BR 3 needs a change

I beg to differ. I know generally many players chase the meta but I’m the kind of player who usually will play whatever for variety more or less. Hey sometimes I feel like using a Panther, sometimes a Panzer 2

You’re part of a minority. That’s why you’ll always do worse than a player who has the top gear.

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I do have a niche philosophy and perspective. I admit it myself many times :sweat_smile:

Personally I don’t care about whether I’m on the top of the scoreboard or whatever. I’m more into “Do whatever job you can to the best of your ability and every little thing counts to fight the battle”. I feel that way towards everyone

It’s like with MGs I primarily do bipod to lay down fire. I’ll get whatever kills I can, maybe a bomb lands directly on me, if I mowed down some advancing enemies then the job was complete for better or worse. Or particularly one time in Invasion on attack I parachuted to the side/ back flank to hold up enemies running to man the objective. In a way I’m mission oriented

Whether I did great statistically during a match or not, que sera sera. I have fun, fight the battle, and enjoy

great way to kill BR4

For all I care could remove entire BR4 as its kinda pointless anyway.
Plenty of BR5 equipment could be moved to BR4 as well as plenty of BR4 equipment could very well be BR3 to give each BR better equipment to fight the higher BR.

Not much can be moved below BR3 to BR2 that wouldnt be ridiculously op in BR 1-2

Well a Garand or Pavesi or G41 43 wouldnt hurt BR2, because every MG or Bolt outgun Semis in Enlisted

Yeah BR5 should be separated from BR4. There are many cool weapons and tanks that you can’t use since they are inferior to BR5 vehicles that also includes gold order weapons since FG42/AVT/M2 Carbine will always be superior to Mondragon or Farquhar hill


Idk, id guess they would replace the BA’s merely due to rof ( Just a guess ) & fact that “long” range aint so relevant in the game where BA is obvious king.

After some BR2 games it feels the current balance between BA / smg is just right. SMG obviously is better for hosing down groups of enemies but BA due to ohk capability has a fighting chance.

BR 4 is already dead….
Can’t kill what is already dead.


A: tank balance isn’t the end all be all. Playing BR III and worried about enemy tanks? Bring a plane. Want to use your own tank? Pick a spot out of their line of sight that you can still see objective and hammer it. I’ve done both

B: BR III weapons absolutely can hold their own in V. You just need the skill to back them up

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While not absolutely correct you have some good points. Again, 1-2, 3-4, and 5 separate would be better, even including a 4-5 split would be very interesting.


Once again you show how little you know about this game. I’d like to see you take down a Tiger II in a Sherman 75mm. You can’t even penetrate the side armour :clown_face: how about you try M8 rockets in your P38, do you think they’ll penetrate? A Tiger 2 can walk away from 100kg bombs that land next to it.

Thompson vs StG 44
Gewehr 41 vs AVT 40
M1 Garand vs FG42
Do you honestly think 2 evenly skilled players can be evenly matched if one player had BR 5 equipment vs the other with BR 3? What do you think is going to happen when a highly skilled BR 5 player comes up against a BR 3 casual player ??

Funny how you talk about skill, yet you are a sub par player. Don’t talk about skill when you have no skill to back up anything you say.


I still have my reasons to not want it. I fell in love with Enlisted. Not War Thunder

Funny how you claim that, yet war thunder is equally as unbalanced with uptiering and down tiering. Your arguments are weak and you are closed minded.


If you really love this game, you would agree that BR 1 & 2 needs to be separate from BR 3, BR 3 & 4 need to be together and separate from BR 5.

Especially if this game wants to keep new players. Why would they play a game where they constantly lose because of people like you who play BR 3 to be downtiered into their matches??

You must feel real tough when a Panzer 2 can’t penetrate your Sherman or when you decimate a whole squad using bolt actions with your BAR :clown_face:


A whole 3 or 4 of them, instead of 2…


3 it is then - that fits…

Not at all - 4 can live with 5.


There are currently 2 BR ques and in order to make the changes I suggest, they will need to implement 3. So yes, I agree with you there.

Although I disagree with you here. 4 cannot live with 5. There’s a significant jump from BR 4 equipment to BR 5. BR 3 can live with 4 because BR 4 is only slightly better than BR 3.


Would you even accept it if it was just 1-2 and the 3 and onward?

No BR should face something 2 BR’s higher.


So? We only have two queues right now anyways, every match is either BR3 or BR5. What we are asking for is actually 3 queues.

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