BR 3 needs a change

Too op against BR 1 and severely underpowered against BR 5. I know this issue has already been discussed in the community but I dont think it has been acknowledged by darkflow. In my opinion what could be done is making the br 1-2, 3-4, 4-5 or 1-2, 3, 4-5. or even 1-2, 2-3 3-4 ,4-5 if there is an unbalance in player numbers.


it has been acknowledged by DF and paraphrasing their response:
" we ran the numbers and found that matches would be terrible with additional queue"


No. BR III is the most fun this game can offer


could work, meanwhile lock br1-2 entirely.


I was truly sad when I read they don’t even PLAN to make additional queues…

Br system, as of now, fail to accomplish it’s very purpose…


Getting stomped by kv 1 in a tiny panzer 2 is sure really fun


br 1-2
br 3-4
br 5

this is the way to go, br3 and br4 are good pair for each other, but br5 with automatic rifles is a huge leap from br4


i knew you would appear here o7


And do their math make sense since you can see the numbers?

idk. i lack too much data to actually see if numbers make sense. i would need data about server played and BR played to run any simulated MM algorithms.

Just doin the good work of letting the developers know we are not unified in this desire

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But but not enough players !!!
Even tho, long before merge ppl suggested better matchmake regardless it would increase que times.
I definitely wouldnt minded longer wait for better game.

But the steam release so far seems to do very well and probably brings millions of players.
very good reviews.

Its far from perfect but definitely by far better than what it used to be.
The old campaign system without any restrictions was just absolute dumpster fire from start to finish.

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The launch of Steam was a real disaster. In just a few hours it attracted very bad reviews and the few positive ones that were recommended to continue downloading the game from the launcher.

Additionally, the game was suspended from Steam indefinitely.


I agree, but I’m pub stomping as Germany with 8000 score games. It’s ridiculous how often I’m doing this.

You and me both…

I wouldn’t be so sure about that :thinking:
Campaign system made sense and wasn’t more unbalanced than what we have nowadays. Battle rating, without any separation is just a pretty word, but ultimately useless… newcomers are still getting nuked often by br +2, the situation didn’t really change, other that we can’t even choose our war theaters anymore! That in itself is a downgrade.

Utopia is br+/-0. Decent is br +/-1. Br +/-2 is just worthless…


You are pretty much the only one who thinks the BRs are perfect the way they are.


Considering the old system had no restrictions at all, games such as completely newcomer in berlin facing KT2 was more than possible.

And same with the guns, cant really compete with pps against fg42II.

Now, its kind of impossible to end up to such situation with full BR2 equipment.

BR 1-2 are rather well balanced, the occasional BR3 KV1 definitely shouldnt happen I agree there.

True, hence if there only must be 2 ques. Then 1-2 & 3-4-5 & Lower some BR5 equipment to BR4 → BR4 equipment to BR3

Still, regardless this BR3 vs BR1 happens, I think it makes night and day differency that the BR3 has just better smg than BR1 players for example.
Rather than the old BA vs FG42II / STG44 situations.
Aka even the BR3 has better equipment, they aint OP as KT2 vs T60 or BA vs FG42 what we used to have.

Tanks are entirely another topic and yes that KV1 / F2 definitely shouldnt appear in low BR games.

Well, the campaign system was one of the reasons why I chose not to play most of campaigns.
Even grinding one campaign or 2 as f2p takes shitload of time.

Now, ive occasionally switched to BR2 just to get those moscow maps.
And still can progress the end game stuff

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Must be nice. All my Allies teams are a bunch of pushovers

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No there’s a couple others here and there that agree with me

Yeah, It’s getting a little annoying. I want my BR 3 equipment but also a fair fight. I’m trying to get good BR 2 equipment then try and stop people using BR 3 while downtiered.
We just need this fixed, I’m not sure why I’m downtiered most of the time, it’s great for my grind on events but it’s not good for the game.
Maybe I need to join you on the Allies side, make it a little more even.