[Bug] FG 42 ammo capacity

Issue: FG 42 ammo capacity without additional ammo pouch changed from 20/80 to 20/20.

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I hope this isn’t a bug, as the FG42 was decidedly massively overpowered in kill potential compared to all other infantry rifles before this nerf, with 3-4x the kill potential of any other trooper weapon. This brings it more in line with the rest of the rifles troopers can carry (though still better than).


Exept, you still have the jumbo that hasnt been touched,

So therefore, I don’t see why the fg has been nerfed.


(pre-nerf) FG42 at 100 kill capacity
M2 at 45 kill capacity
(post-nerf) FG42 at 40 kill capacity
M1 Carbine at 37 kill capacity
Garand at 32 kill capacity
Gewehr at 30 kill capacity
Lee-Enfield at 30 kill capacity
All other bolt actions sitting around a 25 kill capacity with stock ammo?

I mean, it’s staggering how far out of wack the FG42 was compared to the rest, and as for the jumbo, I mean, I have no idea why it’s not been touched, but it might be a more simple edit on the FG to edit the number of spare magazines or ammo count than it would be to swap out the Jumbo in it’s entirety. (to say nothing of the backend issues within the development team as far as workplace politics and decisionmaking go into deciding why the jumbo was in there in the first place and so on.)

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I think you’re making a false equivalency there. The fg42 isn’t the jumbo, it’s an infantry rifle that needs to be balanced to the other rifles available to both the Germans and Americans

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Exept. The jumbo its much better than an fg.


The Jumbo is extremely strong, but its gun is weak compared to the Panzer IV.

Not denying it’s a strong tank, but it’s much better at infantry support than anti-tank combat. The Panzer IV is the opposite. Despite that the Pz IV still has a good HE shell and machine gun so it’s not useless against infantry. It’s also faster. The Jumbo has a lot of armour but that makes it slow as heck, especially when turning

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Sure, in specific circumstances that is true. This thread is about the fg42 though, there are already a lot of discussions about the jumbo.

I think it’s fair fit or to have 40 rounds, as it isn’t an lmg. As shown already it’s now much more in line with its counterparts

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What are you people talking about…

Have you forgot how this game work?

I don’t see how soldiers with fgs being more scarier or hard to kill unlike a jumbo sitting its spawn.

Normandy is becoming barely playable because of that.

And I don’t deny that the fg is indeed a stronger weapons. But as far as I can see, instead of limiting the weapon it self, we still get pointless “ nerfs “ and an untouched tiger Sherman.

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i remember seeing a friend have around 200 ammo with the FG when using the large ammo bag some time ago

Except the Panzer IVH have far clearer, more historically accurate equivalents that could have been chosen - like the M4A1 76(W) which was sitting right across the English channel and was almost used for the invasion, had it not been for the decisions of the company commanders, and was immediately used after the beach landings, and would be far more in line with the Panzer IVH’s performance.

And the Jumbo leading to no end of balance concerns / complaints.

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It isn’t a bug, keofox confirmed it.

Well, that’s with the ammo bag, I was more making note of what it was without an ammo bag across weapons as an easy equivalence.

That’s one point that I don’t get, an fg it’s not like a bar, they work similar, but they have different stat. Above all, different recoil.

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i know but at max it could do around 200 with careful aiming

Yeah I get that. The M4 76 is more equivalent to the IVH. Just explaining why the Jumbo isn’t the invincible killing machine some people think it is.

The bar is an lmg carried by gunners. The fg42 is carried by everybody else

Never claimed its invincible.

It’s just unfair as it can take lots of punches, and can win the majority of encounters. Unlike the counterparts.

So again, not a valid point.

It’s like bringing a kv 1 or 2 in Moscow with the current German weapons.

Sure, it can be taken out by the flanks. But is it really necessary?

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I mean, but it is a tough nut to crack, still, and would have better been handled not being included except as a potential equivalent to the Panther’s I’m sure we’ll ultimately get.

Like I said, I’m not sure what workplace politics / decision-making process decided upon and approved the Jumbo as the counter to the IVH, but I really have to question the sanity behind it.

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Yeah, I know, in a large battle the Jumbo is the better tank.

It favours low-skill gameplay, it’s easy to use, whereas a skilled player can get a lot out of the IVH. I’m in favour of replacing it with the M4 76.

The Jumbo is an assault tank, which suits the maps we have right now. Unfortunately the Germans don’t have a direct equivalent. The Tiger is the first similar tank that comes to mind, but it’s so much better than the Jumbo, the only alternative is replacing the Jumbo with the 76. Maybe it will happen one day. We’re still in early days

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