BR 3 needs a change

BR III fills gaps. Right now there is a gaping hole in Allies High Tier so BR III gets sucked into that overwhelmingly right now

The only ones that agree are the voices in your head


Agreed, BR 4 seems very skippable and the gear will be swapped out for BR 5 gear. BR 4 gear is basically just better BR 3 gear and therefore the logical thing to do would be to que BR 3 & 4 together. A few tweaks here and there and then a lot of people would deliberately play BR 3 & 4 instead of 5. BR 5 should be its own solo que.

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Why doesnā€™t DEVā€™s just make it 1-2, 2-3, 3-4, 4-5ā€¦ Then for all the ppl that want more interesting fights, DEVā€™s can have an option in battle area ā€œStartā€ button, to say open the BR for the individuals.


You have a mixed BR2/3 formation/list of squads; you would typically be in a 2-3 or 3-4 BR matchā€¦ however said player can hit a button in the ā€œStartā€ tab to play 2-5 ques??

Another EX:

The vocal one that is in every post about this, he can show his real manhood, make his BR3 squad list. Then choose to enter 3-4 or 4-5 quesā€¦??

This would solve all peeps, would it not??

And ruin V by making it entirely monotonous? Way to make a whole BR dull

How would it make it dull?? Thereā€™s prototype, high capacity and select fire weapons and heavy tanks. BR 5 would be for the competitive sweats.


Too many matchmaking ques then. They already said they donā€™t want more than 3 ques.

The main new and shiny prospect about the merge was the possibility of BR making alot more the tech tree more ā€œfunā€ to use (particulariliy the extensive vehicle tech tree). That I was willing to trade the campaign system forā€¦

Butā€¦Since it doesnt really do that (or in a very minor way), its a bit of a non event for me at this stage

I thought it was going to be ā€œtheeeeeā€ patch for BR and customisation. Not there yet. still waiting.

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Monotony. The same dang match over and over again. All your enemies use the same thing. All your allies use the same thing. If I wanted that Iā€™d run around with an MP5 in Call of Duty

Tell me you havenā€™t played in a BR 5 match without telling me you havenā€™t played in a BR 5 match :man_facepalming:t2:

News flash champ, that already happens in BR 5 matches.

No one is going to use a Tiger H1 over a Tiger II
No one is going to use a Johnson rifle over an M2 carbine.
No one is going to use the M1 over the drum mag Thompson.
No one is going to use the A20G over the P47.
No one is going to use the Jumbo over the Pershing.
No one is going to use the Gewehr 43 over the FG42
No one is going to use the MKB over the StG44
No one is going to use the KV 1 ZiS over the IS2
No one is going to use the PPD 34/38 over the PPSH
Shall I keep going??

BR 4 equipment is overshadowed by BR 5 equipment and therefore it is severely underused. Thatā€™s why BR 3 and 4 need to play together, not only to save BR 1/2 from BR 3, but to actually make BR 4 meaningful.


BR 4 gear is only slightly better than BR 3 gear but thereā€™s a significant jump from BR 4 to BR 5 gear. Doesnā€™t take a rocket scientist to figure that one out.


What are III and IV in High Tier? Chopped liver? They are the variety

Hence why Iā€™m suggesting BR 3 & 4 play together and 5 by themselves. Did you not read my original comment?


Did you not read mine? One of the reasons I fell in love with Enlisted is the fact no one in any match is using the exact same set up. There were dudes with Springfieldā€™s, Karā€™s, M1ā€™s, M2ā€™s, M1919A6ā€™s, Gewehrā€™s of all kinds, MG42ā€™s, Stuartā€™s, Shermanā€™s, Pumaā€™s, Tigerā€™s. Everything all over the place from early war to late war to everything in between. It was amazing and it guaranteed no two matches were ever alike

Battle Ratings remove that beautiful chaos. Thankfully, the way the developers set it up is that people like me who want variety between matches and donā€™t want to fight the same dang thing over and over again have a sweet remnant of Pre Merge Enlisted. Battle Rating III. Now you people want to strip me of that. Nah, Iā€™m good. Iā€™ll keep enjoying the game I love. You keep advocating for War Thunder: Infantry Edition. Iā€™ll keep putting in my two cents in hopes the developers see it and decide to not side with you people

Are you that close minded? Iā€™m literally suggesting the same thing but a slight shift that will benefit low BR players and give BR 4 equipment purpose. It would barely change anything.


Like it on not, The game needs to be balanced and Protect new players from people like you who actively enjoy waffle stomping BR 1 players. On what planet is that even remotely fun to you? I can tell you enjoy it because Iā€™ve seen your replays and youā€™re an average player at best. Youā€™re a minority of players that actually enjoys BR 3 and itā€™s for all the wrong reasons.


Iā€™m still in low tier way too often, itā€™s still 4/5 games Iā€™m downtiered.

Depends on the playerbase, time of day, and server

In every game with progression there comes an end, there is a meta and everybody will for the most part be using the same thing in the last stages of the game, what were trying to do is prevent those practically at the end of the game from shitting on people mid and early game. Yes itā€™s fun and chaotic for everybody except the new players, if you want the fun and chaos you can go look at a 3-4 split. For the health of the game BR 5 is best left on an island.


Oh wow you watch my replays how special of you to have gone and hunted down how well I do just to attack me on it
Yeah, you can go screw yourself buddy. If youā€™re gonna lump me in with the people who lobby surf to stomp newbs, youā€™ve lost my interest