Combat notes: Battle Rating

He doesn’t want things to turn to War Thunder where things are predictable and you know what BR is deaf or not

@Keofox I have faith in you and devs, but you know current MM doesn’t work fairly, why would anyone bring BR4 equipment to a high tier battle?

You have TD at br5, no low tier German para counters (folgore), what are you and devs going to do. Stalingrad should not have KTs…

I have been here from CBT, we are not stupid, you hit a bad patch with merge, probably didn’t understand it, you have realiized it, lost HA in a lot of ways, Italians are now in Berlin! TD are pointless. Br1-3, br3-5, you just needed to have some soft rules and add one more queue, people can wait a few mins.

Your teams CBR updating really has got worse since last year too!


It’s time to stop fighting and have some chicken.
There’s a meaty bird in just the right spot.


Even better: never take those out of chinese client…

“Some things… are better left buried”


They just had to make a weapon in gold for every flavor

Call of Duty has better AI, bipods, maps and less weird dispersion, so we might wanna try that out.

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Oooh that’s it, you’re really just trying to make me hungry again!

I just ate lunch, and I now salivate… :no_mouth:

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well if it anything like cod 1 ai then that would be too op since cod 1 ai literally have wall hack (i know cause i kill like 50 german in a hall in that house mission)

They removed rng and at same time want it come back in form of lootboxes and also those crappy gold weapons. Future is looking bright (thanks to the gold Maus camo that is making me go blind)


There is no need to be patient. It is 3 a.m. here and I have just eaten a dozen chicken legs.


And playable map areas as claustrophobic as the German playable areas in Moscow campaign

dam you havent sleep yet huh im just gonna finish up and sleep

I’m actually up because I have some work that needs to be done by morning, but I haven’t gotten around to any of it because I’ve been watching this festival.

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ah i see

I only remember those from MW2019 with the city map and such.

I love how they go from 7 news a week to 2, and one is a video explaining why MM does not work.


I agree that the BR queues need to be further separated. However I’d argue for a +/-1 split. This way you won’t have an entire BR of weapons become irrelevant since a stronger option exists (like BR4 currently makes the G43 useless since the FG42 II functionally matches the same.

The potential issue is that the game may not have enough players to support the queues splitting like this and the game would die because wait times hit 5 minutes. But surely game quality is worth it right?

Also yeah, free engineer squad please, in addition to the existing starter setup we have now.

Yes, they gave Bazooka for Soviets at BR II :face_with_peeking_eye:

1-2 БР , 3-4 БР , 5-6 БР . Simple


“By popular demand” br 1 hardlocked to br 1 :stuck_out_tongue: