BR Match Making and Maps

Hello Devs,

The current BR+/- 2 tier system does not work ! You need to lower it to +/- 1 as Tier 3 vehicles are simply outmatched vs a 2 BR gap, notwithstanding that I fought a battle in Stalingrad where my team was demolished by a player with a Tiger II. I acknowledge it doesn’t impact the infantry game as much so the rock throwers from the forums won’t care, but I think it significantly detracts from gameplay particularly for new and mid players. IF you want to grow the game, preserve your new folks who will generally prefer a more linear progression.
Please reconsider the current BR spread for match maker and adjust it.

I also read previously that you will align the tiers/associated BRs with the maps - so early to mid war being Pacific, Tunisia, Moscow and Stalingrad maps, whilst Normandy and Berlin being reserved for the Tier 4/5, BR IV/V respectively. Please follow your own rules and clean up the match making to map player allocation.

Last but not least, don’t corrupt your tech trees. Figure out the historical arrangement of vehicles that you want represented at the respective BRs and don’t insert vehicles with higher BRs into lower Tiers, assuming that unlike WT, Tiers actually do anything in this game… This approach is completely no-sensical and seems to stem from the equally illogical circular arguments from War Thunder. This is Gaijin’s opportunity to fix the mess they made out of War Thunder. Don’t regress into the same flawed logic / arguments from that game.


I agree that everything especially tanks should be at least historically arranged. You checked out my most recently post by chance?


just lock them br 1-2.

Wonder where the soft rule is?

If we have Tiger 2s driving around Stalingrad?

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Yeah and apparently they haven’t executed that too well. Especially when we have fg42’s and rd-44’s in Stalingrad with King tigers and IS 2’s

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That changed. The reason high BR gear is in Stalingrad is because Stalingrad is a “BR 3” campaign, meaning everyone can go there. This gives max BR Soviet players two map groups to play in.

I’d prefer maps being disconnected from the BR system altogether.

Yeah that’s not a problem that’s an opportunity to start working on other post Stalingrad campaigns like Kharkov, Kursk, Bagration etc…
Accept that high level (BR IV +) Soviets have one map set to play on for the time being and move on…

Or fit out your BR accordingly and play the map. No need to seal club BR III with BR V vehicles/equipment in Stalingrad it just spoils immersion badly.

as in any BR can play any map?

I get it…but Im sort of happy with it being linked ro BR (compromise) Because at least I can target Moscow, Pacific and Tunisia with a higher success rate than If Normandy and Berlin got chucked into the mix.

really not interested in Berlin maps at all. so its like an inbuilt Veto system already.

That’s a War Thunder outcome and it basically sucks. Even moreso that there are period centric wrecks/architecture on maps that don’t correspond to the generic BR vehicle periods you’re playing at.

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Well the first Test Server was Map based equipment… people hated It…there were only a few, inluding myself that saw a glimmer of potential there. But as it got further compiled down into BRS, we wont know

Now with BR, its not ideal, but at least with Maps being linked (somewhat) to BR you can make a choice…decided by gear, or decided by map (better chance at anyway)

If you take maps from BR then you only get to choose gear and the rest is randomly decided for you. I dont like that (then you really will get King tigers everywhere and spend a good deal of time on maps you dont wish to see…probably increase desertion rate)

I understand what you mean, so I think the “restriction” issue would only significantly manifest itself for the beginning Campaigns/Maps and specifically for veteran players who have access to all the potential equipment choices.
New players wouldn’t notice it as much and their progress would be linear enough so that they wouldn’t be too adversely affected by the reverse power creep, ie they would have to put up with fully upgraded weapons of the type they have as opposed to fighting fully spaded weapons of 2 BRs higher with their un-upgraded weapons / squads.
I see so many threads already here and in previous years on WT forums from stupid ppl not grasping the simple reality that not all players will have fully upgraded equipment irrespective of that they appear to be using or driving.

I am honestly not sure of the value of the Test Servers and what they actually tested ? Other than providing fresh maps to drive the King Tigers on I really missed the point of the tests. To me it was just allowing players to become familiar with the squad and equipment shitfight that everyone is dealing with right now.

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I think they made a plan (1st draft progression tree) and planned tiers to = BR. Feed back got loud about 10 tiers being too much and blah blah blah

Tried something different with the 1st test server which got everyone in a huff. Then pretty much went back to the original plan. while trying to take on some of the feed back.

Which resulted in this over compressed state, which quite frankly people asked for. I would say the majority didnt properly understand what they were asking for. and they got it.

These ideas and concerns were thrown around everywhere during the testing phase by alot of people.

I made a few posts commention on 2 MM queues not being enough to adequately balance/protect

But while its a casual game…there is only so much you can do to protect new players from fully geared players.

IMO High BR was always going to be utter mayhem. That is just the nature of it. But BR can save the early and mid game. Clearly demonstrated by BR 2 being a good experience in general (balance wise)

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I made a post on the forum which raf already commented on it. I believe my suggestion would work very relative to as far as keeping tiers 1-2 their own thing however making a separate tier queue of 3 and 4. However taking a fraction of the tier 5 weapons and moving then down to tier 4 that way they could see action in Moscow and Stalingrad. Also involves putting Moscow also in tier 3-4 for higher tier weaponry presence.

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Thanks for that perspective, I appreciate the write up !

I see BR 3 as the point where the majority of the players will sit and play given the nature of the weapons currently allocated to that bracket. They appear to be as well historically aligned as Gaijin can manage at this time.

To my mind then, the critical element is to isolate BR I from BR III and BR III from BR V, as far as matchmaking is concerned, and
then to try an align the Campaign Map concept to this new core Tier/BR equipment construct.

Equally as I get more into the weeds about what equipment is available at what BR, I’m starting to see some serious logic/common sense breakdowns that I’ve seen with Gaijin in WT…

I’d say make 5 it’s own queue with Normandy and Berlin. And then have 4 as the middle ground tier between 3 and 5. So make the queues as 1-2,3-4 and then 4-5.

I concur, that would solve the match making vs player progression and equipment unlock compression issues.

You could even add in a 4th queue 2-3 into that line up.

4 queues is still better than 6 disconnected Campaign queues.

Yeah I can see that being reasonable as well. And since the US and Germans have a lot of good smgs in the tier 4 line up already. I feel the ppd’s and ppSh should be in tier 4 and then give the tier 4 Germans their mp717 back. And then give Moscow the queues of 1-2, 2-3 and 3-4 as well as Stalingrad having the same queues and both battles cut out of 5 that way king tigers FG’s, avt and other Berlin only exclusive guns and tanks don’t cross into those 2 campaigns.

If there is one thing almost everyone is united on (at least seems that way), is that at miniumum, a 3rd Queue is needed (Middle bracket)

It just took some a while to realise it.

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Lets hope its actioned by the devs, I don’t mind waiting for a few minutes more knowing that I will get a fairer and potentially more fun match.

Same, and especially if you’re gonna get a battle or map that your arsenal would fit well into. Sign me up :raised_hands: