Changes suggested after testing the update

I confess i hadnt tried it on the folgore…i find for sniping you want a specific set of perks that wouldnt be my first choice on paras

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As you said, different flavor… Not everywhere there’s a good roof to land and set up a barbecue party XD


if i know itll be like this i wont ever purchase anything from you guys


I use a mix of both in my squad, always keeping 1 1891. I think it has the most magnified scope in game…

I’d love to use it in Pacific, there’s crazy distances to cross here, and hills, and vegetation… But ofc I prefer the mod38 because of how crazy fast you can shoot with.

I like Italian rifles… mod 38 is my favourite one (after mannlickers ofc!)

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Why can’t All engineers have access to Assault Rifles?

Assault Rifles are only found in the Top Tier.

Make it so that both newcomers can use these mechanics of Stalingrad engineers and the old folks who support Enlisted???

@Movmav @Keofox @James_Grove @ChuchaDrucha

Everyone would be pleased at once.


That was the deciding factor, it was an easy campaign with the extra xp but Im a high enough campaign level in berlin that what stalengrad offers me is mostly obsolete

I feel like removing the MKB 42 from the stalingrad engineers is a mistake. I get why people feel as though they’re unbalanced, but it’s not much different from running a 6 man engineer team of FG42s. I wouldn’t say that much different from an allied team of engineers running m2 carbines all across.
Rate of fire is a big factor too, and I think if it came down to a one on one fight between an MKB 42 and an M2 carbine, you’d likely see the MKB 42 lose.

But that’s my take, and I’m sure others will disagree, which is fine. I can see the merit in their argument as to why they shouldn’t continue into the merger, I just think the outright removal of the MKB 42 being able to be used by engineers is a bit much.

Also to note, the perceived problem was likely because most other campaigns players other than Stalingrad Russians were not expecting to run into something like that-- and the moment German Stalingrad players realized they could be added into their loadouts, did so en masse. If they were around in other campaigns, I’m sure people would be much used to their presence and even have an equivalent engineer squad loadout.


It’s not just about Mkb. After merge, these squads would be able equip any AR.
Tbh, I would let them keep MKb, but definitely not all ARs. That’s just extreme BS.


Funny how 1 extra bullet makes all the difference

the italian rifle is contender for my Main Axis Rifle because of it (probably both manlichers, then the short caracano…I have been looking forward to have more VZ 24s available though)


I don’t think that’s what was said initially in the previous Merger news. I think it was stated that the Stalingrad Engineers can continue to equip the MKB 42. I don’t see that translating to them being able to equip MP43s or STG44. But I only was referring to them taking just MKB 42s.

I think they should keep the MKB 42s. Nothing more.


Any Czech weapon is a good weapon, SS would approve.:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

jk dont ban me pls :face_in_clouds:


That was latwr clarified by helpers and so. And if you’d tried the test server before, you’d know that’s true.
Engineers from Stalingrad were truly able to equip any AR.

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Huh. I didn’t even try that, to be fair. I kept them equipped with the MKB 42s. Still, I don’t see how they can’t just make it so that only Assaulters and the Stalingrad specific engineers can equip the MKB 42s, with the engineers taking only the MKB 42s.

Just outright taking away a weapon because they didn’t restrict other assault rifles usage to those specific squads seems overkill to a solution that can be fixed by making it that only those engineer squads from stalingrad can equip the MKB 42 only. (Along with other bolt action rifles and semi auto rifles that fall under the engineer’s ability to use traditionally.)

If that’s the case, yeah… that just seems like oversight on Darkflow’s part. Not that it isn’t bound to happen, and the dev test server was meant to catch any oversights.

Yeah, I would be okay with this scenario.

Weapon will still be available for assaulters. It will not be completely removed.

They just fixing a mistake they made by allowing a tech tree squad to go outside its weapon rules.

They “could” just make it a premium squad. That way weapon would be locked to MKB for example, and it would be exempt from class weapon rules.


This would be pretty fair solution too. Or just event one, if they wanted to be greedy lmao. Idc tbh


No, that’s out of context. I know the MKB 42 will be able to be used by assaulters, its meant in context towards the engineers.

That’s a solution that I’d be more than happy with. I’d even be okay with just having one engineer squad from stalingrad being able to equip the MKB 42.

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I feel like it would be a pretty good seller for them LOL (I mean beyond Stalingrad owners getting it by default)


Ahhh, I see. I was thinking they would keep them exclusive. Since they already did that pretty lame decision with m93, STZ and pz IV G (the rest I am okay to be “discontinued”)

It would be like still being able to sell Stalingrad into the future, even though its discontinued :stuck_out_tongue:

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