Big Action mod and no XP gain

Players are lacking a suitable map, and the current Moscow Winter is the best in terrain detail.

DF They have a huge map of Normandy in CuisineRoyale.

Once the players have a suitable large map, I can reuse the settings I’ve set up into the new map.

The combat area needs to be remade, but the entities.blk for vehicles and various new functions can be reused.

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I thought Tunisia was ok ish it already has airfield in NW too! But I can’t see devs enhancing other maps, they will be busy balancing and rebalancing post merge.

Also any chance you could make one AI squad build a vehicle rally, so we can rearm when just starting server? I have to build support first when soloing, or any tank runs out of ammo eventually.

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I won’t be adding new maps anytime soon as everything is very unstable at the moment

Currently they don’t build vehicle assembly points in the correct location with enough space around them in open space. . So it can only be played by human players.

For example, the AI will build a vehicle assembly point in a house, which will result in… spawn vehicle in the bulding


Thanks for replies, I get you want to focus on Volok (Moscow build, you are doing a fantastic job!).

As for AI, vehicles in buildings is not what we want so ok, I’ll just make a point of building Vrally first thing…

Did you adjust Flak 36 traction, so it doesn’t skid so much yet, I think we are on b59 right?

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The latest is 709ex3b65

In the latest version

The functionality of the medic squad is enhanced

  1. Medkits can now be used as build tools

    1. Build the med kit repeatedly.
    2. You can build a material gathering point and replenish water bottles and medical kits for medical soldiers.
    3. Can build vehicles

[video recording]

  1. Updated appearance of ZIS-3

  1. Based on the beta’s campaign merged changes,

    the Engineer build lists for all factions have been unified and now have less differences.

  2. misc changes.

  1. Updated the pickupABLE appearance of the Engineer’s Hammer binded to specific vehicles, from a golden card to a more obvious preveiw model to prevent players from missing it.

    And now the Engineer’s Hammer will always appear near the vehicle

The latest is 709ex3b63

fixed an error warning while using ZIS-3

The latest is 709ex3b65

Updated some default spawn locations.

The update/fix some sandbags to allow the construction of machine guns on them


Hi, you launched a game but password protected it?

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Yes when I test the mod myself to check it if is OK~

We are trying to launch 65 and it didn’t show up on customs?

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Just left to restart my console, rejoined, no spawn screen for me, but interestingly it showed b64 not b65 on the splash loading screen, but showed no one else in session, I wonder if because you have lots of versions it sometimes downloads a different version of the mod, but same player instance, I don’t know how to explain it.

Maybe the above b64 splash screen is there in b65, I don’t know?

I know that I won’t be able to rejoin that mod instance again, I will have to wait for a new version, so strange and I think this is in base game, not your mod causing this btw

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Perhaps it is due to conflicts between multiple versions. Try to download version 65 again instead of joining other older ones.

This match is an exciting one!

Yes it looked and sounded good my clan was on there, but I’m on console so that particular instance will be bugged for me, I’ll have to ask my clan to relaunch another instance later when I come on.

Actually I haven’t checked after the battle has ended, hopefully that resolves it, because I can technically choose another army campaign.

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The latest version 709ex3b66 709ex3b67

adjusted the capture time and unlock of next sectors of some capture points.

The latest version 709ex3b67

Fixed an issue that could cause Engineers to accumulate materials infinitely

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709ex3b68 709ex3b69

Enhanced All convertible vehicles~.

Now their commanders can protect their vehicles with personal weapons and use binoculars.

The commander’s sighting equipment of SU-76 and Dickermax has been enhanced.

Dickermax commander’s sighting has a larger magnification

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Thanks, I got more converts into the mod, we were having some fantastic full scale war(s) on latest version.

Did you tweak traction on AA vehicles as well?

yes did a little bit for sdkfz6/2

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added m8_greyhound as light vehicle and make its commanders position can use personal weapons and binoculars

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Finding it hard to build LMG on big Sandbag, very hard to place on top, it flicks green then red too quickly, not sure if its pixel precision or bugged?

How do I spawn M8 Greyhound?

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Tommy is printing new versions like a madman.


Yes, whilst everyone else moans and complains about merge, and various exploits, I’ll be having fun on here! :guardsman:

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You don’t enjoy meta spam happening on calysto?