BR 5 for the American faction is absolutly OP

BR 5 for the American faction is OP. The Japanese faction’s BR 5 weapons cannot beat the American faction’s BR 5 weapons. Now, the noobs of the American faction will drive away all the players of the Japanese and German factions with their infantry weapons and HVAR rocket spam that are more powerful than those of the German faction. There will always be a large number of users who want to play the American faction, so making the balance in favor of the American faction will quickly destroy the game’s player balance.




Funny cause I don’t remember this from last update…

Anyway, US got new toys so everyone is playing them, particularly veteran players, that’s why


It’s back & forth, always been.

Next powercreep weapon might cause a switch again.

Or they might fix the fgs recoil & dispersion.

Or new event stuff.

Nothing new.


The balance should never be tipped in favor of the American faction. If one American faction is made OP like now, users of the German and Japanese factions will feel unpleasant and uncomfortable with Enlisted, and it will have a huge negative impact on the growth of Enlisted. It is never good for Enlisted to maintain a situation in which users of the German and Japanese factions feel unpleasant and uncomfortable for a long time in order to please the users of the American faction.

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But you were fine when Allies faction was the underdog? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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germans still have the by FAR strongest tank, fg42 is still the best rifle overall, german planes are overall on par with american ones (so both nations dominate) and smgs are the best too (together with soviets).

american arent dominating, they just overshadow the japanese now, but not by too much.

ger & sov: strongest 2 nations
burger & japs: weakest 2 nations


I don’t like all kind of underdog. And since the Enlisted merge, the American faction has never been an underdog.

After integration, the American faction’s weapons were never weaker than those of the Japanese and German factions. And the American faction’s T20 automatic rifle series is much more powerful than the German faction’s FG 42 II. The FG 42 II’s default firing mode is semi-automatic and the bayonet cannot be used. Additionally, the FG 42 series has very serious bullet spread. Additionally, infantry weapons and aviation rockets are much more important in this game than tanks and aviation bombs. There are few situations where tanks and aerial bombs will come into play, but there will always be situations where infantry weapons and aerial rockets will come into play.

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dont the Japs still have the best select fire weapon in the game?

(30 round FG style)

also that disgusting prototype SPG is very strong as far as I know.


We all knew that the T20 rifle would be a huge boost to US, it is the new best SF rifle, just go check the stats, its essentially AVT-40 and FG42 II hybrid with none of the downsides.
Calling the US overpowered though seems a bit extreme to me, but I agree that FG42 and AVT-40 need a buff.


Enlisted tanks are very slow, have limited advancement paths, and do not have many situations in which they can be utilized effectively. Enlisted tanks and aerial bombs cannot destroy buildings, so they are trash in urban warfare. However, overpowered T20 series and HVAR rocket spam provide OP performance anytime, anywhere. Even the American faction can devastate the sluggish King Tigers and the Axis faction’s infantry and rally points by just spamming HVAR rockets at any time. Even buildings that cannot be penetrated by the explosion of 500 kg aerial bombs can be easily penetrated by the American faction’s HVAR rockets.

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Type hei automatic rifle does less damage than any other SF rifle, but still carry the same amount of ammunition so Japanese soldiers need ammo pouch to be effective with it, while T20 has the same damage as the garand and less recoil than AVT-40 despite sharing damage with it.
T20 is definitely at least on par with the Type Hei auto.

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I own some gold T20, and they have noticeable stronger vertical kick than FG42.

and again Type Hei Automatic has 30 rounds and is pretty much the same gun.

Visual recoil*

Please rely on real data, datamined by helper.

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a Soldier has 13.5 health points ( 10 + 35% from vitality)

a fully upgraded T20, or FG42, or Type hei deal enough dmg to kill in one shot.

the only difference the extra dmg from a T20 does is still killing in one shot against Paratroopers, because they have extra HP, well of course there is also damage drop, but that effects every gun and most fights are under 20 meters anyways.

  • also, even though it seems like spamming at this point, but I still want to point out that Soviet Body armor turns FG42 into a two hit kill, making it pointless to pick over STGs.

I used the T20 and I can say event without upgrade is a lot reliable, and rarely you miss a shot, i love it


yes, thats what vertical kick means.

The Japanese faction’s automatic rifle with a 30-round magazine deals low damage per shot and has a slow reload speed. However, the damage per shot of the automatic rifles that riflemen of the American and Soviet factions can be equipped with is the highest among Enlisted’s automatic rifles, and the reload speed is very fast.

And the BR 5 prototype Self-Propelled Gun of the Japanese faction have no turret and no machine guns. The Japanese faction’s BR 5 prototype SPG is an armored weapon with the most weaknesses because when the gun barrel is lowered, the upper armor opens and it becomes an open-top SPG.