Class simplification

It is boring for me because this is the only thing Im doing in the game. Because if I won’t build rally, kill airstrike and attacker, mine enemy rally no one would. And we will lose. But with the new system MGnner can place a rally, while going to the point, AT gunner can repair team tank and assaulter can heal his team after successful capture.

merging = deleting
What next?
update = downgrade?

Yes because no on really complains.
Wtf even Bf and CoD allow you to choose between different grenade types and I guess most people know what a frag grenades does.

So make it worse? Good plan.

Dunno man, you had the idea to give them even more and better autos including ARs. Sure this will make them less agressive.

Yeah, MG sucks and since most people only use hammer for rallies and ammo box anyway, this is really a nerf.

You build them and you cant move the asset but need to rebuild/ reinvest.
Do we play your own game of definitions again?

Oh yeah, please gib me useless starter rifle for the other classes and sure most people will choose Kriegskar over Mickey Mouse MG34.

As we do now but way less complicated and more restricted.

Medics dont have ARs.

a) Your definition of realism is stupid so really dont go that thing down.
a)+b) Complains about that stuff… gives people Bazookas and toolbox, ammo boxes to MG gunners, radios to ra sniper and medic boxes to people armed with assault rifles (pretty sure most of this goes along with the platoon desing of the said armies)… yeah.
c) Your system is more spam and rn most people dont really use hammer anyway.
d) And most squads can have only one engineer anyway.
e) Maps suck anyway. A couple of sandbags wont make them really “more” worse.

Good idea. That will make radio and sniper more balanced.

That makes no sense. Absolutely. Person A repair Person B. Person C with no relation to A or B then heals A because… makes no sense.

To make people spam them less (as it was ther case in the past) or do you need more than one squad anyway?

Since you are arguing with “realism” (even though your definition of that was and is still stupid to say the leat). Most tanks are long range weapons. Tank battles were fought on large distances or at least at 300m, not on 100m clusterfucks. Nor do tanks engage in CQC against inf unless they were designed for this because this asks for getting Fausted in the ass.
Tank exists in this game to kill inf clusters and destroys fortifications (might try that next time) and maybe kill other tanks depending on the type, not to rush into small blindspots where they at best turn into covers for your team. Maybe if they wouldnt be nerfed in speed and MG and HE, people might try to use lights anymore which are better for CP rushes, but according to you, it is still realistic and fine because it balances tanks… so got what you want I guess.
I also dont know how this will make them go out since they completely rely on other people to literally not die and arcade people are not really team players, especially in Enlisted.

This exists because of your stupid unique soldier or so. Without it, people could spam at best two flamers and one mortar.

Depends on roof, this makes the TNT ingame not less effective against sandbages (also they were not that way to kill tanks and mostly didnt even kill tanks) and dont insta rush into points if people spam mines.
Really, stop isnta rush into rooms and complain that people are preparing for rushers.

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At this point, this is what people are trying to do. Remove all campaigns, merge progression (have less problem with these two if weapons are limited by year or campaign/setting, but these people don’t want that), simplify classes into suspiciously BF styled classes, trying to keep games extremely short and just shooting with no strategy whatsoever.

“Enlisted was never realistic/accurate/historical”
This is pretty much making the game worse. These lazy approaches by the devs that end up simplifying the game and making it worse. It’s clear they are catering to a BF crowd now. Instead of actually putting time and effort to make better what we have.

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What are you on? lol
Why wouldn’t hammers be in WW2 when Combat Engineers are a thing?
They are literally one of the most commonplace tools in any form of craftsmanship.

“Carpenter Equipment”
I’m pretty sure I see a hammer in that box.
The only argument that is valid is possibly having unique models per nation.

Not just one, but TWO hammers. My god, these people must not be historically accurate by issuing these hammers to American engineers in WW2!


Sounds like fucking team fortress. You’re only missing the spy.

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did I miss something? Was there actually something announced about class simplification?

The only thing I took away from the merging was brining it inline with Warthunder and removing a few ticket sinks for upgrading troops. To me that is really good news. Opening it up to vast nation tech trees well into other conflicts, much like Warthunder. And Warthunder has been growing for 10 years with frequent content drops. I am very hopeful this will aswell.

My team are full of spies: they are burning my teammates with flamethrowers, molotovs an WP, slowing them down with barbed wire

No, it’s not confirmed, it’s just in response to OP’s suggestion. Depending on how this update turns out it will either help or hurt the game.

Don’t you think that BF is popular, because it was good at some point?
And why something good cant be copied?

Retards =/= spies, though i can see certain similarity.


So you admit you just want to copy BF? And yes, something good can be copied. This is not it. Why not look at Rising Storm/Red Orchestra II? Multiplayer campaign being something that should be utilized due to having full sized maps.

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Battlefield tried to copy APEX and COD and PUBG (which are good games unto themselves), and shat on their more recent games in the process. Was a big battlefield fan, Now I wont touch it because they tried to make it other games, and not battlefield.

Enlisted is the infantry version of Warthunder, and needs to continue to go that way.

Funnily enough I traded battlefield for Enlisted. Enlisted is my game now…better not go the way of battlefield lol


No, I want to copy only class system. Vehicles and gunplay are better in Enlisted, and bot squads is it’s unique feature.

This is not something Enlisted requires though. It needed Progression simplification, to have it by nation. There still needs to be a level of strategy and complexity to make it entertaining. It just doesn’t help that the devs fixes are generally not helpful, as they come undone not too long after.

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The BF class system is not suitable for a game like enlisted. Because they are two different games with two different visions. Some want an arcade game full of simplifications and understatements, while others want realism. And Enlisted is a compromise between arcade and realistic gameplay. And on top of that, the teams reflect the realism of the masses of people involved in the battles of the Second World War.


I use 2 tanks instead of a tank + plane, so for me this rework it is a bad idea.

I hardly see teamwork in this game… Only if you already formed a team with your friends, otherwise, they will be going like rambo trying to kill and forget about the rest. Let the others do the defending and the supporting.
I’m up for any change that enforces teamwork, but is is really hard.
I always spam the chat so that people can read that we need to defend, but it is of no use. I feel really frustrated.
After this day, I’m going to have a really long vacation from this game.

I can’t edit for some reason (??) so I say here that maybe if you start the game for the first time they should train you how to play the game, what is the basics, teamwork, defenses, how to invade, how to support, what is important to balance your team, what is what.
Play with bots so then go play with people.
Or have it as an alternative (but if it is this way people will not take it)