Community petition to overrule the new BP changes

I think it’s safe to say this new system is not great and isn’t widely supported,and most of the players are unhappy with this.of course not everything is bad about it,but we can’t ignore the major issues.Below are the main issues most people have with this new BP format

No matter of choice

one of the best things about the BP was CHOOSING which weapon you wanted to get every season for every faction,which was great,and now we have LESS choice because it’s only ONE gun from a certain faction and we have to wait for every season to end to get one new gun.

F2P players lose gold vehicle order

F2P players are no longer able to get these GO vehicle orders,which are a big deal for them,as these let them expedite the grind to get some vehicles and the reduced XP isn’t as bad.this is not going to happen now,leaving F2P players in the dust.

Less unique weapon for more time

with the old BPs of 75 days,you would get the choice with 4 unique weapons available,1 to every nation,which gives you the choice to buy what you want.and now over a period of 105 days (new ones compiled,35 per), you are only getting 3 new weapons for a predetermined nation,robbing you of previously held choice each season.There is also the matter of the 4th nation,who only gets their One new weapon after 140 days,over a third of the damn year for 1 weapon is terrible,if you main that nation you have to watch everyone else use new GOs while you are stuck with the same one from forever ago,for about a period a major update comes out.

increase of FOMO

with the much increased frequency of end of BP seasons,the amount of GO weapons and vehicles from the shop being axed is going to be increased dramatically,which in turn makes the FOMO for these weapons and vehicles rise dramatically.while you do get 4 orders per season,there would be much less availability to buy unique things.


one of the good things about the old BP was that it allowed you to miss a lot of time and still make it to the end so random things (vacations,work,family matters,ect.) wouldn’t make you forgo completing the with the shortened time frames,people,especially F2P players,don’t have near as much room for everyday things that come up.this old pass,to get to the max rank,the 75 day needed you to get 300 score to fully unlock,and these new 35 day ones need 200 points,which raises the grind by 70% (credit to @robihr for that)

your :heart: can help boost this to overturn this new system or provide meaningful change to it,both will be good.although it has been stated the devs will be contacted,this aims to highlight the main gripes in a clear way and a central place for players to consolidate their opinion,rather then scattered through hundreds of comments on a devblog.


Lets hope we can reach the magik number of 53 to get this message forwarded.

But honestly while im not a fan of the new pass and the increased grind, I for one wouldnt mind it that much as long as the GO’s are kept in the game and are still rewarded throughout the BP, give us like a max of 3 GO’s for weapons instead of the 4 max guns if you want. But many many GO weapons just arent interesting or suck major ass.


You are misleading people, yes they were available but nobody would be able to get 4 gold weapon orders every season, it was always or 2 or 3, new BP is an improvement in that regard i just wish they wouldn’t remove GO


my wording was bad there,I changed it.


I mean the solution there was just to add more GO’s, not axe the entire system.

i was talking about ranks, not BP. although my calculations is slightly wrong cause BP currently lasts ~90 days(not 75 levels you currently needed) and you need to get 300 points for marshal, while new season lasts 35 days(with 30 levels) and you need to get 200 points for marshal. so actual grind to marshal rank is increased by over 70%.

changed that,thanks.

Yeah, it was just devastating news to me. I honestly thought about quitting the game over it…

GO can be obtained from daily boxes and events.


And from ranks, they try to cuck f2p players completely out of the rewards, no more event GO, no rank mission GO, no login GO, you will get nothing but 2 each month but only if you grind like madman for 30 days straight.


They just want to coerce people in spending real money. They can say whatever they want in official announcements or to themselves to help them sleep at night but this is just blatant anti F2P action.

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They can now, but since the devs want to remove them I doubt they will in the future. More offered that a solution to the old BP instead of the new “fixed” BP

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The new battlepass feels like we’re being sold 1/3 of prior battlepass at a time, and it isn’t nearly enough to get excited about.


I don’t think you understand me. I meant that now GO is available in events and in boxes, but in the future they themselves write that they plan to abandon it.


They are mostly doing it because they keep delaying previous seasons, 90 days is too little time for them they need at least 90 days + two weeks of delay and with new format it’s 35 days each mini season which is 105 days for 3 guns and 140 days for 4 so they can chill and don’t be annoyed by the deadlines.


thats what I mean too, its terrible




I support it 100%


The powers that be are running out of content and they are starting to oppress the people. Down with the powers that be.


Uprise, brothers! The Russian forum is with you! :dromedary_camel: :dromedary_camel: :dromedary_camel: