Community petition to overrule the new BP changes

They are introducing events where half of the rewards are only available for donation.

Made a BP where players without full access can’t buy 4 weapons from the BP.

Now in BP you can’t get 100 gold! You could after 9 months (9 BPs) buy yourself a BP, but no!


They said one of the perks of the new BP was that it was 30 days, but they extended it to 46 days!


It’s time for us to unite like never before! It’s obvious what the game is turning into (it already has). I suggest not to play and not to write threads on the forum to all not indifferent! I just want the best for this game.


I agree, but what course of action is fit, we could do like what the playerbase did tó the Foxhole devs and máil them a crate of lemons

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Here here. Totally agree with all being said.

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They’re taking the free gold too.

This new BP format is literally bullsh*t


where did you hear that? there was nothing like that in announcement. if things remain as they are with 100 free gold, they are basically tripling income for f2p players and they should be able to buy BP in ~10 months.

He is right gold is only rewarded for buying BP, F2P gets nothing

Launch the game and look for yourself. There is no longer free gold, which is a horrible nerf to f2p player’s rewards.


just as when i was thinking that gaijin was strangely generous with tripling gold income for f2p players… well yeah f2p players got screwed…


Already 55 likes nice :heart:
Up you go.

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Are they still pretending the new battle pass is better, or are they hoping we have accepted the changes? There was no acknowledgement that we hated the new battle pass, was there?

To the top you go


well they launched BP, so anything that they will change(if) will have to come in next BP.

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They better up that free gold too 200 then


I guess ill chuck a like.

But i think the changes are decent except the removal of store and gold order. Unless that part is reverted, this blows

WARTHUNDER battlepass sucks, i dont do them anymore…this is going that way


I really hope you’re right, and they are not just trying to ignore the problem, hoping it goes away.

yea nah f2p deserve their 100 free gold right

note: right as in like human right not right as in like correct right

