Comprehensive List of Reasons why players quit out of Matches

respect ErikaKalkbrenner, I’d live with that, before I will live with BR, that’s my hill :rofl:

I already played this game in a way that I never quit any matches and I survived

But BR, no thank you, not my cup of tea as the British would say

it’s not even a proper BR it’s just dividing up the gear, it’s so bad


this exactly. this is core of the issue. people want to have fun and how they get it is subjective. game has lots of problems where it blocks fun just by the way game was designed for some people.
when i get into 10v13 match i almost always insta quit (at least when i notice ). ffs i submitted this bug report over a year ago and this is literally 5 minute fix. not to mention other topics and bug reports where i warned about this issue.

everything is like you said just different shade of ragequit. i ragequit when i see that bug, i ragequit when i see assault/train and some conquests. i ragequit when i get total shit of a team when against good team that isnt even trying to contest cap point, etc.


of course, i do enjoy getting rid of people that hasn’t grown a spine and do nothing but harm others.

beside, i don’t need to teammates to pull numbers.

i can do just fine.

if i lose, i’ll lose.

if i’ll win, i’ll win.

but i’ll never quit ( outside connection or real life issue ) shame on me for that.

but i don’t use exscuses just because i booted up a game and not " feeling " to fight against people that do.

i’ts a disservice to your teammates, your enemies, and bots as well.

y’all complain about bots or how boring it’s to fight them, yet you are one of the reason why they exist.

we agree to disagree.

but why.

giving xps to those who lose?

i’d be ok with that, but then what’s the point of winning.

you don’t necessarely have to agree.

i just gave some insight and reasons why quitters aren’t welcomed.

and why punishment WILL be a thing.

i don’t care if you agree or not?

and believe it or not, i don’t play customs.

so… :woman_shrugging:

i’m not the one complaining about punishments.
( ps. i really don’t care. i know it might give the impression of otherwise, but it doesnt personal affect me. i’m just happy that some people will be putted in their places and bring stability and sportivness in the lobbies. )


Simply because IT’S PROVEN TO WORK, unlike really dumb harsher punishment idea that which will just drive ppl away.

Since when do you play fps games?

In good old games, there was no bonus, or punishment for losing or wining. And yet,

Nobody deserted in those.

Simply because the only thing that mattered, was fun. And it was fun even in the losing side: Simply because there was nothing to gain nor lose.

Nobody felt like xp cows when in the losing side. Nobody only played for gains.

Winning, gave you the ample enough satisfaction of saying “we won!”. Was enough.

  • My humble proposal to solve (in part) this issue: give bonus xp only to those earning battle hero awards, so that the bonus you get is thanks to YOUR OWN merit and not dependent from a too often poor team. Also boost “losing side” xp by 1.5, just like winning side. This way everyone wins by remaining in match. Nobody wastes their time, everyone gets fun.

… you contradict yourself in the same paragraph… seriously Erika I thought you were better than this.


limit of 2 planes and 2 tanks means that 4 people arent on cap. limiting mortar and sniper to 1 and 2 means that 7 players arent on cap.

you will get veteran vs veteran at top tier and newbies will get less veterans at other tiers unlike now where newbies get veterans in each match.

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back in the days playing BF2 I didn’t even care about winning, I just enjoyed killing people, and that has still remained my main focus, everything else is largely irrelevant, other than what I get to use while doing it :rofl:


poor little bots
what are you huffing today

You really would rather see people quit game entirely instead of quiting few matches they don’t like playing?

I’m sure devs share this opinion, it’s not like they make money on this game or something



But sadly, some dubious ppl here, think games should no longer be games, but sports or something.

It’s by game design. It’s flawed. Losing side in Enlisted has no reason at all to remain in a match that isn’t fun, knowing they only serve as xp cows punching bags for the seal clubbing team, while gaining NOTHING in return for their efforts.

It shouldn’t be.


hang on what?

if there you said you wanted to have 4 snipers and 2 mortars, that means with the 2 tanks and 2 planes you now have 10 players not on cap

what the truck is going on here :rofl:

Well, you can punish people how much you want, but still there gonna be quiting due to their own reasons. Sometimes being ultra-chad seeking for best stats (W/L ratio, K/D etc) or just being selfish not trying to achive victory just abbandoning team.

Depends of the matches, I mostly never quit exept a few situations.

