[Bug] FG 42 ammo capacity

Which at this point, let’s put it this way,

Youre an American player,

You unlocked your Sherman 76, and you end up facing panthers.

Sure, you can pen them.

But how would you feel knowing that despite killing its gunner, he can simply replace it faster than your goddamn reload rate of your tank and therefore 1 tapping you?

I bet great?

Because thats what happens on a daily.

You can’t compare engagement or made comparisons out of pure luck if you managed to flank it with a puma, and ammo rack it.

Yeah, that’s all true. I get your point.

We’re getting off topic now though. Let’s try to stick to the matter at hand.

Still don’t understand why it needs to be 76mm sherman.

Just replace it with M4A3 it’s an upgrade from the M4A2 but not big one. (Same as the Pz 4J-> Pz 4H…)

Because it’s an equivalent?

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Tigers were absent from the Normandy theater, though, as I’ve suggested over in my campaign restructure/rebalance thread; Suggestion for Normandy Campaign restructure and rebalance
I think it would be best to replace the present spot of the jumbo with the M4A1 76, then have the Panther D face the Jumbo 75, and Panther A face the Jumbo 76.

If you really wanted to have a tiger, it’d be a premium or gold ticket item, given the only Tigers actually encountered by the allies in France were on a train. (one of which got destroyed by an armored car)

I believe this is a bug since the ammo capacity change is not mentioned in the changelog of the update.

This is way too unhistorical for some one only carry one spare mag for a rifle. Most of the other rifles in-game come with 3-4 spare mags or clips as standard. M2 carbine is an exception with only 2 spare mags but it has 30 rounds capacity per mag.

M2 carbine is kind of weak compared to the FG 42, however mostly not because of lacking damage output, it’s the iron sight makes it hardly useable. I suggest rework the iron sight of the m2 carbine and give it 3 spare mags to make it compatible with FG 42.

I’m not against M2 carbine and FG 42 has more kill capacity than the other rifles as they are the end-game rifle of the Normandy campaign.

(Historically the infantry carried Fg 42 has 8 spare mags on him.)

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There shouldn’t be any “end game” or objectively better rifles in the campaign tree, though. All weapons should remain viable for the sake of gameplay diversity.

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How is the M4A1 76 equal to the Pz 4H???

The 76 Shermans were direct counter to the tigers the allies seen in north Africa…

Pz 4H is equal to M4A2 or M4A3 not M4A1 76.

Similar gun performance, similar mobility, similar armor… yeah, they’re roughly equal.

Not a bug - teh update of 8 April standardised ammo for SLR’s as 40 rounds or 2 magazines - Update - News - Enlisted

The bug was that it hadn’t ben applied to the FG42 previously!

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No they werent?

British forces and Canadians actually got 3 of them on the beaches.

But the main point that I always tried to made is, why add needless struggle for starter vehicles?

During cat and cbt, there was this “ rule “ of everything can penetrate anything, but they also can be penetrated by everything.

Guys, I know the conversation about tanks is very interesting, but let’s stick to the topic.

I know I’m partially responsible for this, and I’m going to stop talking about that now. Let’s try to stay on the original topic.

Edit: Removed the tank bit.

On topic the FG nerf I feel 60 bullets should have been fine. 40 is not enough, that is 1 effective clip if you take over from a bot.


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Because of the gun.

I mean, I don’t mind the americans getting good firepower.

Devs and Americans players always complained about fire power and to get through, therefore a Sherman 76 its actually a good candidate as it can still be penned from pumas, Pz ivs and occasionally, Pz iiis.

Not like a jumbo for sure.

Similar≠ equal.

The sherman 76 solve all the problems the M4A1 had while keeping the “bonuses” of being sherman.

And what the Pz 4H solve from the Pz 4j?

Nothing but turret rotation speed.

My main problem with the 76mm M4A1 is that it’s ugly…

The M4A2 is already equal to the Pz 4H. (Even if the gun is worse preforming (Which it isn’t the 75mm is better than the 76mm overall)…

Every weapon should be viable, but their damage per second is way too different. A machine gun can wipe off a whole squad in a split second while a bolt action can only take one or two-shot. Those late-game guns are just better than the early ones in most circumstances.

I’ll repost;
(pre-nerf) FG42 at 100 kill capacity
M2 at 45 kill capacity
(post-nerf) FG42 at 40 kill capacity
M1 Carbine at 37 kill capacity
Garand at 32 kill capacity
Gewehr at 30 kill capacity
Lee-Enfield at 30 kill capacity
All other bolt actions sitting around a 25 kill capacity with stock ammo?

Now, if you wanted to double the overall ammo count of the bolt actions and semi-autos, and give the M2 carbine an extra magazine as well, I’m all for the FG42 getting another spare magazine. But on it’s own, the FG42 as is has well above average killing potential for a trooper weapon.

M2 carbine still has a 30/60 capacity

To quote Keofox;

And until / if the M2 carbine gets buffs in other fields, I think 30/60 is a good spot for it.