Community petition to overrule the new BP changes

Previously, if the current season’s bp weapons suck, you can choose to hold your GO for better options in the past or in the future. Now, you will get 4 ppsh41 copies in January, how is that not disappointing. There are more ways to earn GO. Sure new players won’t have many GO at the beginning, but they will if they continue playing. Quality over quantity, I will prefer 4 conders as reward for two months’ grinding than 4 ppsh41 copies and Japanese semi. You can’t guarantee the quality of bp weapons moving forward, but they are quite bad this year.
Also to counter your point, if a new player starts to play next January, that player won’t be able to get m1907 because bp shop is removed. How is this “f2p player lose nothing” ?


only thing ridiculous here is your answer. you are behaving like only new BP weapons are in store and you must choose between them. there are weapons from last 4-5+ seasons in the store and you can easily have choice between them. currently you could easily earn around 3-5 weapon gold order per BP season (1 from BP, ~2-3 from events, 0-6 from 15 day login streak). f2p get this changed to 1 weapon every 35 days where you dont have a choice. tell me how this is upgrade for f2p players?

this would make sense if they were paying customer and then stopped spending. f2p staying f2p wont really hurt them cause this is expected cost of business.

If they haven’t gotten the previous BP weapons by now, they don’t want them. If they kept the previous system, the new BP weapons would just pile up and you’re still not getting everything you wanted. Also why is it only now a problem? I missed a lot of BP weapons like Kurz, M2A1, De Lisle, KP/-26 etc. Should I have cried about them being removed from the BP store? Should I have sent a letter to DF telling them to not remove them from the store? You’re just being ridiculous and childish here. FOMO at its finest. (Also so I don’t forget, old BP rewards will return in the future)

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Well, if we take the mkb35? Or what ever it was as example.
When it came as GO it came sametime as mkb ? There was absolutely 0 reason to buy it and waste precious GO on it.
Now ? Arguably most OP weapon u can have in BR2.

Silenced guns ? Back in campaigns there were 0 use for them due to not having BR’s.
Now ? Probably could use them with gorillas.

So guns that used to be “useless” became rather useful over time.

Well they definitely wont send you email asking if you want them ?

GO allow you to sit back and see how the community feels about certain weapons first before commiting to grinding for a certain weapon.
Now you are forced to decide if you want to grind this seasons weapon at the start or risk beeing unable to grind it only to find out that it suck dick due to stats hidden to the playerbase until unlocked.

Or just simply still get the weapon even if you will be on holiday for most of the month with no acces to your PC.

For me the big problem is I hate using one off weapons - they should at least come in pairs, or repeat, or something
Who wants a clown show of each soldier having a random ass gun after a while?

For example for my BR2 assaulters I use 4x Ber-Vysocky SMGs. I’ve got 2x Pedersen on my Radiomans. 2x T20E1 on my USA assault squad engineers. etc etc

I think This BP event format would be great if

  • you keep gold order cards and store (as in you still get gold orders instead of the weapon)


half the time I dont want the current BP weapons…I want the gold cards for past weapons I didnt have enough to get


this is such stupid statement. you are behaving like players have unlimited amount of GO so they can get everything they want when they want it.

i am not even talking about removed guns. if you check current BP store you will see guns from at least last 7-8 seasons inside it. GO give you choice of choosing what weapon you want not only from current BP, but also from previous BP seasons. they also give you choice of saving GO for future weapons.


i am going to say no to this solely because of how cringy 2 people’s pfps are in this thread

Slonyara :elephant: :elephant: :elephant:

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My only concern is that the Tech Tree may be neglected as most new weapon possibilities will be needed to fulfill this new Battle Pass format.

Loss of choice is never ideal but the choice in this instance is mostly superficial anyways. The blatantly better weapons always get chosen while the trash is overlooked.

So what… now we can’t make the obvious choice. Or save up our GOs for the next possibly better batch. We get whatever they give us, but we get them much more often.



Agreed, I could do without the ranks all together as I am playing less and less over time so I stopped caring about climbing the ranks.

On a different note, I certainly hope they are going to add some new BP weapons because I can honestly say there isn’t one available now that I would consider buying or using a gold order on. I have already bought all the guns I thought were decent. Bringing back some old ones would be good, as long as I haven’t already bought four of them since every gun I liked, I bought to my limit.

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Disagree, i want to buy two more BSA Thompsons for my collection and i won’t be able to do that anymore since they will be removing them.
And since most are bad why do you think future weapons will be any better? I don’t need 4x PPSh-45 i would like only get one of them for novelty i would like to get also one of Gorkov LMG but i won’t be able to since again they will take my choice away.


I honestly dont know what to think
but im not playing this game
for gold order weapons.


They are introducing events where half of the rewards are only available for donation.

Made a BP where players without full access can’t buy 4 weapons from the BP.

Now in BP you can’t get 100 gold! You could after 9 months (9 BPs) buy yourself a BP, but no!


They said one of the perks of the new BP was that it was 30 days, but they extended it to 46 days!


It’s time for us to unite like never before! It’s obvious what the game is turning into (it already has). I suggest not to play and not to write threads on the forum to all not indifferent! I just want the best for this game.

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Not really, the new format will release new battle pass weapon at a slower rate. So it won’t really take away more new weapon possibilities.

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It is disappointing that the developers have chosen to ignore the dissatisfaction.

Commenting to get this back to the top.


Yes, let’s unite
I can freely arrange my time to complete the current pass
But the new pass sounds like it wants to stick to this game. The tasks are not that simple. Sometimes you will spend more time or have to go to the custom room to find a bot to help you complete it if you are unlucky
I don’t want to have to complete 9 tasks every day