Closed Beta Testing: “Battle of Berlin” Campaign in Enlisted

My friends already stopped playing when they saw it . Its not because they cant afford 50Euro , also not because they wanted to play Berlin. Its because it showed them that this game will be a money grab all the time . Everything will super expensive and 50 euro for 1 campaign is worth a one fully priced AAA game. Also saying we have to pay 50 euro to tests for Gaijin is just ridiculus move.

" Each campaign is not a pair of missions, but a mass of completely unique content that other publishers would sell as a standalone game. "

I’d be impressed if you can say that with a straight face.

As a CBT’er having already bought in early - there’s no chance I’m ever going to pay the price tag of berlin campaign or any other - each campaign isn’t a standalone game - crazy to suggest it is!

Yes - I enjoy enlisted, and would support it further - but 50 euro? 10-20 at most - I have no idea how you can justify a price tag like that!


The two premium squads, are they 4 or 5 point squads?

4 star squads

Evidently 5-star premium squads are now a thing of the past. :slightly_frowning_face:

It’s a good thing. I have 4 premium squads and they are not nerfed enough.

We need to ditch this mentality of nerfs, nerfs, and more nerfs. It will suck the fun out of the game, I guarantee it.

We need to ditch this mentality of P2W, P2W, and more P2W. It will suck the fun out of the game, I guarantee it.


So, let me ask you this: what is the difference between a player with a 5-star regular squad killing you, and a 5-star premium squad? Take money out of the equation, and what is the difference? Why is one accepted and not the other?

There are not many if at all 5* squads with maxed out weapons with extra big mags without $ spent (do you have any?).

Those squads won’t be P2W in couple of months but are now.

By that time, by the look of things, Gaijin will introduce 10* squads (or something that no one have). Prepare your wallet.

If a 4 star premium squad is in your opinion pay to win, then pretty much everything they sell must be. A 4 star squad with a 4 man capacity is not in any way better than what a free to play can build up in a weeks worth of play (judging they play a few hours a day). I have stopped using my 5 star m2 hyde squad because I would rather have the additional 3 men in the normal assaulter squad even if they are only 3-4 stars. Sorry, but the only pay to win in game was the Moscow Tanks on launch or people who spent $1000 to max out a campaign in the first week. And honestly, I don’t care if someone is foolish enough to spend $1000 to have the best gear when I can get there for free in a few weeks.

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I will put it this way, I stopped using my premium squads because I want to level up normal squads (and its more fun) but whatever I have a task to be top1 I would put them on… and its guaranteed…

And yes, there are more aspects of the monetisation in Enlisted that are P2W but at least they are at reasonable price (e.g. extra squad slots)

Yeah I did forget about the extra slots that you have to have premium to purchase. Pretty pay to win as well.

If some jobless wonder grinds the game 10+ hours per day, then he/she will have squads and gear at a time when others do not. Hardly fair to those who cannot devote that kind of time to the game.

Also, what about those who have paid real money for their campaign level and gear? Surely that is also P2W? Case in point, people with Jumbos mere days after the OBT started. :thinking:

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I’m glad we are on the same page :wink:

Level of monetisation in Enlisted is shocking in general which was widely condemned when introduced. It’s closer to mobile game than leading Multiplayer shooters.
Even War Thunder (also Gaijins) done it better. First, you need to earn “free RP” to be able to pay to progress and second and most important, as you progress you meet players with appropriate vehicles.

In Enlisted even basic feature like extra squad slots (at least couple should be grindable) or Skill tree resets are behind paywall.

I don’t mind premium accounts and balanced pay 2 progress but as you pointed out, when you face Jambos mere days after OBT started, you know there is something wrong.


Wow, just avaible in bundle… I don’t pay 20 € more for an additional squad, that i don’t play. I can buy for this money something for my girlfriend, she will be happy and it is better invested.

Unless your girlfriend leaves you, then the money is wasted. :laughing:

At least you’ll be paying money to have a good time.

The same cannot be said for Enlisted Berlin in its current state.


Games can also go down :3 And i would say i invest the money that she perhaps don’t leave me :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: