Class simplification



Having the abilities to roadkill enemies would be so nice. Actually on the test map you can kill and damage your squad with the jeep/kubelwagen.

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Yeah man, and then you have a bunch of braindead guys saying: “tHiS iSn’T BF, tHeRE shOuld Be DaMagE froM AlL tHesE ThiNgS” (while they cried about tanks running over them).

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Engineer repairing tanks, assaulter always can heal

Call for engi, that is called teamwork

I dont think thats how enlisted works, do you really expect someone would do this. Most people dont even build spawn points, yet you hope that someone who happend to know english and who has an engineer will start a dangerous journey to a random tank of a random dude at a remote location. While most probably that tank won’t survive the next minute?


I remember friendly-fire artillery at some point)

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You could, in the past (a year ago or so) you could run over enemies. And actually there was an event where you could get a Stuart with “spikes” on the front, for: extra damage to infantry, the “Rhino”. Now it’s useless, oc.

I remember friendly-fire artillery at some point)

I wish we had this again, its so stupid that while a point is bein obliterated by arty players are just chilling there like it was just the **** rain.

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Because this is boring smacking with a hammer for long 8 seconds, while other players having fun shooting each other with shiny assault rifles.

When tank is on the point, engineer is on the point and engineer sees that tanks need repair on the minimap, it isnt that dangerous.

The rhino had spikes to get through the hedgerows in Normandy. It was developed in the field by the Americans so their tanks could smash through the thick bushes. They were made of repurposed Czech hedgehogs and were welded to the front of the tank. Shermans had them too.
(IDK if you already knew that)

This isn’t BF man

I already knew about this, but thanks for the info :slight_smile: . In the case of Enlisted the Rhino was specially to roadkill germans.

Classes with too many tasks, auto spam and one class that is basically the incarnation of madness together with a new weird tech tree = Nobody will like it = Less players.

Less teamwork because it gives no real reasons to (nobody heals before but now they will because medics have ARs?) but now people like the game even less = Worse health = Less players

Giving camping class access to radio, turn medic even more into aggressive medic, buff engineer into MG, make HMG portable for no reason to make their spam even easier, even less rifles (not to mention to real explanation about the tech tree system) = Worse health = Less players

Its bascially what I said… a bad BF rip off.

Bf Assaulter. Yeah, lets give them ARs. Will solve medic issues.

Yeah, lets turn the engineer into BFV support class, remove the hammer for no reasn and give it autos because they dont have enough in SG.

Why giving the camper class even more reasons to camp?

Its AT Rambo and not an engineer. Yeah, sure people will heal tanks from now on.

Just a single mess. Dunno how this is supposed to be better and easier than defined classes.

Worst nerf for tanks ever.

A Meme - But why

Also makes no sense. Why change the current system again if, in the end, people have the same vanilla number in battle anyway?

Ez game for planes I guess.

Dont worry. They would be so shit now. You basically now only need to destroy the barrel or heck even just the tracks or the suspension and it will eventually die because the tanker cant repair anymore sorry needs to rely on someone else. NO BR needed. Just a PTRD.

From which you can only pick four… yeah thanks for nothing.

As… they already do.

I dont know why people are getting mad because a bunch of plebs actually use the hammer beyond rallies and ammo boxes. Like, did the GuardianReaper trolled too much or what? Why take away one of the best things in the game because people are too lazy or dumb to use artillery, TNT or heck even hammer bro? Because they cant insta rush points then?

Whoever thinks its a great idea to attack as a tank in this meta should get rewarded with Darwin award.

No real explanation beyond the weird new rifleman-mortar-HMG-flamer-GL-class. And if all squads are the same, I doubt its really deep.

And what Pethy said. Will not attract new players if they dont know the game anyway.


Well, other people find it funny to use the hammer so its quite
to degrade those people into fortnite kiddies who doing thinks which are boring for YOU.


Go back to BF infidel. Go elsewhere to spread such heresy.

The similarity of Enlisted to tfu Battlefield would make this game no different from the already lousy competition.


Class variety, specialization and having more and more distinct classes is a HUGE benefit of Enlisted.
Removing classes would make the game straight up worse.


Devs prefer easy lazy solutions.

People spam AA against inf and the M13 shreds Japan like nothing? Increase building time, fix their weird hitbox and hp (why can they suck up to three Fäuste?) make them slower, more expensive and maybe less ammo? Nah, make them overheat to the point where they suck against plane. Doesnt work? Adjsut angle and increase their rotation speed etc. and make them cheaper. Now they shred most planes because they are a-realistic fast and M13 still trolls the Japs? Ehh…


laughs in 17 ton armored vehicle kebabbing Germans
That sounds nice.

So smg with 3 different grenades, flask, binoculars and mine is that simple?

We have it rn.

They have it rn.

But how?

No more 5 tons of metal in the pockets, that’s not a buff

They are portable rn.

You want rifle, you equip rifle

You researched a gun, you can equip it

They have assault weapons rn.

a) not realistic
b) not historically accurate
c) spammable
d) universal
e) breaks map balance

Because it is a camping class.

Finally you got the point. Engi will repair tank because he knows that medic will heal him

Do you really need separate mortarman squad?

Sure, camping in a grey zone is helping a lot

You don’t need to upgrade “unique” flamethrower and mortar squads

Artillery can’t attack points effectively, tnt was used to take out tank and you were blown up with mine after demolishing first sandbag.

And the shame when you play the M13 and this guy runs up with a mine on a stick with the pinnacle of Japanese anti-tank technology.

in my case I love be a “taxi” for the team, but the vehicles of transport can’t despawn when they are destroyed,so you can’t do it

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