BR based on overall average raiting

That’s exactly what I am doing. Otherwise fresh squads with only 4 soldiers would have lesser battle score than fully upgraded (because mrow weapons) And taking 10 squads instead of 4 would make your battle score much higher as well, because more weapons yet again.

As I said earlier the 1 ppsh will be more effective than its “counter” 4 Mp40’s for example.
So the “number” game doesnt exactly work here, just like one T-34 aint equivalent to 2 pz3J.

I’m not against you. You can see that I’m agreeing with you, and maybe you’re about to enjoy the balance you want.

Because it is the developers who ultimately make the decision, and the current system is more suitable for your point of view.

But my Grenades squad doesn’t guarantee the “balance” thing you’d expect.

While I think the number of weapons is very important, in my game things didn’t work out the way you stated.

Yes Then go balance !

This will be judged by a BR2 aircraft with a weight of 250kg.

I think considering that you’re ignoring the fact that there are different types of combos in the game.

Even if you don’t mind the fact that different weapons play different roles in this game, you can’t make every tank exactly equal in 100 tier BR (unless you expect some kind of game that calculates damage based on some HP)

Its simply the fact that OP end game gear such as PPSh are way too poweful tools to any low BR game regardless are they in small quantity or not.
As well as the fact that entire BR system is supposed to prevent said OP gear to appear in lower BR where it doesnt have a equilevant counter.

Quite sure this has been “tested” out in moscow already, you even have capability of having 500kg bomb as “counter” for T-34 and it didnt exactly work.

As well as this severely harms the tank play of the game, if one faction is forced to take planes as “counter” to tank thats technically invulnerable to opposite tanks the tank play for obvious reason is quite broken isnt it ?
As well as in current setup you either choose a tank or plane as F2P player.

Im not asking red vs blue, equipment being different is fine.
What is not fine is the T-34 against Pz3J’s for example, both teams has to have equipment capable to compete each other.

You said not means it did and not means it should be accepted to all players…

Obviously the side with more automatic weapons has an advantage, even in terms of AI response.

It’s hard for me to tell you the truth, but you can test it yourself in the game.

When I say 1+1=2 and you say 1+1=0, or vice versa, I think it requires your personal practice rather than through words

I think this is another common sense in daily life

That’s all well and good, except that you’re trying to convince me through words. I’m very confused.

Quantity is very important in my gaming experience.

This is especially true in PvP since Enlisted is a squad-based game, only in PvE battles you can use a soldier as Superman, but most of the time you can’t.

Having said that, why don’t we add each other as friends and open a custom room, I carry 5x pps, and you carry any 1 weapon that you think is very powerful.

Well lets put it this way, I play moscow with my one (1) ppsh and I face a squad of 4 MP40.
Obviously only one of these Mp40’s is a threat to me as its conrolled by player I kill the player as well as everyone else in said squad.
Did that 1to4 number advantage help Mp40 ? No it didnt.

Same applies even better to tanks such as T34, theres 2 pz3J that in theory could kill me if they somehow managed to flank me in a game where 3d spots shows thru walls.
And in practice, its just 2 tanks that are incapable to compete against 1 t34.

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As for your other descriptions, I think they are even more off-topic, such as the idea that aircraft versus tanks hurt gameplay. . . You might as well make a brand new post about this

I think the expansion of these issues undermines the discussion of quantitative issues in this topic

Of course we already have a lot of naughty response up there

Accept friends invite then


If the plane is only counter to tank in game then yes it does hurt gameplay.
Especiatly tank gameplay.

Okay ? So what you want ? A coloring book about subject how 2 pz3J are not equivalent to 1 T34 ?

Yea, then make a new post. not here response me… (You can in you new post @ me and said I dont accept this point of veiw)

Discussion of the role of aircraft and tanks is off topic…

I don’t understand why you insist on using words to explain? As far as I know, mere textual description cannot form a fact. .

I thought you came up with the idea of 250kg bomb being equivalent counter to tank ?

Well T34 serves a great example of how your mathmatic formula isnt exactly working.

Please re-read the description in the topic topic which is mainly about infantry weapons.

For vehicles, I think spawnCost is more suitable

And anything you describe about vehicles not being completely equal happens in vanilla BR as well, so why are you using it to refute me?

Fine, 1 ppsh is still better than 4 mp40.
Happy now ?

1 ppsh is worst than 4 mp40.

Depends on the combat environment

I don’t understand why many response want to make the final statement, why not add friends and compete in a custom room

you take 1ppsh and mosins

me 4xmp40 and 98k

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In what planet ? Perhaps in situation where 1 ppsh faces 4 players each with 1 mp40 it probably would.
Then again this points your “math” here would mean it takes 4 players to take out 1.

I consider friends as weakness.
And what are you exactly even trying to prove here ? You think a “duel” between me and you is somehow comparable to enlisted playerbase ?


Perhaps because in above mentioned example of t34 vs 2 pz3J your numbers isnt exactly helping.
Same goes in very frequent situation where you face the entire squad of enemies with ppsh vs 1mp40 and clueless bots.

This means you want to provide some kind of statistics that illustrate the facts. . .

I think it’s a subjective feeling… But you have some illusion that you represent a lot of players. . I’m not, I only represent myself

Take it easy, don’t worry too much, many players think they represent all players.

Yet I don’t understand why you would object to the fact that numbers are very important in squad games.

But I can admit that you are unable to recognize the fact…

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Nope, you are ignoring the pure fact bots are mostly completely helpless against real players.

That’s why 1 weapon by itself makes extreme difference and it is very significant.

2 players with ppsh =/= 2 bots with ppsh.

Even one single decent player with mp40 is way superior to 4 bots with ppsh.


This is also why I get tired of replying to some naughty players, because once you start replying, everyone is trying to convince you to accept the point of view he is describing. And gradually deviated from the topic.

For you, yes, assuming that the problem of the number of weapons and the number of soldiers is not a problem in Enlisted, then the solution described in this topic has no basis for the problem it is intended to solve.

As far as debates are concerned, your entry point is very fundamental.

Yes, Enlisted’s AI is very unintelligent, but that doesn’t mean the AI and squads can’t get better.

And Enlisted’s regular gameplay is still a squad-based game, and AI members are very important in it.

That’s never going to change here with squad-based gameplay. Unless he turns into some CSGO thing.

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Not exactly sure what you are after here, but Iam in fact really concerned about OP weapons appearing in BR tiers where they have no place to be, regardless are they in small quantity or not.

Eh, if I recall your idea was to prove your “point” with duel between me and you.
And I can quite confidentally say regardless how that would end the result would not be reflectable to bigger scale aka entire playerbase.

:+1: arent you something.

Sure, but as its explained quite many times the 1ppsh is indeed by far more powerful than squad of 4 mp40’s if they face in cqc.
Theres just one (1) player in that squad that potentially can kill you the rest aka numbers you say are bots that arent capable to even kill themselfs.

I just don’t understand what makes you think your concept/suggestion is any functional. It would work only if squads were made of real players, not bots.