Broken ap mine meta

They really need to limit the number of ap mines people can place as it close quarters map objectives such as the ones in Berlin or Stalingrad become almost impossible to get on because everywhere you step there’s an ap mine


More mine topic why am I not surprised.


Who could have guessed since sometimes it reminds more of minesweeper game than fps.


another,no,mines are ok,leqrn pathing and how explode them safely


I agree that they should be limited, but I am unsure where to limit them at. I’ve suggested 9 per player, so that would allow you to have a “mining squad” but would start deactivating/de-spawning if you started planting more (similar to how we have 3 active pings), but Im not sure of the effectiveness at that limit.

Its also important to acknowledge I think that they are not Overpowered per say, where they themselves need a nerf … just that when they are spammed, they can be absolutely infuriating to play against. It is something that should be debated though.


Dont think anyone said they aint ok.
Just the amount of them aint.

Is this again one of those “Skill issue” comments ? I find it slightly ironic to speak of skill while defending such high skill threshold equipment as AP mines


my gameplay is about be support: medic,mortars,engies,etc.,part of my build for be a support its use them, so at least in my case its for a good reason,I build structures for attack and defense, so my friend,its your problem

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Id guess only more useless squad compared to medics would be snipers so I guess your team really values your support.

Then you pointed out that you like to spend your game time building fortnite castles, which also has extremely high skill threshold.

So I ask again are you sure you want to speak about skill while defending your AP mines ?

Which is probably the reason why this topic was created ?


Next who thinks mines on maps should be limited.
It would be better if they added anti-mine minesweepers and mine detectors. Soon the players will start talking about nerfing the shovel because people are digging holes and you can’t drive a tank through it because it’s hard to give one crew member a shovel and dig a passage.

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a good support do…stuff, I can give you an example of me playing with APC…, mines are our way to avoid they get in

This actually requires some effort, while dropping AP mine doesnt take any.


Regular weekly segment (Landmine Protest)
The large mine must be too powerful!
It’s definitely not a matter of monkeys who don’t look at the ground and refuse to preventively clear large landmines.

This baby game should be more baby-friendly
Otherwise, the monkey requirements of these babies will never be satisfied.


yes let me take time looking at the ground scanning for mines instead of my eyes on the hostiles in front of me, you actual fucking ape, oh btw the only 2 that stick out are russia and jap AP mines

now if enlisted was of a much slower pace i don’t think people would mind the mines



In slower paced games, like hll, they’re not only fine, they are clever. You also need time to correctly place and activate them. When I boom on one, I say with due fairplay “ah! Clever sunovabitch got me, well played!”

In Enlisted, you drop em like Hansel & Grettel dropped bread crumbs. No thought. While running around.

@VoyoMayPL mine detection perk idea is quite attractive to me.


I am absolutely disgusted by this thing in-game. Today while playing I saw someone on my team mining a rally point. I killed the rally point myself.


It’s fair game. It’s xp for you for shooting the enemy rally.

Cunt just had to shoot it himself if he wanted to.

I also do this. I never hesitate when I see some enemy rally (thought I’m cautious because sometimes, they themselves booby trapped it).

Once, I shot a rally after an allied cunt just dropped a mine on it. If I recall well, he exploded with it.

“One less rat, one less rally. Two birds one stone!” I was satisfied :smile:


B-but they were “shitty-placed”…


“Butbutbut it’s a reward!”

“Next I’ll hop into a plane and suicide bomb. Then spam GL riflemen. Freeeeedooooom!!!”


Yeah. I think the perpetrator in this instance met the same fate.

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Rocket and aircraft is way more toxic, yet no one is talking about it.
We should talk about real issues that are more pressing such as terrible economy and trash MM.