90% Got disconnected and cant’t reconnect, even after closing game.
2% have urgent emergency real-life situation or just need to go outside my house in a sec and after return got kicked from match, not sure if I can rejoin, tried to quit game but doesn’t works.
2 % Seeing ongoing conquest with 4-5 players playing like total terminators and all points are taken and after fighting we are unable to leave respawn, then I thanks for playing, cuz match gonna end fast and I will not even make exp for standing and fighting cuz match will end in matter of minutes.
1% am really really pissed but previous games and tired of facing alone team of perhaps several players while playing with bots or campers that doesn’t even bother to make one rally point per match.

Simple, because people can :slight_smile:

As stated above, this are mine reasons, but not always determine my actions to leave.

I can drink to that, but it’s not always a fair reason to punish somone who values his time or fun of the game is lost due to some factors.

But to the topic, leaving a fight that I once xxperienced by the enemy player.

Once we had total fight on Pacific war, there was a 2 terminator chads against that lost so many teams just to cycle again and again to assaulters and flamers and caused us to retreat to the last point,
the battle lasted about 25-30 minutes straight with this player killing about 200 of me out team as well with my teammate. Eventually allies ran out of tickets and in the last 30 seconds of overtime he just quit the game at the end. I laughed a lot. This is a example of retarded pro player that leaves match just because he was about to lost it. Several thousands of expirence, bronze and silver cards was lost just to leave his stats on top level.

We played with him again in Berlin Axis side and asked about it and mocked him. Well, that caused him to go fury toxic-mode starting using words which I can’t use here, uncensored is an understatement.

So after a hard match I’ve endured, alone or with my fireteam, I strongly disagree to leave a fight even a loosing one that lasted at least 20-25 minutes, juicy EXP or silver and bronze cards amount are a reasons to finish match with honor. Other than that are justified.

Let’s say there is a system, like in Rainbow Six Siege but works differently.

R6S are a rounds of match each side playes to either as defending side or attacking side achive objective by killing enemy tea or performing task. There is a option to give up ranked battle at the very beggining of the match but you can’t do it after a 3th or 4th round.

In enlisted may be same mechanic but in a different form, first 3-5 minutes of match you may leave without penalty and only after first point is lost. Other cases punishment is justified.

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hate when you dont quote things… here is exact quote:

if this was competitive game skill based MM would make sense. but this is casual game so introducing skill based MM doesnt make any sense.
also here is what i said about stacks earlier in the post:

here is exact quote

i am against them with or without limit. people should play how they want, but they dont need to expect other players to stay in such matches when they are not playing for victory. mortars actually make sense when you spawn as attacker and defenders are all grouped together on first cap and that cap is open. having few mortar spam few explosion would help with initial push. also there are times when you need sniper and limit on sniper squads could be detrimental to the game. also you forget that f2p only have 3 infantry squads and if they take sniper and mortar and vehicles are taken, they wouldnt be able to cycle squads.

i have no problem with vet seal clubbing other noobs with skill. i have problem with him seal clubbing noob with vastly superior weapons, specially with invulnerable weapons. and yes equipment makes a lot of difference from fedorov, stg44 to KT, IS2 etc. i have played fps for decades and against different skilled opponents ranging from public to competitive events. i understand need for balanced guns and game specially when they are hidden behind hundreds of hours of grind. imagine how CS would look if newbies could only use glock, while veterans could use AK and AWP.

and automated systems were even more retarded. if player wants to troll he can build barbed wire around rally point, or he can jump into friendly barbed wire, or in friendly molotov etc. there is no perfect system when dealing with trolls. you can have automated systems that are imperfect, votekick that is imperfect or no system and directly report such players to devs (which probably wont see any effect).

  1. i am almost never on default spawn
  2. when i am shooting enemy spawn, spawn protection works perfectly
  3. only tanks die instantly on spawn
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You’re probably not familiar with war thunder.

Because I remember them having a pool asking whether if you win, you get more xps, and the loser will get less xps.

Or, second option, loser will get slightly more xps and the winner slightly less xps.

It was questionable at best, and you can guess what “won”
( no, not the second option )

Anyway, I’d be ok with it, but that doesn’t mean the higher ups will.

Maybe that’s the reason why punishment weren’t a thing. Because there was no need.

Which, you’re simply wrong as there’s no real correlation.

As I do know games where if you left you’d get punished. Quite many actually did have some sort of punishment.

Now. You’re the one who is contradicting him self.


So which is it.

Gain = fun

Or winning = fun?

Because I can assure you, there a split difference of which the folks that you claim are “justified” to quit follows.

I can throw a wild guess and fun has really nothing to do in some occasions.

You’re asking to not have fun and use every exscuses in doing so.

Anyway, regarding your suggestion, I dunno, should we sacrifice the team play and make it even more about individualism which would then even more affect players leaving because of stats warrior at the expanse of the little team play we have?

