BR based on overall average raiting

In battles where the numerical difference is more obvious, the difference in the number of AI and its weapons has a clear impact on the outcome of the battle.

If you deny this, it’s difficult to have any worthwhile discussion.

This is a very fundamental point

Yes it does. Not always cqc.

Because you carry 1 squad, you control one of its members while your other members still fight.

If you can’t even admit the most basic gameplay of Enlisted, what is there to discuss?

Yes, if it is as you stated, then there is no difference between lone wolf mode and squad mode.

Im quite sure for this exact reason custom games exp gain was severely decreased because people made custom lobbies and farmed bots.
So I really wouldnt base my argument on amount of bots.

Its quite frequent combat enviroment, cqc.

Arent you now kind of proving my point how 1 player controlled ppsh is by far more effective than 1 player controlled MP40 +3 AI ?

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Same to you then…

I was said that I only represent myself… And you imply that you represent more. Although you, as a player representative, have not gone through any elections. I don’t like this claim

yes it does in some maps

But still

It seems you have acknowledged this

You’re constantly denying your AI members, and they’re very important to Enlisted’s regular gameplay. . They are not your extra respawns

The general gameplay of Enlisted is a game about squads. The player controls one of the soldiers and fights with his squad members. And your squad members will also hit the enemy.

You’re here, but Enlisted was never a single-player shooter about a single soldier

Yes/No for you?

Enlisted AI isn’t even good with SMGs, bots are beast only with BAs and LMGs.


Yes, I think its related to their bullets do more damage, they are better when using light machine guns

Id like to remind you its you whos idea was a duel between me and you to prove I suppose your point ?
And I quite clearly pointed out that duel between me and you regardless how it would end, isnt exactly comparable in playerbase scale which is quite important since suggestion of yours would indeed impact a entire BR tiers.

So your duel doesnt exactly prove anything.

Okay so are you suggesting you can bring PPSh in maps where it wouldnt be OP ?

Yeah, the AI is indeed shit. So are you saying you lose most of your duels with ppsh against mp40 due to bots and this is your reasoning to bring ppsh to low tier BR or ?

And the robot using BA is also very scary too.

There is no doubt that he can kill some players’ ppsh commandos with just a turn.

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That’s why squads which are made of player with ppsh and bots with BAs are basically even more dangerous than just squad with 4 ppsh.

This isn’t a thing which your combined battle rating is reflecting.
And that’s why it can ve abused by very good players, meanwhile less experienced player will be completely clueless.


Yes, but in the example we are discussing the commando only has 1 ppsh.

Just as I saw him, his ppsh team members were shot. . .

I then used my MP40 to kill the rest of his squad. The Mosin-Nagant was still a formidable opponent, but I had more chances to try.

This is a reasonable extrapolation, since we have a lot of open areas of terrain in the Moscow battle.

I think this is what I’m going to do in the upcoming BR-2 fighting and my opponents don’t even have ppsh or STG~ Xaxa :kissing_heart:

Have fun to all of you~

And I totally agree with your idea that number of weapons in a squad has no use in Enlisted.~

your argument about number of weapons in squads would be valid if bots were actually useful. difference between 1 ppsh and 5 ppsh is 0 cause player can only control 1 ppsh while other 4 are useless. sure it is easier to switch to another soldier with same weapon and continue killing, but you can easily pick same OP weapon after your primary soldier using it is killed.

it is balanced cause every player in that tier can take rifle GL squad. sure it is shitty tactic, but it is not unbalanced. unbalanced is when one player can take OP weapon that other player doesnt have access to.

that aircraft doesnt matter if you dont have second vehicle slot for f2p players.

no it doesnt. AI avoids killing human players unless you really manage to aggro it (and that takes real effort). 1 player with ppsh can kill 100 AI without problem no matter their equipment. ffs i managed to kill over 140 bots with one soldier and svt38.

btw you want proof?

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I noticed there was an ID in the lower left corner, which allowed me to enjoy the video later

And check your opponent’s userid. I will personally add them as a friend and ask them what they think

This is indeed very convincing evidence.

I am totally convinced by you but you can still share more of your replays

i doubt you will find replay cause it is 6 months old.

idk why you need to check opponent userid when they are bots.

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It’s okay, you still have some

Surprisingly only one of your opponents has a userid greater than 0?

It seems like your opponents all seem to be very unique.

I don’t know if BR applies to PvP combat or what, but there still seems to be some logical confusion

Where am I? What am I discussing? I think this is going to be turn into a balance topic about PvE.

this is purely counterpoint about how you are talking about quantity of weapons. if those weapons are in the hands of AI, then they are good as worthless. only weapon that matters is the one in the hands of human player.

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I want to make an additional note that while Enlisted is a squad game, anything we talk about above about 1xppsh vs 4xmp40 is in regards to the PvP squad mode with players both side…

Maybe I didn’t realize this was a pure PvE game you guys were talking about.

Yea, I think we should have a pure PvE mode for you guys… They shouldn’t mix PvE and PvP here.

But basically, I think BR should be design for PvP not PvE

there is no PvP in squad mode. only PvP is in lone fighters. squads is PvPvE

and tell me how 4x mp40 is somehow better than 1x ppsh when 3 of those mp40 is in the hands of AI making it basically 1 mp40 vs 1 ppsh41

When you have 10 players on a team playing 10vs1, things can seem extreme.

Are you asking me if I accept this as a case study?

mp40 still able to shoot more and got more chance…

this is only case study about usefulness of bots. the one you insist give you advantage when they hold 3 mp40

I think one of the great features of Enlisted is the different types of weapons, especially the infantry’s primary weapons, which can kill most soldiers in a few shots. . .

This makes these weapons not that different in combat. .

This is a trait shared by both Enlisted and CRSED, and is even more pronounced in Enlisted, as characters in CRSED have 25hp while Enlisted only has 13.5 at best

When you have similar weapons, you can compete. . .

Even in CRSED, in the exchange of guns, the player who shoots first will have more advantages, and his AI teammates will not only provide him with a chance of victory, but also allow him to try more times. .

No matter what weapon you use, M3 vs M4A1, the M3 is still likely to win, but the M3 is not a good gun to use, it doesn’t perform well at long range, but in CQC they can fight each other.

If you consider the different ranges, and what happens in combat, it’s not like these weapons can’t fight each other.

It is not uncommon to use MP35 to kill a player with AKM in the final round.

Likewise, in Enlisted you have more teammates. And your squad members who can help you achieve victory.

And you are using nearly pure PvE combat as an example, which really confuse me…

I really can’t understand how you think about PvP combat.

Both sides are 9-man infantry squads, with one team having 1 FG and the other team having 9 FGs. Which side is more likely to win?

Not to mention that some players can equip more additional equipment, grenades or mines

Can a player with 3 grenades be compared to a team with 27 grenades?

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