Big Action mod and no XP gain

Wait until Merge, every match will be a sweat fest, it will lose its fun. All my vehicles will not get used as I will have to put the most powerful to win… so my old premiums won’t get to play with, unlike BA mod, I can!


Feedback new event hammers being gold holograms, mean it is much harder to pick up, please improve or revert is what they say.

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ai building in a house… they just as bad at building as real player

Is an improvement from build in the middle of the road

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i mean i guess but some map roof can be good while house it a mix

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I originally wanted this to be more obvious to players.

Yet another feature that may cause problems is that the engineer hammer now spawns near the vehicle instead of in front of the vehicle

In order to make it easier for players to see hammers and pick up hammers

I’m trying to increase the interactive volume of a golden hologram

I think a better way would be to display it all at the same time



You seem to be quite active here Tommy So if you’re listening maybe engineer twos can build a supply crate with some weapons in it for new players so they’re not left out of the madness as well more fun if we have more comrades on the battlefield.


interesting maybe make them build supply depot where there are end game weapon there so new people or people that want it can go there to pick it up or something like higher lvl depot with better weapon i guess


I like this, so long as they have to build new armoury to get good stuff, give new players opportunity to fight back, nice suggestion :+1:

So long as new players are aware of FF on and don’t mess about!


yea got this idea from a game(and greyparrot mentioning it) that was bury deep within my memory and now we just need to wait for tommy to see it


@tommyZZM will see


If it’s added that means it’s not just for veterans that’s means some new players can join us in the madness instead of just for veterans.

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Whilst I do think it should be open, new players struggle as it is, so maybe they will get even more confused.

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Feedback on b71, no Mortar fire impact showing on map, allies, Mortar team Normandy - ignore now working again sorry!

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And Tommy when you see this this is not a high priority thing but the engineers need an increase in the build limit to whatever you think could be acceptable because it is the big action mod so the engineers need more ways to protect themselves or fortify an objective.


I noticed that it might not show the icon on the first shot, I thought it might be an issue with the game itself, a few more shots it would seem to show up again

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Since you’re in here we also need an increase in machine gun nests so we can actually make fortified position so you can encourage players to use strategy instead of just swarming in objective and so if an area is fortified it’ll force them to use an artillery strike or snipers to clear out the objective before they push forward.

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@Myrm1don @WidowMakerUk73 @Greyparrots

new version of Big Action Mode is released to main repo~

This is a public repository.

with title BIG-ACTION!SQ-BattleOfVolokolamsk.711

equals BIG-ACTION!SQ-BattleOfVolokolamsk.711a1ex in test repo

they are target to same version contents


The appearance of ZIS-3 has been updated again. It now uses a larger PAK-40 hoe frame, which is more in line with its appearance proportions.

Updated the supply warehouse built by the medic so that it no longer serves as a rally point and can be built in the capzone

At the same time, players can more conveniently take out useful items, supply water bottles, medical kits, etc. from the supply warehouse one by one.

Changing the location of large explosive charges and mines to pistol poisiton to fix the issue where it sometimes conflicts with the storage of other explosive charges. This seems to be the method with the least impact at the moment.

Some optimizations of capzone occupation time and opening sequence.


I may plan to let the Medic’s Supply Depot fill this role, perhaps giving the player an extra Engineer Hammer, but I’m still thinking about how to implement it.

Yes its was planed.

But I’m still looking for the right effects, mainly for destroying positions, since player structures are not allowed to remain in the map forever and I have to destroy them in order to maintain performance.

But for trenches and large foxhole positions, I don’t feel it’s appropriate to make them disappear into thin air.

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True but when the objective has been fortified you can just call in howitzer Strike to clear it

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