Or still keep it.
( plus, not sure if that’s even possible for devs to do. )

But again, dunno.

Quite the opposite.

You see, you don’t actually need to get affected or care to still recognize a positive behavior.

You can pull out any matches from replies to see that I don’t care about people leaving or no.

My score doesn’t change. I get my xps and that’s all what matters to me.

On the other hand, I won’t turn a blind eye when a much needed action is taken.

I would like to remind you that the threads complaining about quitters rather than quitters them selves openly admitting while giving some exscuses are far more than the latter.

So it doesn’t seems uncommon.
We could say a necessary step for better lobbies.

the entire BR system (that is actually not a true BR system) is forcing a game wide playstyle change on a player and all players

and you are ok with that

first time i heard about this… does it force you to stop using BA? SA? SMG? AR? tanks? planes? flamethrowers? mortars? AT weapons? does it stop you to snipe? to build RP? to build other engineer structures? does it stop you to flank?

please tell how your playstyle will change with introduction of BR MM?

or maybe your playstyle is using end game equipment to seal club newbies and bots?


my playstyle will change from playing this game to searching for a new game or mod to play, that is as an extreme a playstyle change as you can imagine, that is a totally different game experience change

but if I did remain in the game, I would have to consider playing only at off peak times because the diversity will largely be total rubbish during peak times

I will be forced to play at different BR if I want to experience different things, whereas now I can just play whatever and it has no impact as the game retains its diversity and immersion

In playing different BR there is definitely different playstyles, and the playstyle I might enjoy now might never be possible again, because the gear is jumbled up into senseless tiers, none of which provide the full experience that it provides now

If my playstyle at the start of a campaign is currently to kill high end players to seek out their top end guns, I can no longer do that, so it’s largely pointless to do or even play

You are not considering that merely breaking the game up into tiers of segregated gear is in itself a separation of playstyles, as there are differences in how certain things play at each tier, and no longer having that experience in different tiers anymore is a massive loss. Especially when it is forced and not an option for the player

For example I often see this comment that oh no the tiger killed the stuart, but what about the Jumbo that killed the Sd KFZ , or when the jumbo is killed by the SDKFZ and how epic that feels? You don’t care about that, that will be gone from the game

and there are heaps of things like that which impact immersion and therefore is tied into playstyles too

You pulled my stats, you saw that I play mostly against players more than anybody on that list

And I started at bottom like everybody else, but I earned my way up, and if I started a new campaign today, I would be again starting from scratch and ok with it. I bet most my playtime in this game is through the struggle and not at the top, yet you want to pin that small amount of time at the top on me like all I’ve been doing is that. Very pathetic way to approach this discussion

But would I be ok with it in this new BR system? Nope

Because there is no sense of progression or achievement, it’s dead after this BR and the battles are going to be soul less crap with such limited BR limitations

you stick to this nonsense argument and ignore everything else, it’s very disingenuous

especially when you saw that my matches have the least amount of bots in them

it is not me pinning this on you. this was your exact words. i will paraphrase but it went something like this: “i was seal clubbed and i have right to seal club others cause i went through that. you are now taking away my right to seal club.”

you are the last person to talk about this.

still you didnt tell me how your playstyle will change when you are forced against similarly equipped opponents? or if you want diversity you can always bring BA to a t10 match.

yes I said that, so what? I also said many other things, but you only want to focus on one thing as if that is all I say and think, it’s BS

you said you are ok with vets smashing noobs as long as it’s with the approved gear

so should I just ignore everything else you said because of that one thing

here is your quote

I can pull up about half a dozen dumb comments you have made here, But I’d like to focus on the list of reasons of why players quit matches since that is the topic, instead of having it derailed into attacking each other for what each other said in another topic

if you don’t like my explanations or don’t understand them or don’t want to believe them, whatever, but dragging me into these senseless asinine accusations and shifting the focus to argue based on your assumptions is a waste and distraction tactic on your part, very poor form for someone who is clearly good with statistics but then fails in the other departments

if you cannot understand how playstyles will shift with the incoming BR changes and how drastic it will be on immersion for players like me, then I can’t really describe it any better than how I already have

If you think that someone at mid level tier is having the same playstyle as someone at bottom or top end tier BR then I can’t help with that, I thought it would be pretty clear that with each tier and limitation of weapons, gear and vehicles that playstyles would naturally be different

maybe you should explain to me how they are the same, tell me how you will play two totally different tanks the same way, or two totally different planes the same way, or two totally different weapons the same, or the available explosives, do you play with explosive packs the same way you play with shoulder mounted rocket launchers? Do you play the same with different soldier perk setups and squad bases etc…list goes on and on

raises some questions too about what BR the engineer structures will have, are they all at the same BR? or are they also gated behind this magic BR limitation

it is your focus though, you want to go back and forth I can bring up all the dumb crap you have said and just keep repeating that as if that is all you say and ignore every other smart thing you have said, would you prefer we interact that way?

