Closed Beta Testing: “Battle of Berlin” Campaign in Enlisted

What also funny too is that in May of 2020, the Berlin alpha was free for 3 days for testing purposes, albiet on PC.

I’m sorry but what is wrong with you…

We are supposed to pay you AGAIN to test your game out? This honestly feels like an insult. I wouldn’t even expect a reward, I’d just want to be helpful and report on features and bugs.

This system is so backwards it’s just sad


Now I know it was only the alpha but… man come on.

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Mate could you consolidate your spam into one single post instead of 50 monologues?

Definitly not a fan. $50 is a steep price. Dissapointed the Berlin test is stuck behind a paywall. Especially having to pay for two squads.

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I wasnt spamming, but I apologize. Better yet, instead of blaming me, blame the fact that we have to pay fucking 50 extra for one theatre of war.


So, we the CBT-Tester have to pay twice? Not with me. What a cashgrab…


one more thing, u are putting a squad with body armour, it would be really unballanced if the axe team not gain a squad with body armour

Lol hard. Not like we are already doing this…


So you want us to pay , so we can test for you ? Great approach I`m usually being paid for testing stuff in my company :slight_smile:

For the price tag of 50 euro you will get so small player base that your testing will be worth nothing . If you would make it 10Euro , you would have so much more testing feedback and data . So in my eyes this is just a money grab.

On top of that premium units are usless , I bought 2 and I never player them because you need to lvl up your normal squads and soldiers , and you can do that using premium units.

Make them give you permanent 50% (not stacking with other premium units) for your whole army if you got them. They would be usefull in that way. Now you get 100% bonus only if you use them , which actually is gimping your army (no engineer , radiooperator etc.)

Thank you , I was really hoping for Enlisted to be a blast , but with your current "money grab bussiness model " it won`t succeed. I hope someone who knows the bussiness wil take over.


what did i said wrong?

you cannot even quote people for what they typed?

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Devs, you have made a brilliant WW2 shooter, the best in fact that I have played for a long time. I am shocked by the crazy prices you are charging for content, my jaw dropped when I clicked ‘participate’ in the closed beta for Berlin. 50 euros are you kidding?

This just stinks of trying to milk the players, I understand that its play for free, I’d gladly pay £30 for you game now but I wont pay ridiculous prices for two squads and beta testing to help you test.

I have a bunch of mates all over 30 years old who have cash to spend and would happily play this game but will start turning away with these kind of practices out of principle.

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Is there gonna be PPSH41, most iconic soviet weapon in WW2, or the STG44 aka Sturmgewehr44 for the germans? Pretty sure it was used at the end of the war, when Berlin was falling.

Just insane because I already pay a total of 20 € for an F2P game and then I have to pay an extra 50 € for a single campaign, really heavy, it just makes that everyone who has spent atleast 10-20 € has access to the new campaign . The way this is done now you will only get negative feedback and bad headlines on some websites.

This will generate one of the Biggest shitstorms ive ever Read about. Just wait 1-2 Days .


It is really onfortunate that once again there is no way for dedicated testers, who normally would GET paid BY the developers to test the game in-depth and report the bugs have to BUY the ABILITY to REPORT ISSUES. Because ooohh boi there are a LOT of them with this new campaign.

I myself got access through the content partnership program, and for the people hesitating to buy into this campaign: The maps are a mess right now. There is no progression either. All squads have 4 soldiers, so of course the premium squads dominate again. They get SMGs with double the magazine capacity of the normal SMGs. Their soldiers are presumably leveled up and you presumably get 4 soldiers with SMGs compared to 1 soldier with SMG and 3 with bolt action rifles (content creator access did NOT include premium packs). Here is my first impression of the campaign listing all content available in it and one match of gamplay:

Do note that these premium packs might be expensive, but also include 600 gold worth ~6$, which the other squads do not contain.


Me: Spends $50 on the game in the last month to support it even though I already had access.
Devs: Berlin Test Out Now…
Me: I can’t wait to play it
Devs: If you spend $50…
Me: Well, guess its a good thing I bought that stuff
Devs: On these two new premium squads
Me: :man_facepalming:


$50 for two big mag smg squad & start ahead in the campaign compare to F2P player
This need a serious adjustment.


Depends upon when stage two releases. If they release it a day or two before open release I don’t mind it. Otherwise it will be people stomping the new players

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typical gajin stuff guys this isn’t new :clown_face: