Class simplification

I agree!
Many times I can’t use tanks because of that. Or they are horsing around not helping.

So, in other words, just completely remake the whole game into a completely different, much more shallow, game…

What a ridiculous suggestion. Asking that they literally gut the game.

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Ask CoD2042 how good it is to copy stuff from other games just because it worked there…

BF/ Cod 2.0 and Enlisted are different. Enlisted builds on its squad system where you create and command your own squad with AI plebs while BF (used to) rely on a squad system entirely made by human players. The classes in BF therefore is more suited up for interactions among players. Enlisted players are isolated because they mostly within their own squads. Therefore, the classes and squads are more suited for “ego” gameplay. But this doesn’t mean that there is no team play at all but since you hate the engineer so much I guess I dont need to talk about the engineer more. This is also why you don’t give all classes auto guns because people just use them to rush which itself is not even wrong because thats the Assaulter and maybe the Gunner class for and is ironically the most spammed class in-game, not really the Engineer as long as he doesnt own a Mkb or FG.
Or in short… you play Enlisted for Enlisted, not to play another BF/ CoD 2.0 clone. I thought the misere of Co 2042 was a good lesson of why you shouldn’t copy the competition because it is successful.

What really unites both game is spam of meta aka auto and End-Level tanks and planes, lack of strategic and tactical depth and useless devs and greedy publishers but I don’t know why this says we should adapt to a different class and squad system.

And also I don’t remember that tanks blow up the minute the tanker left the tank nor that tankers in BF couldn’t repair tanks. The struggle with the universal class also shows the issue with applying BF into Enlisted.

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Did I miss something?
M2 carbine, AVS 36, FG 42 are available for rifleman and engies

They already start to limit it since the Mkb in Moscow is already an Assaulter weapon only and already limited it in SG when they planned to give it to all rifle-based classes along the AVT.
The issue is that the current grind meta is a single mess and it means they need to adjust the unlock levels again why bother with it now if you already want to change it anyway?

Normal stalingrad MkB/AVT spam lineup

One enginer squad with 6 enginer
Two assaulter squad with

  • 4 assaulter
  • 1 sniper
  • 2 enginer
    all equipped with mkb (for soviet the sniper use the avs)

Total 3 full auto squad to be spammed again and again

Well. Squad spam is another issue and only the devil can tell us how future squad layouts will look like (though the first draft was not really appealing… or logical). Squad limit is stupid because some people dont want limits but at the same time want less spam.
I also dont know about future AR/ SF policy since the devs are starting to call the FG a machine gun and Mkb isnt a engie weapon in Moscow anymore and I doubt they care much for SG mechanics anymore since I guess they pretty much abandoned the campaign.


i hope so :pensive:


Real reason people dont communicate is:
1- we dont have proper chat system
2- maps are too small so you really dont need.
Reason why tanks are just ramming frontally: maps are too small and designed to be cqc
Reason why mortars and snipers are useless:
1-Again, maps are too small and literally designed for cqc hellhole.
2- playerbase is so bad that they dont try to mark enemy let alone building frcking rallies.
Medics are useless and just assaulter imitators because: they are another nonsensical not wanted adding to this game. Literally nobody asked for them or felt their absence. Since you can easily and often die then switch to another bot anyway. And respawn after 10 second.
None of these problems have anything to do with squad complexity.

All your diagnosis about root of current problems are false. as a result; your suggestions are useless and will practically change nothing at all.
If Snipers, mortars, radio and medics are useless then just dont play them, dont grind them at all. Nobody forces you to level up and equip all your squads.
Edit: game should at least give us a chance to change squad setup at the beginning. All maps are random and not always good for playing long range squads like radio. Berlin and normandy have some of the most complex maps in this game. Some maps are full open, some are dense city maps, some are mixed. I really dont want to get into fight while using radio or mortar squads in city maps but game doesnt give me any choice.