Broken ap mine meta

it’s hard to explode them when you quite literally can’t see them, on some maps they phase through the ground but still kill anyone who goes over it


a good aa placement and good aim is all it takes to deal with enemy planes, I’ve seen players including myself get over 15 aircraft kills in one match that ended up making the enemy team not spawn planes

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this is along the lines of what I’m thinking of, they’re not overpowered but are heavily spammed turning a match into a game of minesweeper,
also didn’t expect to see you here lol

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Another post about AP mines, this is littering at this point. subject has been discussed to death. Its annoying seeing rants and more rants. Mines are part of the game. Adapt, improve overcome. Hope this topic gets closed soon.

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you also forget Enlisted is a buggy game and you can’t see half of the mines, and the fact that there’s so many

So were bombs that nuked entire maps.


if you don’t like a post then ignore it, also it’s hard to adapt to invisible ap mines which happens quite often on some maps

Mortars, Frags, Bombers (Planes) and visually shooting the ground wear the mines are, is the best.

You and me both. I had a random ingame that found nice cozy spot; in the cut, where they were the main character for the moment. They don’t move or chase, they’re just remaining in one spot the entire game like; greyzone tank campers - thank the Dev gods for mines. That guy likely made a post the day too complaining on the mines being OP lol…

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To be honest
I’m glad the mines are finally getting enough usage
Even though I step on landmines more than 30 times a day and get very angry about it
But my only reaction is to ask the official to solve the problem of model penetration as soon as possible
But I guess this repair may take longer than them repairing large caliber aircraft machine guns.

if you learn the usual “pathing” you know where the are even if you don’t see them

Mines aren’t overpowered, just spammed to oblivion. I’m only wanting a limit to how many one player can place and that mines don’t randomly become invisible


I loved planes that nuked the entire map - because in return like 10 shots out of your infantry MG were often enough to make said plane crash.

Defending them? We’re busy with the actual objective dude

Sorry I’ll try toning it down for the strategically challenged too

If ook ook place radio behind cap he defend, ook ook defend radio and cap same time!!

If zug zug place radio in front cap he atak, zug zug hard defend radio when atakk :frowning: smart zug tok place radio so zug tok prevent enemmy on radio = no mine on radio
zug tok smart
be like zug tok