Big Action mod and no XP gain

I m testing myself. I open a public room to invite you or your friends can open room~

I m have to offline~ see you tomorrow~ :zzz:

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New version, using Berlin Engineer premiums, it seems I try and build flak 36 and try and it disappears. Also please no Volkswagen beetle, OMG no no. Allied have amphibious jeep on here as vehicle, it is no different to jeep honestly and doesn’t really look right imho.

M8 Scott not turning into Tractor on Tractor Rally

Tried spawning event Jagpanzer IV Berlin (with sandbags) on mobile rally, did not work, tried spawning KT on mobile rally did not work consistently, said active spawn point even though no enemies there. Second attempt it worked.

Big Sandbag Deployable quick to build longer to dismantle is this intentional?

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Thank you! fixed in 709ex3b33

haha, yes its special for event building tools~

yes. beacuse its bigger. I should make it longer to build… wait… its should be longer to build?

Each event hammer has unique or enhanced features, some of which can directly build lv2 tractor rally points~

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kind of magic

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So b33 has fixed the issue where I could not spawn Jagpanzer IV at all? M8 Scott too? As for Flak 36, thank you I will test it. (Can confirm pv170a works, will swap to event JP IV next match, flak 36, KT transform on mobile rally too without issue)

I think big Sandbag was taking short time to build, due to perk, but was slower to dismantle, I think it’s a big building so ok imho.

As for beetle, not really battlefield vehicle but I can close my eyes lol

Did you see my query re Need Ammo in tank, does that quick chat icon work like a normal soldier who gets ammo box icon? Is this possible to change it hard coded?

@9331497 Hi, not sure Mobile vehicle rally is working properly when pulling Jagpanzer IV Berlin from main spawn, the hammer appears, but when you build mobile vehicle point, it looks like regular rally, not bigger station like normal? Maybe worth a look.

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OK let me check.

the lv1 hammer can only build regular rally points. your first hammer should the lv1 one?

I spawned with JP IV event tank, picked up golden hammer in front of mobile rally / truck, selected the mobile vehicle icon in build wheel… it looks like normal rally.

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I ve found the cause of the problem. It will be optimized in the next version.

This happens because the construction distance is too close to the capzone, and its preview’s distance condition is smaller than the condition for building the object.

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Ok you are welcome, so it doesn’t work sometimes, that would explain it, oh more feedback positive likes on flamer 6kg bomb / satchel.

Will keep playing until new version, happy to play test this, this in my end game of enlisted.

Some other feedback, no group option, can’t go in a stack, is this intentional? Capzones requirements and min max distances should have easier UI to work out what is stopping someone building. (Grid on map would be very helpful, is that even possible?)

Also asking about allied AA M3, any division or progress there?

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need to import need texture, or change the code of the game,seems not possibile for us players yet…

I also wants to add more map pin icons.

I’m considering making this a buildable option for the US military. The Anglo-American Allies now build gaz mm 72k, maybe I will replace one of them.

I think I might be able to make it using mapicon, let me try this one.

Thanks to the players for supporting it :heart:

I think this map mode is also beneficial for developers, as they can easily add new things to the larger battlefield.

Such as KV-2 or any vehicle or vehicle and infantry weapons. Almost 99% of WW2 things are still waiting to be added to the game.

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New map Icons would be amazing, as for Moscow map, we don’t seems to fight over Voskhod settlement as a point, wouldn’t that one be a nice point to fight over?

Leave that to you to decide which gets M3, not sure what squad build Gaz tuck, Angelo American? What campaign engineer Normandy Eng II or Moscow Allies En GG II?

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normandy and tunisia

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I assume you’re talking about being in the relatively last area of the map? (It is a looping war zone)

currently all combat areas cover almost the entire map.

The remaining central monastery and the town to its east were not yet designated as combat zones. But its planed to become combat zones in the future~


More feedback, could we get range markers showing distance when using field artillery?

I would suggest Allied Normandy gets the M3, but that is just coz Soviet Gaz suits Soviet troops.

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Yes me too, but currently I still don’t know how to make it

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The light tank (t?) I spawn as engineers event squad on Moscow, I cannot exit the tank at all? Once in, I’m stuck in?

As for range markers, ok aren’t dev responsive to you, I can’t believe how popular this is, how they mentioned it in mod digest and not give you more support.

I believe they were supportive!

I’m still grateful for their recently updated entities.blk functionality. This is a feature I’ve been asking for for a long time.

Without this, the most critical point, we cannot have all the new things above.

Maybe they are too busy. In fact they responded.

Yes I have had this happen to me before, I have no idea how it happened and I’m still looking for clues.

It seems to happen after the vehicle has been used for a while

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Feedback: Panzershrek on Normandy axis Paras (love it!), But Normandy Allies don’t have M9 bazooka according to one of my clan mates… just M1, I will check myself next match, I purposely selected Anti Tank squad from box.

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I tryed it a litle.

It’s a… Okay mode. Sadly too much stuff and litle explanation. I have spawned 2 times on a medic vehicle untill I realised to spawn a tank I must respawn on a built area.

Also, tickets are confusing as hell. I didn’t understand how I lost points, and how I had less tickets, but won the game


There is a handbook, which explains a lot, just have to wait for @tommyZZM to update this, but I know majority of things are in handbook.pdf, some changes bug fixes still ongoing. Hands down better than base game, 8 planes, Mobile Rallies, Tanks actually have to be earnt, artillery and indirect fire rocket tanks, old vehicles are transformed and given new purpose, they behave differently depending on vehicle rally / ammo point or default spawn (no heavy tanks from vehicle rally). It takes a little while to understand mechanics granted, I have been playing for a few weeks now, so know the game… but the scale and good performance on such scale is just proving a point I feel…

Just to say alot of people are getting burnt out by base game, forcing us to play or miss out on something, this is end game and if you asked a cross section, every single person I show this to has said wow, this is where Enlisted should be…

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