BR Match Making and Maps

I actually believe the BR 4 in Stalingrad was going to be alleviated eventually. I think the problem may have been player population numbers or amount of maps or something because Berlin is the only late war Soviet campaign.

What we need is a new mid to late war Soviet campaign, that way early Soviets have Moscow and Stalingrad, and for late Berlin and insert map

Tbh the queues we recommended on this thread and what to do with the weapons mentioned should help even before we get a new mid-late campaign for soviets. However yes we could use more mid-late battles. And even late battles like narva Estonia or even the dneiper carpathian offensive that lasted from December of 1943 to august of 1944.

to much debri for tanks and that tanks cant cross a trench is insane
and ya matching tanks tigers panthers with T34 basic models not t34-85 or IS1 So pay to slay works infavor of those who pay to have tiger panthers v basic allied tanks or russians

can someone find out why iii----iiii team manages to loose virtually no squads and can manage tollway be able to fight together - no one else can so take a look at these cowboys cos if they ain’t hacking the game with the cheese bots exp 212 kills -0 squad losses to bomber artillery