Bringing Features to All Campaigns

Mucho realsimist, as stated in Wunderwaffe prototype paper reporit 23ou4tioey43uhjrg4t8yh4t shitfungerwerfer.

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Oh nooo… arty spam is coming back…

lose all hope, the bombier its here


More HE spam amazing. Why not adding katyusha for moscow, berlin and stalingrad since you’ve made it so retarded right now for no skill HE clickers.


As if constant arty spam by tryhards wasnt enough, now well have both arty and bombers from both sides spam that shit


Wait till ai learn to use it too.


Cant wait for AI to gray zone tank camp and suicide bomb me

Also cycle grenade launcher 9 man squads


Its good you are implimenting everything but i concur with the majority of people talking about the bombers, THERE NEEDS TO BE A EFFECTIVE WAY TO COMBAT THEM.

When attacking them with ANY plane, it like shooting bb’s at them, not effective at all. In the actual war there were usually squadrons of fighters attacking squadrons of bombers.

A couple of suggestions:

  1. (This should be implimented no matter what) the anti aircraft guns need to be EFFECTIVE AGAINST AIRPLANES, at present it takes many hits to bring down a players aircraft, let alone the bombers. AA guns were nerfed against ground targeting, now increase zoom and range of acurate fire and hit power against all aircraft ESPECIALLY THE BOMBERS.

  2. A scenario: a fighter goes after the bombers when he gets within a certain distance maybe a ghost AI squadron could appear flying next to the players plane helping him attack the bombers? Currently a single fighter is worthless against the bomber squadron, i have even flown planes DIRECTLY into a bomber and the bomber still flies on and completes it run.

  3. Another suggestion is add a air combat portion to each session. I will explain.
    a. When you join a session give an option to choose ground or air combat. So you either start battles in air or ground. And yes you would need to ramp up your servers but that needs to happen anyway.

b. In essence double the amount of players in the session, OR at least 1.5 times the amount.

c. We would see some awsome air battles. Also by doing this, essentially there would be a squad of fighters to combat the AI bombers

This is just an idea in its beginning stage, but it sounds fun to me.


The thinking is : ‘lets make all campaigns as crap and broken as each other - that way then players wont stay in normandy’

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F no about airstrikes spam on other campaigns, it’s so annoying since day 1, and now it’s coming everywhere…


No to airstrikes. there are countless maps across the campaigns that will be dictated by whos airstrike lands first :rofl: Tnt in all campaigns is a very good change.


A bit of a pipe dream change, but I genuinely think that with the implementation of TNT charges across the board Explosive packs should be removed from the game as they are way too versatile. Without going into great detail, TNT provides more consistency against vehicles and risk without replacing the use of Frag grenades like Explosive packs do. TNT also makes you think twice about changing a Tank MG directly.


really not a fan of bringing airstrikes to the other campaigns, id say maybe if they dropped the aircraft from 5 to 3 so the bombers dont kill everything near or on the objective completely ruining the flow of the game, if it goes through, probably will stop playing altogether


i do agree. or, make tnt packs a “must be planted/placed to use” as explosive charges are.

this way,as is now, normal grenades have 0 reason to exist in this game.





Dude no one asked for airstrikes in every campaign, Its going to make maps unplayable and death by explosion will be 50% of deaths, its already enough in most campaigns because everyone chucking explosive packs everywhere and tanks are rolling out with HE shells. Stalingrad can get away with airstrikes because theres a lot of giant buildings you can run and hide in, Maps in Moscow and Tunisia and Normandy are going to become a joke. Also the bombers AI in stalingrad have way to good of an aimbot, and the Yaks you get to take down 5 bombers dont nearly have enough ammo so you can shoot down at the most 2 bombers. They also get lit up by said bombers AI gunners




I gotta agree that on some maps the bombers will be… a nightmare.
There are a lot of open parts in Tunisia with the nightmarish long run holes in the ground or normandy where there is no cover at all.
Honestly I think some maps could benefit from it, like the normandy landings part because of all the max level germans spawn camping you with tigers, rockets and god knows what else.

problem is usually your side has people with just the most basic equipment because they are new players and they wouldn’t be able to call an air strike if they wanted to…

And since the allies had air superiority I dont see how the germans could ever have a bomber run there…

For Berlin it might be useful though with all those buildings, however I can only see that park area and lots of spam killed germans because of the terrible cover or non-existance of it… Or that water trench place thats basically an open field as well…

Maybe give flak guns to counter the bombers since normal AA guns are entirely useless? Just have the ones placed on the map already actually function or something…


Bad idee for bombers in all maps. thought it was about realism you guys where thinking.
Normandy had only ones taken the beatch bombers and thy wherent callt in it was planed to bomb factory’s.
you realy think the generals would say yeah we gone bomb the beatch and f… our troops just make sure the germans are dead?
The germans where not bombing with regiler bombers there. but with junkers dive bombing on the beatches.
You realy think germans could do bombing runs with that many AA close to the beatch ( ships / trooptransport 50. ). allies callt in precision strikes for the ships. germans didn’t even have tanks in normandy stationt. there where up north. thy tought there was no way in the world allies would attack there.
So it took a wile before thy got in the fight.
Allied had tanks ones thy took the beatch yeah and alot are on the bottum of the ocean the ones that are sent in with the troops ( was not a good day for floting tanks, waves where to high ).
In tunisia there where no bombers like you traying to put in only planes.
To be onist havent seen germans use regular bombers in a fight where troops where same with allies thy all did it before the fight to make sure own troops didn’t die. small planes with bombs fighters where used to bomb where troops where. precion strikes. + why would germans drop on there own civies ? like berlin ? and we can go on and on with this.

You may have the m1 and other guns realistic but you are way off with tanks and planes to begin with. now you gone @ bombers to places where there where non. you better of to make the smoke drop quicker for tunisia and open maps or a seperate from the arty so it can drop @ the same time.
That way the open maps arent that open.


How many where used in normandy berlin tunisia if used realy rare. Stickybombs where used (a sok with grace and C4 )
Now in pasific there where used regurlary.

So historical you guys are way off.

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I think the radio artillery support needs to use some resource system to limit, similar to the engineer resources for engineers, similar to the soul points in CRSED, or players can only call specific shelling by spending scrolls, this will avoid the abuse of players, and everything will change be more strategic

Players must complete specific tasks or make specific contributions in the game to obtain these command points for calling artillery support in different types. Such a system would be scalable, allowing the development team to add more types of radio support to the game

It’s just something the development team or their colleagues in the next room do.