Capturing New Georgia!

It looks like they’re going chronologically, which is good. New Georgia Islands Campaign followed the Guadalcanal Campaign. Will probably have the entire Solomon Islands Campaign done at some point, though they probably should have named it that instead of “Pacific”, so gear could be more accurate and allocated better post merge.

More worried that the AI will get confused the shit out of more tunnels and underground networks.


This looks fantastic!!


I was thinking about the point in the 4th column of the Enlisted roadmap for 2023 where it says something about “New type of ground vehicle with unique mechanics”. I think this might be the infantry carrier, useful for all the infantry players. For now, LVT only plays the role of a tank and infantry cannot jump into it since there are no other vehicles like this, only the Japanese one. But if an infantry carrier is officially added as a “new type of ground vehicle” with mechanics for rewarding the driver for delivering the troops safely, for taking troops onboard or other mechanics like that, the LVT will get it’s full role as an infantry carrier and full number of seats. That’s what I think, and I think it would be awesome.

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I’ve thought half tracks or vehicles could act as mobile Rally Points and you can spawn on them IN combat but they have a longer spawn timer. Plus they’re balanced because they’re weaker than tanks. So you have to get close to the front line because your team can spawn on you during combat but can be easily destroyed


Great idea in theory, but given how much stronger the Allies equipment (especially tanks) are than Japanese, this is just going to be another fish-in-a-barrel map.

On top of that, HMG fire still goes right through the walls like butter, and shatters sandbags, so its pointless to even attempt to defend in any of the situations (with MAYBE an exception in the caves, but the ricochet alone is going to be hell).


I like the asymmetrical balance of the game. It’s just like during the war


outstanding map, and unexpected too!

not to mention, i can already see new interesting rendinst for the modders to use in the editor :smiley:

( ps. as someone else said, like old uncle Sebekel, i hope AI pathfind is not gonna be a nightmare as the caves in tunisia… )

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Depends on what particular plane class it is. As far as I’m aware, the only playable plane types in game are fighters, fighter-bombers, heavy fighters, ground attack, light and medium bombers.

Speaking of which should eventually Heavy Bombers be a playable plane class?

There is always a reason to play pacific. Allies.

Once user is equiped, on a good team, pacific allies dominate easly.

Fighting inside the wrecks will be interesting.




This would suggest that there is BALANCE.

While the infantry weapons are moderately balanced (Americans having CQB weapons primarily, while Japanese have the mid range weapons and katana), the vehicles are very poorly balanced.

The aircraft is ultimately a joke in most cases, especially with how easily they are shot down with even infantry weapons (I’ve seen all too many clips of planes being shot down with SMGs).

The tanks on the Japanese side feel ultimately unfinished, as several of them can’t even access the second MG built into the side of the turret, nor have commanders with which to use the cannon and the MG at the same time. The Ta-Se is the biggest joke in the game, as its weapon does very little overall, even against aircraft which is supposed to be good against. The two soldiers on the top have their heads sticking out above the armor plates, so they can be shot out from basically any angle with ease. The magazine on the weapon is incredibly short, in comparison to massive mag size of the American counterpart.

Meanwhile, the American SPAA truck has dual 12.7mm HMGs that absolutely shred infantry, planes, and even tanks. The driver and co-driver are neatly tucked into the cab and can only be hit by infantry fire from the top or rear, the gunner has a pretty effective shield that covers him entirely from the front.

The Stuart tank with MGs is very effective due to sheer MG firepower of I believe 5 MGs firing at once AND can use the cannon at the same time.

The Stuart tank with the flamethrower can quickly break through enemy lines and torch enemy positions.

The M8 Scott has a Howitzer that the HE shell is guaranteed to wipe out any infantry position with absolute ease.

Need I go on?


Yeah. Well, it seems that the beached ship might be one objective so here’s hoping.

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Premium Japanese plane shred M13s and M8s with ease. So I’m looking forward to seeing allied spam them. Be a good kill count.

Also the flame Stuart or any allied vehicle for that matter can quickly be destroyed by either the straight OP axis AT gun or any AT rocket.

this map looks interesting.

just in time for me to max out the Pacific. Nice.

That thing has cannon turrets on it. Im thinking gunship :stuck_out_tongue:

Ever played BF1 bomber like an AC130 gunship haha

No it would be pretty gimmicky. Wouldnt really fit. I just like gimmicks

You mentioned the M8 Scott but somehow ignored that it’s Japanese counterpart has the same caliber, the same devastating power, is fully armored whereas M8’s crew can be decimated by a sniper, and has much flatter shot trajectory which saves time when aiming - there isn’t much vertical correction necessary to figure out and it really changes your odds at greater distance. And I believe the M8’s shells travel slow enough to be avoided by moving your vehicle.

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