Combat notes: Battle Rating

I prefer the idea of:

B.R: 1-2 3 4-5

It would
1: Make 1-2 feel more balanced and fair as well as allow new players to both learn and grow in game.
2: Make B.R 3 less painful for many others and become a good middle of the road for people who like bolt action vs bolt action + SMGs. As well as balance out the idea of B.R 3 being both a crushing force and a force to be crushed.
3: B.R 4-5 would stay mostly the same sadly due to major issues.

in general this would only break the que into 3 slots per faction, Meaning in total you don’t lose all that much and allows for much more freedom for players.

B.R 3 could be a perfectly balanced middle of the road things with the issue of Panzer 4 J’s not deleting T-60s. or Sherman 105 blowing apart B.R 1 Japanese forces. Or even the KV-1 vs dudes with just ATRs.

I mean, that could work. But i just think that making the whole matching queue about 1 BR level is kinda risky.

Br 3 in particular as I would assume this is relatively undepopulated as % of players. +/- would still be better

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Maybe 1-2

Would be better?


That could work as well, and would be better actually. I just think +/- 1 is still superior though, as it enables 3 to grab players from either direction depending on what is popular / available for the faction right now.

1 with 2
3 with 2 OR 4 (but not in same match)
5 with 4

So its kinda the same, but with an upside imo. If you have enough players, you should fill with same BR only anyway.

But i would be happy with your proposal too.


You could just make BR1, BR2 and BR3 at this point.

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And BR4 would be still underutilized by every player. Realistically you will be never touching those underpowered weapons ever again at BR4 (exception of MG34 drum/flamethrowers/mortars or sniper SVT-40) , mostly AT weaponry, few planes and occasionally a tank.

There needs to be 1-2, 3-4, 5 as the BR lobbies.

Its that simple.

Considering that Japanese max out at BR4 (though their equipment at that tier is NOT on par with US equipment), it makes a LOT more sense to make the lobbies in this way.

Give Soviet and Germans at the 3-4 range be able to get into Moscow and Stalingrad, leave the Berlin maps to BR5.


Hey i want them all on their own. Baby steps.

Br 4 is going to be pretty irrelevant to any new players for quite some time. Gotta get them to stay long enough to get br 4

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+1 - utter bulldust!


Br 1-2, 3-4, 5 is a good choice and a safe area

No low br would have to see the face of br 5


Bro doesn’t know


That’s actually interesting and surprising to learn, given that the video verbatim claims “enemies will be historically accurate” and “BRs correspond with time periods when weapons were actually used”.

Just as @ErikaKalkbrenner supposed I’d think it was someone from Marketing who barely even plays the game/has only general middle school knowledge of WW2 who’d put that into an official video (while I do believe you have more than that).

Because we all know that’s not true, with Italian dark-yellow tanks in “Moscow”/“snowy USSR”, Volkssturm soldiers and weapons in Tunisia, the insanity that is high BR Stalingrad, etc.

And even with this monstrosity as well

Honestly, you are giving false hopes for Steam newcomers with these “proper WW2” promo videos.
Suggestion: make the game more WW2 like without much effort to not scare away new Steam playerbase.


People do not care about history or are dumb and will not spot any historical incosistency (Panthers and Tigers in Stalingrad are also present in other video games).

What will really throw off people from the game is the insane amount of Soviet bias - lack of German paratroopers in low BR, Soviet engineers building Pak 40 and so on.


Well then at least be honest to the players and remove the BR System and create only “early war queue” and “late war queue” - because effectively right now we also ONLY have two queues anyways, which already turns out that the BRs are useless and a lie.


I will be greeting newbies with this thing i hope they will feel that historically accurate feel of the WW2 that Keofox mentioned. I’m naming this Keofoxmobile.


Let Steam new players do it right from day one.



Which effectively means 3 BRs.

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that’s… so questionable on so many levels.

don’t really mind who types what, but what is being typed.

what made you say that what you face in enlisted around brs, your enemies will be historical?

you do play this game right?

which it’s funny, because the same stuff the other community manager ( at least, the " hamster " guy on steam and discord ) says almost the same thing as you do.

which the case are two;

  • you both don’t know what historical accurate means

or worse

  • you both don’t play this game.

because i would like to remind you, historical accurate =/= enlisted experience.
you even said it in a devblog:

if you wanna put it as "a ww2 arcady themed game with realistic features and fidelity on historical battles " might save you and make the whole ordeal better. above all, transparent.

as it goes for the br statement, would have been fine without that misleading section. adds nothing but lies.

since… where do we start. outside the fact that squad compositions are not historical, half of the japanese equipment is not historical, and many other items. up to even the cosmetics. so no. what you face is not historical accurate by any mean.

unless you happen to watch those 3 am documentaries with tigers in stalingrad and what not.

( cosmetics are actually somewhat great. yet not historical either, and the selection for moscow and stalingrad is dubbious at best, but still very great and well made )

which it’s to say, it’s fine if enlisted is not historical accurate. it doesn’t have to be.

but for people to spout nonsense and inaccurate statements is truly troublesome.
even in official videos :skull:

look, i’m not trying to be that annoying chick that knows better than anyone and tells the other to do her ways or else, but it’s getting ridiculous at this point.

it’s just not true.
enlisted will never be, and never has been historical accurate.

you might say that it’s based around historical events and uses somewhat historical models, but that’s as far as you can push it.

you know what would make enlisted more historical accurate?
the improvements of customs.

as well as aid modders and players to achieve such goals through mods or customs.

first and foremost:

like. equipment selector?

where the hell is that.
you’re telling me that in a year that is not ready yet?

as much i can understand it’s not a priority, stop lying.

and without going on and on for hours because i’ll absolutely will:

i’ll spare both our time and words

because nothing much has done for the historical accurate buzzword that you guys love keep using.

it’s so frustrating because if you want to make historical matches, you barely can.

even make a simple thing as a pve it’s next to impossible because of team balancer.

and so on and on. hell, even if you want to host a mission you have to be one north america server because if you are on eastern europe or central europe the mods won’t even start for whatever reason.

i swear to god, if it isn’t for devenddar i’d had give up along time ago.

somewhat unrelated… yet still about mods ( potentially HA mods too )

remember this? granted, you didn’t made it.

but like.

where is it.

so many words and not much action.
( i guess the same could be said about my mods… since i have 5 mods, but can’t post a single because pves are not currently supported )
( edit. actually, i wanna be clear, i’m greateful that we will be able to upload custom content. but it’s weird since that has been the priority, and not basic functions over the custom games side of things… )

but whatever, i doubt much will change with this being said.

or maybe i’m pessimistic.

but the light at the end of the tunnel is getting further and further every time.


I don’t want to repat points that have been raised over and over already.


You know what would be GREAT if it came along with the Steam release, and therefore with the wave of fresh new players?

That mythical “Play any faction” XP bonus.

A fresh account needs that the most.

  • Reduced queue time
  • Faster progression through the early stages
  • Encourages playing all factions instead of maining one
  • Higher currency gain per time played

That’s very true.

I also wanted to suggest the following:
Option 1. Swap snipers starter squad with engineers starter squad. Don’t teach new players counter-productive camping behavior, teach them proper engineering from game 1.
Option 2. Put one engineer in every starter squad if you think giving a whole engineers squad is too generous.

Up to this day in game chat sometimes I see people reply “I don’t have engineers in my army” when asked “build rally point” – that’s just tragic that a game teaches that pattern of behaviour to new players.

Designer taste checks out