Closed Beta Testing: “Battle of Berlin” Campaign in Enlisted

Well, they didn’t say how long stage two will last and I tend to not trust devs for now

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So I read the news and decided to spend $50…

On RE8. Guess what I will play on my coming holiday… not Enlisted.

Apparently there is new BF coming too.

I’m getting tired of toxic environment devs are creating around the game.

And guys… remember that it is your choice to support the price tag and monetisation model. You vote with your wallet.


I recently bought into Destiny 2’s DLCs, found a bundle of all three of them on top of the season pass for 50$. The game has more content, looks better, is also free to play at its base, and more. And literally the only think left I CAN buy is a deluxe upgrade with access to 4 more season passes, both old ones and upcoming ones, for 30$. So for 80$, I get access to EVERYTHING, including the stuff that isn’t in the game yet.

I honestly do not think I will be buying any premium content for Enlisted any time soon as for one squad it’s just not worth it. For this price, it should at least come with a single player story mission that has lore about the squad.


And by buying Berlin squads you support P2W direction.

I have spent majority of my gaming time recently on enlisted but I decided to start threating it as side shooter until something else will come out.

Shame on me for buying all the previous squads “to support developers”.

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my reward was a horrifying poster?

I bought 2 premium squads to support the development but I make the same decision as you, I will stop doing it out of shame


they should fix the current game before adding new stuff to the game

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When does the second stage of the test start?

The first stage will continue until we fix all critical errors in the balance of missions.


This pricewall makes you guys look horrible.


Actually posters as rewards were discussed by testers on this very forum and the idea of not giving players something broken, but still something you can eventually flex with or to remember good old days wasn´t met with much negativity.
Down with OP premium squads that are only causing havoc, embrace posters!


I don’t know when it was discussed, but couldn’t they be more original and give the t-60 and pz2 a skin or something? something less random and insignificant than a poster xd

Paying streamers does get expensive.


Ive never been bent over so hard in my life.


You guys have already put out around $200 USD worth of premium squads for a game in BETA. Along with a premium account and battle pass system. If anything you could at least give a price cut for those who bought previous tester packs or have premium.
I’ve enjoyed the game so far and think it has great potential, but this is a big slap in the face for people who already paid to test the game.

I agree with the statements above that the additional testings costs feel insulting. I also agree that changing the model to mandatory "Bundles" is a sales shift I find wholly distasteful. For a time, in game, when you tried to purchase one of the "Invasion of Normany" machine gun squads it rediected to a bundle instead. If you want to sell an intangible product and assign a value to it and then make the product unpurchasable except in a bundle then there is no original product. Why market and promote an unpurchasable product? This will only serve to confuse people and make them dissatisfied.
I do appreciate you striving to balance a premium squads and the weapons they have to standard squads. I agree with making them a mandatory for your CBT to balance the game and experience. I do however, currently disagree with the price points, marketing, and use of so many sales devices and gimmicks to push sales. As others have said you've made a fine product but, are simply trying to recover revenue too aggressively.

Same for me! I bought the german premium pack when the first CBT started. Payed already 30€ for it. My progress got wiped after the start of OBT and the game already has implemented P2W aspects (for example that u can skip levels and buy weapons by using real money).
Why in the world should I now buy another “premium” pack for 50 bucks, when I already had bad experiences with the last one? I don’t feel treated like a “premium” player.
Eventhough the game itself is very nice and I love to play it, it is sad to see how the monetisation process changes in a bad direction. They should have made it a full price release, granting everyone access to every aspect of the game.

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I’m not big fan of F2P games but I played few and I always played them with full intent to spend money. None of them were as predatory as this one.

I keep hearing that players voted for F2P but I doubt that anyone expected it will be so badly and “pricy” implemented. P2W aspects are obvious.

The price tags on the squads are absurd.


While 50€ sounds hard at first, the problem is that you really only want the Berlin campaign and not the stuff around. For all what you get in this bundle its in line with the current pricing of suqads and everything.

And i dont know what you are playing but my standard first rifle kills or downs with its first shot which makes nothing really OP.

I cannot fathom how much this game is turning into a quick cash grab. . Premium squads that cost a lot of money, but don’t come with premium time. 300-600 gold is useless when you can only buy premium for 1 month intervals. This legit forces you to shell out even more money if you buy the berlin pack, just so you can get premium time.[Need more options of premium time] Then you have to buy the battle pass separately[yes you make your money back if you grind it back]. I don’t see how you can say this is 4 games in one. They use the same graphics engine, play the same way, but just have different weapons and vehicles. Other games consider this as DLC, not a standalone game.