit.

again, i’m sorry, but devs should have little to do over players personal issues and lack of commitments.

as explained in the little marathon paragraph,

and as @Serpiko82 said better than me:

the only points that i can somewhat understand and agree upon to improve this would, would be the need of a gamemode selector, more gamemodes in general and create a separate PVE matchmaker so that people can go curb stomp AIs all they want without getting their feelings hurted as they would when someone would actually pull up a fight against them as would happen in pvp.

the others are just an exscuse of why Y supposedly leave because of X.

which it’s also the thing.

mods exists. allows you somewhat to creat the stuff that you want, yet 90% of the people that complains never even opened it to create something to even remotely prove a point.

in my opinion, topics like these are just a waste of time and do nothing more than cluttering the forum already.

maybe it’s just me.

Is not rng because if you change the message the arrow show up, it dont show up wen you directly cite a user withaut do change to his message

I think there is more to it then that

Because there is rage quit but then there is unattached unemotional quitting, simply seeking the better/superior gaming experience and having the understanding of how to find it through quitting because quitting is the only tool to help with that, and it is tied into becoming more efficient at gaining more enjoyment from the game and that is tied into a positive search for fun and enjoyment

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you just proved the opposite :joy:

i’m telling you, there’s something wrong with this forum.

it doesn’t work as it used to

yeah no.

you are just looking for easy mod.

So you don’t mind 50% experience difference that’s basically depending only on RNG. Since sometimes it’s really hard solely influence game of 10v10 players.