Change classification of SP AA vehicles from "tank" to "APC"

It can’t do what you claim it does. It’s overheat makes it impossible to kill infantry and plane alike.

This doesn’t make sense. They aren’t APCs.


So using a M13 is a exploit?, which could be used in any game, anyway by taking a tank slot.
Anyway all good, i see a few don’t like this idea,
So get used to not having a tank on Battlefield, and someone just playing AA,
because i just got over my feeling of handicapping team, by taking a AA, in any faction.

Believe its 3x support? atm can be on BF at at time?, so that leaves 3x inf, but seeing as a APC can loose it squad, and just sit on BF, taking up slots, seems silly.
Should make it to spawn, the squads has to be alive, instead of wasting a slot.
I also consider support/APC as mech INF, so its not just 3x INF after 2x planes, 2x tanks, 3xapc


So as with Sd.Kfz 251/1 and other half-tracks, which do not occupy a tank slot :yawning_face:

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You know what, I’ve been thinking and it actually hit me when I decided to play as a SPAA at the moment.

I think it would be fine for SPAA to share the “support slot” with APCs. APCs are usually dumped so a 1 and done spawn and sometimes you really need that infantry support of a tank.

However as with many things the subject becomes touchy when look at the heavier brothers of SPAA as light tanks are to heavy tanks.

Does that mean that eventually Wirblewinds, Ostwinds, Kugelblitz, all the various German light vehicles armed with the flak 8,8, etc would be in the support slot as well. Do those get branded as “tank slots” because of their power or do they stay in the support family.

“Utility Vehicle” … the slot can be used by Riders, APCs, and SPAA.

Then make Rider II’s and introduce Jeep/Cars with weapon mounts.

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SPAA should remain in the tank slots. Currently we only have BR1 SPAAs, which are comparable to vehicles like the Pz II and T-60.
Exchanging armor for better gun angles and such.

Once we get BR3 SPAAs for example, the spam of such vehicles could be extremely toxic (if they are going to be put outside of tank slots)

The current BR1 SPAAs are certainly not much worse than BR1 tanks. Sometimes they are even more popular than their tank counterparts.

So putting them in a less restricted slot is utter nonsense. It’s simply just selfish and unreasonable agenda.

Sooner or later we need a SPAA class or move all SPAA to rider/truck class, wen thing like

Otherwise we are gonna have a serious problem in use those equipment, if we are without sufficient slot for all the tanker squad we need

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I think a separate classification is fair across the board. especially if we give them to the rider class.

They’re more popular because two factions give them as a first ‘tank’
If I can blow up the M13 GMC with an HE to the turret using a <50mm turret its not a tank, it’s an experience pinata.

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No, even the event ones are quite popular. And people are using them even outside of BR1 lineups.

If they are going be put outside of the tank slot, their BR should definitely be made higher.

Otherwise there’s simply no proper reason to put them outside of tank slots.
We could then lobby for a seperate TD slot as well. And then have 8 vs 8 vehicle battles with only 2 other infantry squads per team.

I’ve never seen the event ones minus ONE Soviet AA.
As for increasing their BR, sure I guess if they stay out of the way of my friendly Tigers.
I feel BR and the merge was done really weirdly, and could’ve been done better if it was ‘fronts’ and BR was based on historical creation and application. Each front could’ve had or kept a campaign system or tech tree of things only on that front. This could’ve retained a bit more accuracy and allowed the unlock of legacy squads to remain.
But alas there is no changing it now.

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you could give them to riders.

as it would increase the uses of said class ( or rather, squad )

as it’s their intended role sort of instead of apcs.

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When the current system was designed, there was more emphasis on power level balance than historical accuracy.

The problem is that until we have ±0 MM. There will always be a significant power level difference between lineups that have a 1-2 BRs difference between them.

So the balance is not really fair or balanced in any way, but historical accuracy is also about crap.

It’s actually a kind of illogical mush that doesn’t excel at anything.

So players who are interested in balance are dissatisfied, and so are players who are interested in historical accuracy.
It’s quite funny.


I have seen them only once in a moded game (typically I play low BR) .
So either I’m unlucky or ppl use them on high BR for memes (though I recall someone said they are better than engineer AA so I guess there is some reason to use them).


Very slightly. For example, the difference between overheating Soviet AA and SPAA is exactly one round IIRC.



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Tbh, I don’t think 7 rnd “mag” autocannon even needs overheating mechanics in the first place. But whatever.


yea i agree on that, cant down 3 bomber today cause of that mechanic

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Something should be done, I think u want to keep seperate vehicle classes to a minimum as vehicles coudl then be more common than infantry. I think tanks should stay as they are ( maybe limit to 1 heavy depending on map type for example) but just have a support class for scouts/AA/apc etc.

Current best idea was to reroll them into raider class as motorized cavalry.

I do agree something here should be done, they see no play as is and when they do they take up a valuable tank slot.

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