Capturing New Georgia!

However the M8 has HEAT which doubles as HE, essentially doubling the anti infantry power of its main gun. Plus it has the dreaded .50 cal which shreds most Japanese tanks.


After merge, this will become the nightmare of enemy light tanks.
Its like a second main gun.

The Stuart tank with MG and it’s firepower? Come on, all these extra MG’s are fixed in the hull, they are nearly worthless - better at showing your position than being a practical firepower.
And the Stuart with flamethrower is a premium, you won’t meet it in every battle. Of course it is asymmetrical, the Japanese don’t have anything like it, but this comes with battle realism. If you want balance, play BF where US troops can deploy with Russian guns and RPGs and vice versa.

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Exactly, this is what I love in Enlisted. And the assymetry is reduced anyway, since the Japanese losses were sometimes 40x higher than American - and that was during the defense.

No its not, its the only non-premium flame tank.


it is funny that japenese have seven members and only 3 can work while LVT need another 2 to use machine gun.this two guy even available in war thunder.

I guess it is AA because we can find it in mod editor for every country.

if you said it half years ago I will agree,but look what Japanese counterpart M8 face to

Lol, there is no such limitation in this game. It is meaningless to classify them with their original role since there is only two types of aircraft in this game which is attacker and fighter.

Mostly likely not, last time dev wanted to nerf the payload of most of the aircraft, I doubt they will add plane with more bomb.

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You misunderstood my point. Yes the two plane classes in game are Attacker and Fighter, I just stated the general plane types in that those are the kinds of planes that get added to the game.

It would be cool to see Heavy Bombers as a new toy for the game but I think they can certainly wait a real long while because they would really shake up the whatever semblance of “balance” this game has in an, ironically, huge way. For the foreseeable future we should be getting Fighter and Attacker planes

Regardless, I hope to see lots more aircraft be added

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Lol because you are assuming dev can’t add plane that is not belong to any plane type in game. As long as those plane fit the role of attacker or fighter, it is possible to be added.

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Sorry, my mistake. I’m just halfway through the campaign and I’ve seen it in battle maybe 2 or 3 times, so I somehow thought it was rare because it was a premium. People seem to be using mostly the halftrack and sometimes the normal M2


It’s trash, imo.

Compared to tier II flamethrowers and flame tonkas in Stalingrad it deals less damage.

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Yup, even on Xray view there is a normal infantry M1A1 flamethrower just stuck into the gunner’s port, not a serious vehicle-mounted volcano like on the Stalingrad tanks. I didn’t play it but if it has the same parameters as the infantry flamethrower then it is rather useless since you have to get >18m to your target (and we all know how many soldiers are swarming around and willing to blow you up when you get near infantry in a tank)

Tbf the M3 still has a cannon and is not a slow ass T-26 with only a machine gun and flamer. I guess it depends on if you prefer cannon or better flamer.

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The question is would you rather have a flamer on your stuart or not, and I would rather have it even if I never used it.

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Well. If you had to choose between two Stuarts, its clear for sure.


Rhino enters the chat

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gotta say the flamethrower can technically be good in certain situation like if you are near a wall and there is a swarm of infantry so you can just flame the wall to basically become immune to tnt but that my theory if i were to use it(since i havent reach it)

So when will it be released? I’m getting tired of being teased. :slight_smile: