This is possibly the worst take I’ve seen on here in a while.
Since there seems to be a lot of confusion around the BP changes, below is a general reference:
- Individual BP will last 35 days and cost 900 gold. They last approximately 1/3 the duration of the old Battle Pass
- There is no weapon selection. F2P players get one copy of the unique gun and one unique soldier per BP upon completion of that tier.
Total rewards in the time of the old BP:
- 3 guns (1x copy of 3 unique guns)
- 3x unique soldiers (1 soldier x 3 seasons)
However, buying the new BP nets a massive amount of rewards in the same time as the old BP:
- 12x guns total (4x copies of 3 unique guns)
- 6x vehicle skins
- 6x unique soldiers
- 300 more gold ([1000 gold earned - 900 cost] x3)
Overall, it looks like a net positive, given how rare previous Gold Orders were. Yes, the choice is no longer there. But every person is guaranteed a unique gun, cutting down on FOMO. Also, given that buying 1 BP means you get every BP perpetually should you save the BP gold, it’s a massive return for the $10 spent.
The free pass can be completed in less than 25 days when factoring in rank and weekly rewards. The paid pass can be done in less than 10 days.
An important addition to the news, from Major:
The developers have decided to increase the number of tasks available for completion per day for players with a basic BP from 3 to 4.
The developers will also consider the option of temporarily re-introducing all equipment that has ever been removed from sale for Gold orders, so that players who have a lot of them can spend currency on their favorite samples!
The issue is that THEY choose wich weapon you take, thats the main issue, they littlary could give you only crap with that system
You do understand that Season rank does absolutely nothing? It’s just a way of saying “Hey guys, I play a lot”.
Also you can complete the entire pass in about 20ish days if you play everyday (7ish if you paid for the pass)
I understand some people no wanting to spend money on the game, but it’s literally $10 dollars now and never spend money again as you pay 900 for the pass and get 900 back (plus 100 extra)
You are a counter-revolution!!!
Most of the previous weapons were bad to begin with, only a handful were actually good such as G43 Kurz, Conders, M2A1 Carbine and such. At least now you won’t have to think “should I spend a Gold Order for this weapon?”
I literally wrote the open letter that was sent to the devs a few months back with 500+ signatures of support. I speak out when things need to be fixed
This isn’t one of those times
they can remove ranks for all i care, but ranks are also tied to rewards like GO soldier, so they are still somewhat relevant to discussion.
those who have BP are ok. f2p players are mostly f***ed with this. people prefer having 4 good GO weapon rather than 1 each of 4 mediocre GO weapon. also they had option to earn GO outside BP, which is also being removed(you could probably get around 2-3 weapon GO per BP season from events and boxes).
When was the last time we got 4 good GO weapons? Usually 1 is ok, 1 is hella mid, 2 are bad
the only good GO i see from there is the br3 US winchester tbh ppsh45 is cool but same thing, jap rifle is just another semi auto GO for jap (and i dont like jap br3 so it probably me being bias)
you know that you can buy old GO weapons and that there are multiple factions? f2p players wont be maxing out their GO weapons anytime soon. even if they had all good GO weapons from previous seasons, they would still prefer choice cause they might main some faction, or prefer some mid weapon from current or previous season.
Speak with your wallet and review, or organized player strike like warthunder last year. There is very little the forum can do to sway darkflow’s decision.
I see the BP change as a continuation of their failed attempt to force excessive xp convertion few months ago. If they can’t keep you playing via techtree unlocks, they will make you grind every bp season.
well when f2p players are mostly affected by the decision, then speaking with wallets is kinda pointless
agree with you! could be worse with the new BP
By continuing not spending, they have already voiced their opinion
And this is different from non f2p how? I am not F2P and I main Germany. Is the new BP bad because Germany doesn’t get a new weapon? Ofc it isn’t. Absolutely ridiculous response. The “choice” being removed is complete nonsense. I’d much rather have 4 unique weapons for the price of the BP every month than waiting 3 months, being disappointed by the new BP weapons and having to wait another 3 months.
Also, let’s look at it from the perspective of a completely F2P player that started yesterday. They have no Gold Orders, from the next BP they would have gotten 1 gold order for free and then debate which weapon they should get. With the new Pass, F2P players lose absolutely nothing