and i dont have a problem with that statement. if players are on equal ground, game is fair. when you have game in which one player has vastly superior weapons and invulnerable vehicles game sucks for both players.

if this game was pure PvE, i really wouldnt care what you bring against bots, but this game isnt PvE, it is PvP(vE). all games require some kind of balance and this is even more so true for multiplayer PvP online games.

be my guest.

yes i really cant understand how enemy having similar equipment to you will affect your playstyle change? only change i can see is that you wont be using invulnerable vehicles against newbies and they will also have enough firepower to fight you on equal grounds. you are now playing against veterans with top end meta equipment, against newbies with starting weapons/vehicles and everything in between.

maybe you wont be able to quit all the time to find an easy match? is that the problem?

nice whataboutism, but it is stupid argument. if you had tiger before merge, it will play same as tiger after the merge. easy right? or maybe you are having problem that the same tiger wont be invulnerable to other tanks like before in normandy? nobody is forcing you to play different tanks, so i dont get what two totally different tanks or planes or whatever have anything to do with playstyle change.

if engineer 2 is behind higher level, then only mg nest will be locked with BR (idk what level engi 2 are).

when you say something like that you lose all respect. and most of your arguments are just bad arguments made to justify your sealclubbing.

neither do I, except that if you have no problem with vets smashing noobs then it makes no difference really how they do it, what difference does it make if they are being dominated either way? None

there is no such thing as invulnerable vehicles in this game, every vehicle can be destroyed

the difference in weapons is how war is, if you are ok with premade teams slaughtering noobs, then beyond that the weapons make little difference, since a team of noobs with end game stuff will still likely get slaughtered by a team of organized pros with BA rifles, so you looking at this from only a gear perspective when the bigger perspective and issue and the only real serious imbalance in the game is that the teams are never balanced in player abilities, skill, experience, knowledge and capabilities. You want to only focus on the toys, but the counter toys are already there, it’s not the players fault that the game cannot queue them up properly and fairly, and making them pay by limiting gear tiers is just the wrong way to go about it

acting like you care about players and fairness whilst also saying you are ok with vets farming noobs makes no sense. At least I am ok with a noob friendly environment as a side optional mode, so the noobs can choose to either play it safe at their actual levels or go into the open mode like everyone else. You just don’t care if a team of 8 premades slaughter a team of noobs, I see that as more of an issue than what gear is available in the game as it should be per the era and for immersions sake

Pretty funny didn’t have to go dig for any old material, you provided new material in this last exchange, which is amazing, wasn’t going to anyway, but since you said that vehicles are invulnerable that was Gold

Do you play the same way when a full team is running grenade spam and flametrooper spam opposed to when you facing a team running mostly a good spread of gear?

Do you play a little different? Just think about it.

There is no such thing as invulnerable vehicles in this game, what vehicles cannot be destroyed in this game? I have never encountered it. What I have encountered is when this weird new RNG crap makes it so things that used to be reliable now have a random roll check first.

I played for a long time without quitting any matches, so again you going for the cheap shot

I already told you the problem, you don’t care to listen or understand, seems like you are now acting like the brick wall

No you don’t get it, despite having had it explained to you repeatedly, I just think you don’t want to get it

Let me explain it again, the new BR system is going to have increased players with the exact limited gear at the same BR, so the increased chances especially in peak times to face only end game gear is extreme at the high end BR, unlike now. Which means you cannot play the same way anymore. So that goes for anything, everything will be spammed at that level, so where normally you might get a balanced match with players at various levels, now you just going to get only the same gear. So as people have been saying, it’s going to turn enlisted into a sweat fest and increase the toxic spam of the powerful stuff, ruining the entire game for all levels of players, as the top levels suffer and the bottom levels suffer also because when they get to top level, that is the rubbish they got to look forward to

you lose any respect when you say dumb crap like you don’t want to force players to do anything meanwhile your entire argument is to force players to do something they don’t want like playing in a forced gear tiered system

I don’t need to justify anything, the game was made this way, I worked hard for a long time to have my short time playing with end game gear, and now some twat is trying to make me feel guilty for using it, as if I shouldn’t, you’re an idiot.

Let me ask you this, when you unlocked the end game gear, did you not use it against anyone? Did you stop using it when you noticed the poor noob on the other team?

you’re full of shiet