Now I'll show you some BR magic

On the example of germans

New system Old system
BR1 and BR2 MTS
BR4 and BR5. NB

So all devs changed is letters for BRs and they changed (more like promised to change) weapon BR so they make more sense.

Example: Hs123

Old system, old assignment
desired MN
New system, old assignment
Old system, new assignment
desired M
New system, new assignment

I’m really baffled why ppl don’t see this.

I’m sure many ppl won’t agree with me. So lets play a game.

You give me a weapon, BR and a map and I need to translate it to the old system. If I fail, I’ll admitt I’m wrong.


Gotta hand it to the devs, they read their audience!

well played!

Im still happy…i think


You already fail to realize this prevents higher tier guns like the entire US T4/T5 lineup from meeting T1 players like in the test server


All it would take is to make T4 and T5 weapons undesired in moscow, stalingrad and tunesia.
And hive T1 and T2 weapond desired MST.

No, because it would still be technically possible to see T1 players.
BR is a hard lock that completely prevents T4/T5 from meeting T1


So the only real change is the hardlock?

I mean, it’s good. But it’s such a small (in implementation) change that could be just added to the old system.

I really don’t see what the fuss is about.


TO me it shows 3 major things:

1 the hardlock, though simple, satisfies a big complaint: It brings balance.

2 swapping to Weapon based BR that places certain weapons on a certain map from a Map based matchmaking that really had no balance … it was just this weapon might go on this map, might not, is less convoluted and more effective. It also does make logistics easier if they were to say change the BR of a weapon at a later time (say after a buff or a nerf).

3 But the big thing is the fact that they did at least change it … This means more than anything, they saw the backlash building, and even if it is a small change … perceptually, it is huge.

The whole campaign preference system was a gamble matchmaking.

Notice desired undesired and system will try

Now what’s random is map not equipment we face

Hes not saying its exactly the same as before (as in no improvement), hes saying its fundamentally the same “system” with different names and slight modification to a soft rule, namely hardlock

Which is effectively the same as if you made undesired “hardlock” and labelled things appropriately.

In anycase pedantics dont matter, we got what we wanted, and those stuck on BR got the placebo they needed to be happy.

What really matters now is, what gear gets labelled what br. And how far tier 3 can get up tiered


True, tier 3 will decide if this works

they plan on 2 queues now, one is low br 1-3, second top 3-5

so 3 can play against anything

Thats what im afraid of. That is still really nasty (potentially)

just gonna be hard to balance, need weapons tank that can fight with top

but no too strong to dominate low br

that’s why i’m gonna look really close at how they handle this hotspot


Yup, this is super important to me too, as lots of fun unique stuff will probably reside here

This system is better

This is still stupid.

Also, right now you have effectively 2 BRs, previously you had more (eg. you had stuff which was hard locked to Berlin only)

You have 3 BRs.
And to solve “Berlin only” problem all you would need to do is to add N.

if i understood correctly, they added a hard lock between br1-2 and br4-5.

that brings us to 2 hard locked queues per faction, meaning 8 queues. do i see it right?or is it 6? 4? are we going backwards? im all in for locked low and locked high, now fighting in any map, and pacific jap tiers are ok too, japan have some very solid smgs in the end.

and please, add more ammo to the auto pistols! best event reward ever.

2 queues:
One for BR1-BR3, the other one for BR3-BR5.
Br3 can acces both queues.

seems ok, i think we can support 2 queues per faction, perhaps…can we? is there enough ppl playing?