[Bug] FG 42 ammo capacity

I dont see this

as remotely true. You only counted bullets and dmg. A gun is much more.

Even if I would take your list 60 kill capacity is completely fine with me for the FG42. Best gun in the war.

Aye and the M2 is a shit gun that you can only hipfire on full auto to get some effectiveness out of it. I think 30/60 is perfect.

A gun is much more, yes, an the FG42 handles better than the Gewehr (and, effectively every other rifle troopers can carry) in every stat while also having more ammo than it as is.

As for the list, that is in hard kill potential, i.e. maximum possible kills from stock carried ammo. In reality, thereā€™s a lot more factors in play, but as is, the FG42 is overpowered enough without needing to also carry double the ammo of basically every other one-hit-kill-potential rifle in the game.

I mean look at the M2, highest kill capacity of all guns in the game. There is clearly something wrong with your list because the M2 is not the strongest gun.

No, itā€™s not the strongest gun, but it is the highest in hard kill potential, e.g. (Gun damage per round / base health) [ Do not exceed 1 kill per shot] x (rounds in a magazone) x (how many magazines you carry.)

And the FG42 is the second highest on that list now, instead of the absolute highest by leaps and bounds.

Thats why I am saying your list is flawed. There are way more factors to take into account. Just saying bullet does X dmg x number of bullets = kills >> weapon to strong.

It does not work like that.

Shut up dude get out of this forum you are only a toxic influence and have nothing to add to anything.

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Except that is what matters most when youā€™re balancing ammo counts.

If we were balancing in terms of weapon performance, the FG 42 shouldnā€™t get any additional magazines at all, compared to semi-autos, and especially bolt actions, considering how much better it performs than those weapons.

But since overall performance isnā€™t the criteria for ammo counts, itā€™s then likely best to equate it through maximum killing potential rather than probable killing potential.

But they balance the game to probably killing potential. How effective they are in the game.

With 2 mags the fgs full auto function falls off dramaticly and it becomes more semi auto.

Which is good, considering in semi-auto the FG42 out-performs both the Garand and Gewehr as-is, and in Full Auto the FG42 out-performs the M2 carbine.

So if anything, two mags is too much for the FG42 still.

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Panzerfaust would remedy that.

Iā€™d rather see it limited to assaulters/gunners.

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Same with the Soviet Moscow selective fire rifle - except it only gets 30 rounds in 2 mags.

Cry me a river.

I am not crying at all, let alone a river. Why be like that?

Jumbo will here

It has same ā€˜class limitationsā€™ as other semi auto rifles(none, everyone can use it) so it need same downsides as well(low ammo count)

If people want it have same ammo limit and functionality as lmg, it will need lmg limitations(gunner only)

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