Better alternative to map preferance

Map preferances will just make everything needlesly complicated.
We still dont have healthy and retainable enough player numbers
Heres a clear cut solution
Categorise war as earl mid and late (39-41, 42-43 , 44-45)
Most weapons’ design year and their power levels follow linear pattern, later year weapons are mostly more powerfull.
Early war equipment: sent to every map : seeing a kar 98 or mp 38 in berlin is not immersion breaking
I dont care seeing kriegsmodell at moscow considerin the fact that germans even used outdated ww1 weapons in real life berlin war.
Mid equipment and mid tier mixed with early equipment: send them to 1942-45 maps . Stalinfrad, pscific maps and tunisia are all mid era war already so we have lot of them
Late eqipment and late eqip. mixed with others: sent to normandy or berlin
Preferably iwo jimo or other late pacific maps in the future
With this way, newbies will be able to experience all maps and sweatlords cant abuse them.


This is good. Or with the current system allow people to unselect certain map sets like berlin that way if they aren’t but they get a piece of kit like mp40 for all German maps they can still use it in their preferred maps.

yes linear power progression… thompson, federov, mp3008, ppsh41, grease gun. not to mention lots of weapons that dont have counter in that era like t34, garand, svt40, avt40 etc.

there was a reason why initial suggestion was BR and not war period.

it may be not immersion breaking to see them in berlin, but it sure is balance breaking. berlin allies will welcome such players with open arms, wishing there were more.

not so happy day for the poor fella that just installed and is having a first taste of the game, selected germany cause it looks cool and got vaporized by fedorovs, PPsHs and the whole zoo behind.

we always tend to leave the new player experience as an afterthought, which in reality is the most important part of this merge: get new blood, or let the game die.

No you didnt understand and probably didnt even read the whole thing.
Newbies soviet and german players starts the game and game throws them to berlin map. Seeing kar 98 and mp 38 vs mosin nagant and ppd 35 is not immersion breaking and balanced

oh yes i like that system! im all for balanced low vs low teeth breaking matches all over the place! but im afraid i seriously doubt they could pull it out.

i mean, have you seen what we got in the test server? is there not even the slightest indoors testing? some stuff is just so blatant obvious it makes you doubt they do any kind of internal testing at all.
just the damn basic german soldiers take you to moscow and normandy by default!!! how could such thing pass through any level of testing? it hits you in the face! given that level of quality control, i highly doubt they could pull that off and we end up with what we got here, but worst.