BR 3 needs a change

I can accept I being an island and safe haven for noobs

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Typo on my behalf, was meant to write 2. 3 ques is what Iā€™m proposing too.


Again, claiming people are noobs when you yourself are average at best at this game.

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1 so the only chance for a br III player to kill a br V tank is to use bombs over 100 kg? (I dropped 100 kg bombs right on top of the Tiger II without damaging them) Planes are not available at any time, not to mention that not everyone likes playing planes.
2 Youā€™re just asking players to camp in gray areas.
3 Of course with enough skill you can do well in BR V but the point still stands It is very imbalanced.


Consider for a moment that they are making a terrible mistake.

Maybe they have data that would change my mind but I feel this decision is likely stifling growth of the player base. Build it and they will come.


I hold the opinion that if it doesnt change soon it will be too late, the hole will be too deep.

catch 22 going on imo. Wont Make the MM better until more players, More players not interested in staying if MM is wacked.


What I understand from dev statements and my limited testing is that BR3 is, statistically, not the same as BR5 in terms of queuing (but itā€™s still broken and needs fixing in my opinion).

As I said, my tests (admittedly limited) back this up. I ended up, as BR3, in matches with a mix of low and high tier. If I queue BR5, itā€™s straight BR5.

There has been a bit of a disruption to this since the aborted Steam launch in my observation (I see low tier players more in high BR matches for whatever reason).

My point is, if you really want to call people noobs, just queue BR5 to ensure you get the toughest competition.

Not necessarily, although it may be convenient. Around the corner doesnā€™t have to be in the gray zone

Well if you donā€™t like flying, thereā€™s ~4 other ways of destroying an enemy tank. News flash, using another tank is the LEAST RELIABLE METHOD. Using a bomb is the MOST RELIABLE METHOD. Iā€™m just telling you what works. Up to you if you want to use it or not

I donā€™t give a flying flip about newbies. Itā€™s everyone else constantly whining and complaining ā€œbut whoā€™s going to think of the new players?!ā€
I say out of the frying pan, into the fire. Itā€™s how the rest of us got into this game. No hand holding. No help. I was given Springfieldā€™s and a PIAT and told to kill some Krauts with MG 42ā€™s and late Pz IVā€™s (I donā€™t think Tiger came to Normandy till later, could be wrong)

Further evidence that you donā€™t care about the lifecycle of this game. New players are essential for game survival.

You are starting to rival GreyParrot with how much BS you spew.


And why using a br 3 tank is the least reliable way to kill a BR 5 tank???
Because they shouldnā€™t play against each others.

Literally majority of BR3 tanks can destroy BR5 tanks. Tiger 2 H is basically the only exception.

Although you can destroy it by shooting at the turret ring from the back, it only has 30mm in there (but I know thatā€™s a very unrealistic scenario).

On other hand, all BR3 German tanks with 7,5cm /L40 can destroy IS-2 (1944) frontally to its turret. And any other tank is flankable.

But donā€™t get me wrong, I am arguing for Ā±0 MM as long as I can remember.

Using a BR V tank to kill a BR V tank is the least reliable. Using a BR III tank to kill a BR III tank is the least reliable. Using a tank to kill a tank is the least reliable method. Donā€™t you dare take my words out of context and twist it to your agenda

Totally agree with you. This BS is starting to be similiar to GreyParrot talks.

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Thatā€™s how games die, make it easy to get into and enjoy the game, donā€™t make everything too easy but actually a good game for newbs.

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Ok so let them have BR I isolated as a safe haven for them. Make it a challenge to reach BR III so that by the time they get to that point, they know what theyā€™re doing so a bunch of Vā€™s donā€™t just bowl them over mercilessly. Hopefully weā€™ll get some more PvE gamemodes and whatnot in the future to let them have fun with the higher tier weapons without suffering High Tier

Iā€™m fine with either 1 or 5 being an island. Just the BR 3 reaching two ratings down is wrong to me.

Why? The Kar98k is BR I, least Iā€™m fairly certain it is, and the BAR and Garand are BR III. Historically these guns fought each other. Besides, thereā€™s nothing in I that canā€™t keep up with III except maybe the Allies SMGā€™s causeā€¦they ainā€™t the best. Lol

But anyways, thatā€™s just me being me

Competence and noob-ness are unrelated, although there are often coincidental similarities.

And thereā€™s nothing to stop someone playing at BR3+ with Kar98 if they want.