Broken ap mine meta

Only little tell tale, for me, is when you waiting to spawn on it, but it goes grey saying, action in area, or something like that, and then it goes blue again, don’t spawn on these. :stuck_out_tongue:

But yeah no way to tell.

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Damn dude I didn’t know we could have a constant satellite feed of the spawn map while fighting on the objective
What hotkey is that?!

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Ok i bite, was this at me?

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how about defending them?

How do you expect me to protect rally and the zone at the same time?

Why should u be able to do both?

it will prevent him from mining the radio. what u want, indestructible radios? that would be nice wouldn’t. next u want auto aim?

no no, u shouldn’t ever be able to be killed by a mined radio. u need a pillow to protect you from bullets and arty too

Oh ok then
First i said, while you waiting to spawn, never mention anything about viewing it while fighting on a point?

M button
and yes, i would consider it constant satellite feed, never waited for the APC to get further up the map?

That’s so incredible isn’t it?
We had a functional forum client that would actually ping and show who you replied to properly
Yeah it was a direct reply to your post but I guess the system didn’t demarcate it as such
Dogshit app these days


Not possible if you want to attack/defend the point

I dont understand what you mean

I dont want auto aim i just want that the game would fix spawnkilling. 2 very different things

It seems that you are unable to understand my statements and i dont think there is any point in continuing

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I dont know why this is still discussion is still a thing.
The argumention FOR AP mine meta was always coming down to this:

  • People know that mines are broken and uses the toxic results as argument for them (at least… a… unique argument?)
  • People downplay them with things like “no tnt” or “so much area needs to covered” but still have most of not all of their soldiers armed with them.
  • Some bullshit about “breaking morale”,“monkeys” and “shitty placed rallies”.

Why should you be able to attack a point and defend a radio on the same time, if you don’t take the effort to place your radio in such a way you could cover it whilst advancing, in example, further away?
You shouldn’t be able to do all the things at the same time.

Here’s the thing, I don’t think spawning into a player inserted beacon should ever be a guaranteed safe spawn. There’s greyzone spawns for that.

The thing is that you don’t know what you want really. You want safe spawns on radios (un-campable by mines, machine-guns, tanks, explosives) without radios being completely broken. White shield on a radio point, for example, would be utterly broken and very easily exploited.
You don’t really want to spawn far from the objective either to be safe hence it would make attacking way more difficult and quite frankly a bore.
You don’t really want the grey zone without the white shield of power moved closer to the objective, because you would get spawn camped (do you remember BF1942 spawn camping with pixel-firing Vespe shots directly on the first spawn, and then spawn raping for the whole duration of the round? Or BF2 blocking spawns altogether, so one couldn’t spawn and could get full-capped right away. Oh, and expacks on fixed spawnlocations.) by tanks, you don’t really want grey zone with white shield of power close to the objective because the defenders could easily abuse the attackers from the greyzone.

The easy solution would be that getting close to the radio automatically despawns it, like in HLL. Yet, like in HLL where the game really doesn’t spoon feed the mentally more challenged players, the spawn-rape is real.

Why do I insist that mines on radios are “fine” and instead plane H8 suicide-cycle with rockets is crap? Because preventing a mine on a radio is a completely in the hands of the players. Everybody has the similar radio and the similar mine. You can choose to defend the radio and protect it so your lemmings will flood the enemy flag, or take a risk and don’t.
It’s balanced, like all good things in a PVP shooter.

On H8 rockets tho, only one side has them, it is nearly unpreventable even by constant flak-fire due missiles a massive and laser-point accurate range, and they have ridiculous effect on infantry.
It is, by nature, unbalanced.

Rifle-grenades? BR classes fixes that problem quite finely, and all sides have them. They are equivalent to each other.

Patching games to fix skill issues like an overprotective mother is part of the instant gratification culture I detest upon.

Do I enjoy spawning on a mine? I fucking hate it. Thus is mine all my radios first if I see players with name-icons on the other side. End of problem. The mine-layer will die the instant he gets close to my radio, and my radio blows up in the process.
I lose my mine.
Win some, gain some.

The maps are so small that there arent many places that arent obvious and good players will always find them no matter what. Rallies that are too far away from the zone are useless.

I know what i want. Either make app mines unable to be placed on player built structures like rallies or make them automatically explode when mine is placed. 3rd option would be to inform players in respawn screen that the rally is mined

Even if it is possible to defend radio i cant always do it. New players or players unaware of ap mines will likely build rallies in risky places making them easy targets. You want new players to leave when veterans keep spawnkilling them without much effort.

Mines overall dont have a place in enlisted. Games like hll benefit from mines as the map and objective is large and ap mines take time to set up and they are locked for certain class. In enlisted anyone can take mines and spam them all over the cramped map making everyones gaming experience living nightmare

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The only problem with mines is that they visually become invisible due to falling into textures, but are still active. In other, everything is fine.

Bragging about your stupidity is dumb.

A mine at the assembly point is an effective contribution to attack and defense, because this game is about reinforcements. The fewer enemy squads at the same time, the greater your advantage in numbers, the higher to take a point or prevent its capture. Well, besides, it’s a moral blow. So just ruining your and your teammates game isn’t “cool”.

There I fixed up for you, dumb dumb.


That’s exactly what those who mine enemy rallies are doing to everyone.

Might be a foreign cultural concept to you, but respect usually goes both way: ppl don’t have to respect those who have no respect for others in the first place. Treat others like you want to be treated, you reap what you sow etc. etc. Blahblahblah.


tbh abusing broken mechanic is usually the only way to get sht fixed.
If the AA for example wasnt abused to hell and back in moscow I doubt it would have ever been fixed.


I admit, that it is true.

But coming with abuse of broken mechanics also come discontent & complaints of the general playerbase (I’m part of it).

All I want is a mere 2-5 seconds planting animation…

And in a perfect world, a perk that would make mines appear (like enemy grenades), if you walk (not run) near them…

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Sleep it off. Because you write as if under the influence of either fatigue or alcohol.

There wouldn’t be a risk without the risk actualizing, now would there? Good players really should be able to punish poorly placed radios. The further away you put it, the less powerful it is, and the more safer it is.
If your team doesn’t want to defend their radios, walk then. Your choice.

A 2,5 second plant time would nerf AP mines significantly enough and would reduce the amount of radio mining and is one of the only proper solutions there are.
An automatically exploding AP mine when placed on radio is just bonkers.

Despawning radio in close proximity doesn’t work due the cramped nature of the game. In HLL where the maps are more realistic in scale it works, yet a spawn protection mechanism built on remote spawns would and is an utterly broken concept which could and would be abused.

Also: “new player suffer” syndrome is fixed by balancing the broken economy of the game. The game learning curve is a fucking no-brainer, my 3 year old daughter wins most of her games on Enlisted.

Good players will always dominate the meta over bad players, despite all the hard work Gajin has done in Enlisted to dip the skill ceiling lower than the basement floor.

this i agree with and is a proper issue.

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