We have a hammer for a reason

So why can’t we actually start barricading doors or cover the window with some boards so enemies can’t hop through but you can shoot through the cracks.


Once you make they cant get through, means your team cant, once you made that decision, you may as well used wire, and you can shoot through.

in old days you just place a sand bag, and move mouse up, to fill window and build, (another nerfed)
now you place a bag, there’s a gap, also allows you to stand and shoot as well :smile:


I do not have enough bags to barricade every window


Please ask then for a bigger Engineers backpack, to hold more building supply’s, i would 2nd that :rofl:


I did that already and it was ignored


The ideas of the past are gonna come back to haunt this winter - Suggestions - Enlisted

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didn’t know that, but did know, it would be a NO :rofl:
people already think, they cant carry that much irl :grin:

so why should they in game.

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And yet for some reason the Soviets can carry an MG they should not be able to shoot and carry at the same time and yet the engineers are the problem here


here we go again… same person complaining every think expekt germany.

I wanna be able to hit people with it, then their body explodes from sandbags manifesting inside their chest cavity


This game isn’t a simulator like Arma and such, it’s an arcade game taking heavy inspiration from realistic statistics while still being adjusted towards being fun to play. But if you are going to bring up the carry weight argument that would mean that LMGs and their ammo shouldn’t be carried around like they’re feather weights where players are capable of sprinting long distances and have as smooth a turn speed as carrying a pistol while aiming without a braced surface.

Seriously what is giving the engineer more sand for his sand castle going to do? Most of the defenses can be manually dismantled, blown up, or ran over and the flow of battle is sometimes way to fast for an engineer to even empty out his supply before he is either killed or the capture point is pushed to another part of the map.

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it was bought up, because that what people think about engineers, and idc about weapons, and who carry’s what.

and being a arcade game, is no reason i shouldn’t have unlimited building supply, so why would i care about weight, i am not a hysterical/historian.

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