Broken ap mine meta

exactly this, you need to push, you don’t have time looking for mines - or in other words, if you look for and shoot every mine you can encounter, then the enemy has already dealt more damage then if you simply die and respawn.


do the same, can’t stand this toxic mechanic abuse. Spawnkillers deserve nothing.


honestly? this argument is completely retarded,

a “shitty placed” rally, is in the open and gets destroyed by AI.

only a good one can be mined to begin with.

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A “well-placed” rally is in greyzone apparently.


AI dont destroy rally tho? i swear everytime i go near enemy rally i never seen my AI destroy it

I think they can melee them.

oh interesting i will try to make them do that next time

I complain it everytime about it in Pacific, they response “Hei and paper tank” pff

My bad (thinking AP as AT)
Even though I step on at least 30 landmines every day
But it hasn’t changed my view on landmines.
They are a good piece of equipment but are riddled with instability and sacrifice flexibility

It’s better to say they were too rare before.
I’ve only been seeing landmines regularly since last month
This is a good improvement
Because relatively unpopular equipment gets more opportunities to use it
When will we see more players willing to use smoke cannons to cover friendly forces?
Instead of using useless bombardment regardless of demand

posted from official Enlisted Facebook on 16.05.2024


well to be fair, I dedicated a thread to planes that touched on it :slight_smile:

shameless plug.

its okay. let the plane suicide cycling become more and more rampant. eventually it will force the change :slight_smile:

as for mines Ive started running a squad with a heap of grenades to throw into buildings before I go in there now lol. try and trigger them


Yes Sir. Play with honour. Play with respect. Play with frag grenade and TNT charge in-battle. Like it would be the case historically. Lol.

this isnt even about playing “with honour”

rather a mine being able to spawn kill an entire squad is bug abusing in my book.

you people defending this nonsense disgust me.


Not defending this practice to be exact. Just using a metaphor to drive home the intensity of my message.


Placing radio poorly / undefended and getting rekt by a forbidden pineapple has only one single factor to blame: u, urself, ur team.

its the zeitgeist of games and gamers that everybody needs to go over the lowest fence and get highest prize

u dont have to win to have fun
Its ok to be mediocre and have fun
not using brain or being lazy is ok
but why should one be rewarded and sheltered from cutting corners?
radio is a high reward high risk object and its ok

maybe u should find the other guy here who enjoyed finding the forbidden fruit

protect ur radios or place them sensibly. or get rekt and have fun.

and remember that only 1 player at a time can die from the mine, all the rest are bots

If your teammates are idiots and dont build many rallies it is easy for the enemy to find your rally by observing where your teammates come. It doesnt matter how good rally it is they will find it eventually

risk, reward
do, or dont
protect it or not
place ur own mine on it
all of these options and yet the action taken is writing a forum topic instead

So you are suggesting to stop building rallies?

How do you expect me to protect rally and the zone at the same time?

Wont save much if he has whole squad


Don’t even bother arguing with the types defending AP mine shenanigans in this game
@Rickyd123 and I were right back when they announced mines were coming that they’d be turbo abusable and detrimental to gameplay
Lo and behold the type its attracted as well
“Um well you made the silly mistake of spawning on it, so you deserved it! Just don’t do that and they’re fine”


the whole “dont spawn on it” argument from mine defender is kinda flaw ngl i mean how would one supposed to know it was mine unless they spawn on it or seen it being mine.