Buffing and incentivizing engineering!

I will give you a quick resume: DF don’t care about engeniers, only care of zerg rush and increase this, if you check older posts from me, from dark reaper, greyparrot, and other users, we make many things for make engies more fun and for defenders, they ignore us, so give up your breath


Can’t give up brother as someone who plays both I want to be able to fight a well fortified position and I want people to struggle to take my objective that I put together.


I want believe, but I been here long enough making stuff and we where being ignored, they hate us, they hate defensive players calling us useless or we have skill issue, meh

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They need to remove conquest and add a more slow paced mode where the engi can shine.
Anyway, believe me or not, the best mode for the engineers right now is Train Escort.
I need two screenshoots of the maps of Train Escort to do a guide, someone have them?

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I’m bringing my group of guys from Xbox to help spread the word. Hopefully they take us seriously there’s not many of us but it’s 20 more guys advocating for engineers and better gameplay


then, readposts from darkreaper, it’s the jesus of engies prayers


Can’t find anything about him?

Do you mean guardianreaper?


My problem is the lack of time. The game needs to be slowed down more. Longer cap times and more tickets

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Good guy we actually play together on Xbox he’s a god tier Engineer


love ya reaper, but wow, a living God now?
All bow, we in presence of a God

I leave you this!

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To make ppl use engineers more, in old stalingrad campaign devs gave them assault rifles.
Ammount of rally points and other engineering structures went through the roof. /s

And in tunesia they made engineers avalable at level 6. Also a great help.

Definitely not a living God but he’s good

I like that suggestion

another legend appears

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I like these suggestions. I think the best (and easiest) way to buff engineers right now is to have engineer bots start building anything you place down the moment you place it down. What I mean by this is if you are playing as the engi squad, having like 5 engineers with you, the moment you start building something the other engineers should instantly whip out their hammers and come running to build it, without having to spam X on whatever it is you’re trying to build (unless they have another order and/or are engaged in combat). This would make playing engineers a lot more dynamic and in tune with the fast-paced nature of the gameplay. This could also allow you to get on the objectives a lot faster with any other squad that has engis and incentivize more players to build rally points; having your one engineer from that squad build rally points in the back, while the rest of your squad is rushing the point, instead of having to sit back awkwardly, holding down the left click for half a minute while the final objective is being overrun by the enemy.

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Well when your comrades get here it won’t be bad to have more hands helping us in the defender topics and hopefully in the future you can use this as well because it doesn’t hurt to have more fortification types in our arsenal.

We have a hammer for a reason - Suggestions - Enlisted

I’m just glad to see the first of the reinforcements are starting to appear. I just hope more start speaking up.

I do what I can, and enjoy having good teammates at my side.

I think that on top of the suggestions that @ModGage brought up, adding in a rolling greyzone* (rather than the fast change greyzones we currently have), and letting defenders know of their future objectives will help a lot of the issue of lack of time.

By combining ideas like these, the gameplay will hopefully get a lot more interesting, pushing players towards a mix of strategy and teamwork, on top of the hard pushes we see currently.
IF by some miracle the fortifications work far more effectively than what we hope, then increasing the amount of tickets that players have on offense would then be understandable.

However, as of right now, at least on console, defenders generally get their teeth kicked in by offense. Many games ending with 700+ tickets still available.
In many of the games that have far less than that, it is often the case that a handful of players were just farming easy kills off the defenders.

As @ModGage can attest to, there are not many games where both offense and defense seem evenly matched, BUT those are the most fun games by far. These games are often this intense because someone is actually dedicated to trying to fortify objectives. Though attackers still generally prevail, due to fortifications being so easy to break. Which is where his suggestions of

could make an excellent difference to the game.

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