Changes suggested after testing the update

Let’s reset all progress them, problem?


This is the logical fallacy of the extreme or maybe the logical fallacy of false equivalency. Grow up.

Also, if they gave me every Gold, every ticket I used to change squads, every order I spent back. I wouldn’t care if we DID have to start over. I could waste less shit this way.

Lol you are out of your mind? Average Enlisted premium squad cost more than the Stalingrad pack, now you want 2?

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They’re complaining they lost their meta squad and their debatable weapons these were probably the people who are gonna abuse some very debatable things in end game and now they’ve lost their favorite toy.

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All great, awesome changes

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We are yet to see if we are going to get screwed on refund or not

That were instantly not usable due any tank being stronger than them

Only one of rare good unlock that is still inferior to free KV-1 and T-34 STZ

only for collectors

I didn’t expect for them to limit how many squads we could have in out lineup and now i’m screwed with 30+ of them sitting forever not being usable by any other guys.

Now stop ignoring other perks like:

  • decreased upgrade cost (that will be gone)
  • 4x xp for campaign and soldier lvling
  • axis engineers carrying mkb42(h) (That should be free for everyone while they should give us some premium squads as a compensation)
  • 4 star soldiers and weapons every time with no rng

Without microtransactions

remember how they lied about that? I still do.

For as much that they refunded us, more than half of it going to disappear, and now they are taking one of most important part of that pack which were mkb42(h) engineers, which like i just said multiple times should be free for everyone with the merge since soviets can equip avt-40 and allies can equip m2 carbine so how it’s fair for us Axis?


Why does this seem to upset you? All your squads filled with FG42’s?

That’s what stalingrad folks want too, how can’t You see that, fair compensation - instead they got moving goalpost from everything stays, to at least you have another pz IV

And i was first person to doubt whole Stalingrad concept on forum and look where we are


On the other hand, let’s see the person who bought the Snug pack disappear.

Existing 4x research experience bonus
Existing 4x squad experience bonus

Also, after the integrated update, you will no longer be able to purchase the Soviet Thompson and mp717(r).

Now, in addition, we are going to delete the identity of the Stalingrad engineers.

The mp717 isn’t even exclusive to Sgpack purchases. It is meaningless to limit what you commonly refer to as engineers. The mp717 is also a fairly strong weapon. Why isn’t this being acted upon? Don’t you think that the disappearance of this weapon when integrated is actually a kick up the ladder for newbies?



gotta wait for the actual refund once the merge goes live.

but according to the prices, it’s about 15/20 euros worth of gold ( which you can then purchase back ) those said slots.

admitting that those won’t change.

but it has been definitely hinted and explained in the merge test thread.


because i don’t care what others people do.
it’s up to them.

but expecting more is more of an entitlement.

nope. better armor.

as… it’s unique.

the only way people could get it, is through the tunisia premium varient.
which that one has pulled away so…

it is an unique item.

whether you accept it or not.


those are not,

won’t be after the merge*


LMAO oh please. I’m so happy to see this update making cheesers squirm

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I know my manlickerz.

But, yes.

Limiting the number of squads available is always bad. On top of the pay-to-win squad slot limitation you now have to pay to use a third squad of a type you want. If flamethrowers are a problem, limit the amount of flamethrower squads you can take, not everything. It makes a lot of event squads obsolete.


i do somewhat agree.

but at the same time.

do you really expect to keep that for it’s entirety and the merge?

one campaign < merge with more than one campaign.

but you can stack them now though.

to keep them.

( yes, i don’t get why the ability to buy them disappears. at least they could have kept it for SG owners… but it is what it is with df most of the time )

it is.

especially since thanks to that said pass , you didn’t had to waste trilions of bronze on it.

it’s… what i was saying.


It’s whats first attracted me.

Then iconic setting, m93 and better prices and xp gains…

But flame tanks are powerful and fun!

“We have decided to remove this privilege, which not only harms the balance between experienced players and newcomers, but is also difficult to explain within the game to those players who will meet an engineer with such a weapon in battle”

I’m talking about it when it comes to mind.

How do you explain to newbies the disappearance of the Soviet Thompson and the German mp717 after integration? That too is strong. In fact, it might have been better to continue to exist.

Everyone thinks that the Stalingrad engineer limit will balance things out.

But I think it could actually ruin the balance.

No one seems to be talking about assault troops running wild with STGs or machine gunners flying around and slaughtering people.

Additionally, this issue will severely disrupt Germany’s balance. The Soviet Union actually has no hit since the AVT is for all infantry. However, after integration, mkb can only be used by assault troops. Therefore, it can be said that the firepower of the engineer unit is severely reduced.


You aren’t asking for fair compensation. You are asking to maintain game breaking mechanics that favor you an order of magnitude over every other player in the game no matter how much money THEY spent.


Yeah so you “diversify” your squad lineup. Not sure what you’re arguing for here other than unlimited Assaulter bois


you do realize that allowing premium squads to repeat rotation and f2p/events not do it is an extremely obvious P2W mechanic, and the price for a game population when hard p2w is introduced, i hope, and valued that against the supposed influx of new players?


That’s the problem of Gaijin’s greed pixels shouldn’t cost as much as they want us to pay, every premium should cost max $15 each. They took and going to remove 80% of the Full Access content (which also they promised to be there forever to keep) so they should give us something as a compensation or you know refund me to my bank account 80% of that $30 i have paid.