Bringing Features to All Campaigns

They are ineffective.
Try to disrupt the bombers in SG with one fighter… let alone Pacific. Makes a lot of fun, especially since the gunners dont exist as module/ hitbox.
One fighter is not enough.

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Modify Air strike or the game will looks like a spam noob mechanics game


I really do love that this game is constantly growing and evolving, little by little over time into the best game it can

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I love all this. I really do. But … could you please fix all the Italian uniforms. Pretty sure not a single one of them is correct.

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Medics and customization should be added as well, although I’m sure customization takes a bit more work because they have to design all the different looks.

Speaking of customization, I’m just saying that pants and gloves should be included. Stalingrad had all of that but in the Pacific they removed the pants/ glove option. Its good to have a lot of options so we can create different looks. So you should bring pants+glove customization to the Pacific and have all campaign customization be on par

On Medics, I personally don’t think they should replace Assaulter 1. I think we should have Assaulter 1 in the Pacific and all other campaigns, current and future, and just a Medic class added


Isn’t it what happened in real life?
You get attack by interceptors, you keep your formation as long as possible and go bombing the target.


Ah…Great. More useless airstrikes to clog up my waiting line of smoke barrages


It could happen, but once engines start going out usually there is a discussion about whether or not the aircraft can continue mission. In particular, and particularly in Enlisted, there are cases where bombers have 1 or 2 engines on fire and are still continuing in a straight line, albeit one descending towards the ground. If these were B-17s I would be totally onboard with your observation.

Bomber crews weren’t suicidal. You are right that combined gunners presented a wall of lead to protect the formation, but once the bomber is damaged the captain/co-pilot made the determination whether to continue, as I understand it. I’m not here to rehash the history, but the way it’s implemented in Enlisted is broken.

The bombing AI works fine, it’s the pilot AI that is lacking. The biggest problem is that no matter how many of these bombers you or I or whoever shoot down, it has NO impact on the next round of bombers…which will be there in just a few minutes…so many people, rightly, argue that there’s no point to even trying to shoot them down.

And even shooting them down should be the edge case, if I can damage 1, or 2, or even 3 of them, by targeting their engines, that should be enough, IMO, to make them veer off from the bombing run.


I have to say, it would be nice indeed.
You don’t have enogh ammo to shoot down one bomber in the pacific as the japanese.


Trying to break off from the formation in the last minutes of a bombing run and while being attacked by fighters is suicidal for a bomber.

Why would they separate themselves from the protective fire of the other bombers when the whole formation is about to complete mission and return to base together? They would know they don’t stand a chance alone vs attacking fighters.

If anything the crews should try and bail if they’re going down, but the altitude they’re at doesn’t give much room for that option.

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Its good to see new grenades being added. I would also suggest you should add in each faction’s grenades to their roster so we have a variety to choose from. For example, the British standard frag grenade.



Will it be the No. 77 in Normandy? if so, why? You made the US the primary faction there, so why not use the M15 instead?

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I think they should add both so we have a variery of grenades to choose from.

For example, in Tunisia I use American stuff with Americans and British stuff with British. Of coarse I make exceptions, for example Britian used the Thompson a lot

Of course they should add some British Squads to Normandy too


Ideally yes, both should be added but from what we can see in Tunisia, that is unlikely to happen.

The beauty of this game is it is always growing and evolving little by little. In time we may see

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Good update, but optics Foxman. To me this looks like you planned a patch with some unpopular features. Then released one with stuff we have all been begging for 24 hours later to cover the backlash. Remove the new radius wheel, and nerf the Japanese weapons.
Reduce the AI arty call in time so the rest of us can call it in again.
The rest of this is pretty welcome.

Airstrikes are too strong, they do not require any skill whatsoever. You can hit virtually the entire map with them, and there is no real counter to it. They are broken.

If airstrikes would only hit in a line over an area and the bombers could be reliably destroyed with AA or Fighters, sure. Otherwise, adding them in every campaign is just going to make things very unfun for most players.




Volks calling luft mate on berlin is not realistic? :upside_down_face:

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