Class simplification

Logic of the suggestion:
less classes = easier to learn the game = more players
more teamwork = healthier playerbase = more players
balanced classes = all playstyles are welcome = more players

Simplified classes:

Medic: Has an assault weapon, medkit box and can heal teammates quickly. When marks wounded teammate, it receives “medic is coming for help” notification.

Support: has an LMG, throwable ammo box and throwable rally point

Recon: sniper + radio operator

Engineer: default weapon + AT weapon + mines/TNT + toolbox. Sees damaged team vehicles, so he can repair it.

Universal soldier: have second slot to equip with - mortar, flamethrower, HMG (works as mortar), grenade pouch (adds only HE), rifle grenade launcher (so GL rifle takes 2 slots). All these pieces should be researched in a specific squad tree (So squads will look like this: medics squad with 3 medics, 1 recon, 1 flamethrower, 1 GL rifle and 1 regular riflemen OR: support squad with 2 supports, 1 engi, 1 medic, 1 mortar and 1 grenadier).

Tank crews: has no equipment, when leaving tank it is destroyed. BUT tanks can ram and capture points (1 tank = one person, doesn’t matter how many crew in it)

Plane crew: combine fighter and attacker squads in 1

Additional changes:

Each player has all 6 squads from the start (but can take only 4 in a battle (more slots can be bought))

On each default spawn there is 1 AA gun (infinite ammo, can be repaired by engi), ideally it should be 1 barrel faction specific AA guns.

AT guns could be placed on the map, but since tanks are balanced with BR they are no longer needed

4 infantry and 2 vehicle squads which player upgrade throughout the faction
premium squads have are fully upgraded and have all special equipment unlocked
engies are no longer fortnite fans
tanks can attack points
deep squad customization

from begginer’s point i loved all these different squads i could dive in and learn. It makes the game unique and milsim-like. The less of battlefield vibe in this game the better.

I would wish though to put more taste in them, lots of squads are not appealing that much and are really underpowered compared to others.


Point is Enlisted is a fast-paced point-capture game, so squads like mortarman or radioman aren’t that helpful. So my suggestion is about making each squad centered around “regular” roles while saving all this mortars, radio calls, AT-gunners etc.

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i guess there will be either improves for these squads so that they could fit this game better or (my favourite) this game will eventually slow down (which would make sense based on all of these things that don’t quite match the game right now)


Super versatile classes. Stop pushing BF mechanics into this game. Medic is medic. The guy with the machine gun is not a supply man. After that, you have the option of adding an engineer to your team to place an ammo crate with him. Medic is not a stormtrooper. A soldier operator of anti-tank weapons is not an artilleryman. There should be a lot of soldiers in the team because it distinguishes this game from all others on the market. Field anti-tank guns were an element of the Second World War until its very end, and there should be more of them. And as for me, such a cannon with service should be as a unit and towed by infantry or towed by a vehicle during movement.



Stop transforming this into BFV


Who wants to drag bodies for hours?

Who wants to run with machinegun ammo? Do you want to wait another player to bring you the ammo? Why you aren’t against mg shoulder fire?

He didn’t have rife in second slot irl

they werent capturing objectives

We need walking simulator and 5 hour battles for that. But objectives are 60m away and regular match is 10 min long.

You can do it not, but you wont do it, you know why? It is boring.

Do you have any arguments?
And have you ever played any refractor battlefield?

I dislike it. Imo we should do exactly the oposite.
Make each class fill cartain role so ppl have to make decisions when composing their squads.

Although we are kind of heading in the oposite direction with assaulter medics and assaulter engineers.


I dont even need to reply

So make them helpfull.
“It doesn’t work so delete it” is not an answer.


And? How does it relate to my suggestion?

I don’t see any necessity for such a change. But lets dive in:

  • Why would a new squad system magically atract players who dont even know the game exists?
  • More teamwork? I dont see how you suggestion helps teamwork.
  • Throwable spawn point, idk that sounds silly
  • That universal soldier sounds more complicated than everything we curretly have
  • Why should a tank explode when the player leaves it? Why should tankers have no equipment, how do they repair the tank if its damaged?
  • Tanks being able to ram and run over enemies is a fair point

Fels like stolen from BF.


This was a thing iirc but got removed because tankers kept driving into allies.

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Aren’t helpfull - >make them helpfull instead of deleting.


This was a thing iirc but got removed because tankers kept driving into allies <

I know, and I think it was a bad decision to remove it.


Engineer repairing tanks, assaulter always can heal, MGnner also places rallies

But wooden beeping crate isn’t?

Thats just soldier you can equip with situational things

Not to waste tanks slot

Call for engi, that is called teamwork

Also barbed wire, WP, molotovs and flametrowers)))

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I mean. this is the perfect definition of the WTF expression. They removed the damage from tanks because the team was hurting each other, so instead of adding a line of code to prevent this (as they did with friendly fire), they just removed the damage from vehicles, and then you have these morons trying to add “realism” into so many things (planes, dogfights, etc). Gosh damn, sometimes I wonder what kind of devs they are, if they have any idea of what they doing at all.