Bringing Features to All Campaigns

As always, we’ve been working on adding certain features into campaigns they weren’t initially included in. In the High Caliber major update, airstrikes and remote TNT charges will appear in all campaigns, while phosphorus grenades will be introduced in the Invasion of Normandy and the Battle of Tunisia campaigns.

We’ve also finished attaching the pilots’ hands to the controls of their aircraft — also in all campaigns.


You’re already acquainted with these fearsome grenades thanks to the “Pacific War” campaign. When they explode they don’t just engulf everything in a small radius in flames, they also create a dense cloud of toxic smoke that can prove fatal to enemy soldiers. A great weapon to smoke enemies out of buildings and block their advance for quite a while.

You’ll find the British No.77 grenade and the Italian SRCM Mod. 35 FI in the Logistics menu of Normandy and Tunisia.


This feature was first implemented in the Battle of Stalingrad and now, at last, it becomes available in all other campaigns. An armada of bombers with powerful high explosive bombs will cover a huge area and destroy tens of soldiers and vehicles that happen to be at the epicenter.

Radio operator squads can call in airstrikes when they unlock the airstrike upgrade.


A TNT charge for those who enjoy precision. It can be placed wherever you like and detonated remotely. Mine the capture point and blow it up as enemies begin occupying it, or set it as a warm welcome for enemy vehicles! Just make sure the soldier holding the trigger doesn’t die. After all, “you’d never give it to an ordinary citizen”!.


Now in all campaigns the pilots’ hands are placed correctly on the controls of the plane and repeat all of the commands you give to your aircraft. Now nothing will get in the way of feeling like a true pilot in the cockpit.

We keep on working on all elements of Enlisted and will soon be back with another news piece dedicated to several more improvements and features. See you in the next dev diary!


Medics too pls :frowning:


how about medics? will they be implemented?


Will the gasmasks of the Tankhunter squad protect them from the phosphorus gas? :smile:


So far so good keo. 250 kg payloads on bombing runs on normandy and berlin? :slight_smile:

And the bike squads?? When we be able to ride bikes on other campaigns? Is it planned?

When working tank MG machine guns on the hull like on panzer 70/a


So far “Medic” class is basically in place of “Assaulter I” in Stalingrad/Pacific campaigns, if they bring Medics to other campaigns they either have to change “Assaulter I” for a “Medic” class in those campaigns or they will need to add “Assaulter I” class to Stalingrad/Pacific (after Assaulter II and III ?).

It’s not hard to just add “Medic” class late in the 4 main campaigns, but what about “Assaulter I” class in Stalingrad and Pacific campaigns when “Medic” class is in their place instead, they can’t add them after “Assaulter II and III”.


Will TNT be attached to the unlocked squad like the Pacific Ocean? If so, can players who have previously unlocked all squads get it?

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W developer man let’s GOOOOOOOOO

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So that’s the name of the new update, nice!
Does that mean we will see stuff like the kv2, Sturmpanzer oder Sherman 105?



Great, this means I can make more types of radio support for my mod.

But we also need a mechanism like Soul Balance in the editor.

There are a few question/suggestions:

Will the German forces in Normandy and Berlin also have their bomber fleets? This doesn’t seem quite fit to the battle environment. Are there alternatives to the bomber fleets of these two factions?

Is it possible to add the ability to call artillery support for specific vehicles? Examples include radio operators on tanks and for reconnaissance aircraft.


Thats VERY shity mehanic and your implementing it in all Campaigns? ITs ******* ridiculous.


Like Normandy doesnt have enough explosives flying around.

Also buggy customization option when?


Or Assaultet IV.

Btw. British bombers in Normandy but still no free British squads and even pay locked inf squads? Meh


You want the bombers to participate in a regular campaign? Seriously?
I can see US troops being slaughtered on the beaches of Normandy by a bombing formation with 250kg on board.
Please don’t do that.



Imagine Germans literally defending AH’s office with their last crappy Volksturm attempts and casually calling in Luftwaffe bros to make a bombing run on Berlin…


It’s the only thing that scares me.

I mean… I already know how devastating a simple Ju188 can be.


I have no real problem with rolling this change out to other campaigns…HOWEVER, as I suggested in this thread Shooting Down “Airstrike” Bombers - English speaking section / Suggestions - Enlisted and as others have also suggested, the way bombers work right now is too frequent.

There is an entire class of vehicles (cough cough fighters cough cough) that people avoid because they have limited utility.

Let us use those fighters to reduce the frequency of bomber runs.

Or at least let us use those fighters to disrupt the bombers on their approach (right now, the bombers just continue on a straight line path…they might lose altitude if damaged, but otherwise they do not respond at all to a fighter attacking them; the AI gunners shooting at me is expected, the AI pilot just continuing on to target with no thought to the safety of the airplane or his crew is just plain stupid - only a human player should be that dumb. Skynet…er, AI should behave more intelligently).