Battleratings, One "Small" Change to make all the difference

With the number of guns we have in-game, excluding duplicates, in the ballpark range of 200-300, with their own little nuances, I see it as a necessity.

What we have ranges from BB guns to Destroyer of Worlds, metaphorically speaking.

These either need to have more uniform stats (which would require finangling with every gun to make them extremely similar in performance), or the introduction of more matchmaking brackets.

While I understand that everyone is eager to stem the tide of a bleeding playerbase precisely because of the absence of a matchmaking system that people somehow put up with for 3 years now, without access to a player count (like when you queue in war thunder, as well as the number of those online at any given moment), I can’t definitely say we don’t have enough players.

Especially when console players can turn off crossplay at will, which further divides and skews any numbers of players you can actually queue with.

I really don’t think so, since there always be meta weapons for certain tiers and others are just filler for progression/grind and for fun/larp plays.


I’m all up for even more decompression. You are only suggesting the same thing I am, But just way more decompressed. I’m expressing the bare minimum.

But Id say its at odds with some of their main priorities. Low queue time, and more players in games.

And as a Longtime war thunder player, compression has always been rampant and very slowly acted on.

I call it the 2-silver price wall of shame.

That’s curse of basically every multiplier game, especially ones based on grindy progression with f2p concept. Huge variety of content, but majority of playerbase aims for only specific meta stuff. Because they’re trying to compensate lack of skill with more powerful equipment.


it was already criticized cause you have too many queues that playerbase cant support. if the goal was for your proposal to be bot farm then it is successful.

cause BA with ROF of 50 is extremely different from BA with ROF of 51 so they need their own tier. certainly there are differences between weapons and their performance, but you dont need to nitpick so much between e.g. BA with slight difference in ROF or 2 low rof low dmg smg.

iirc you get 8-12k concurrent players in 6 servers playing the game(datamined stats). now divide that by server/campaign and you get average of 222-333 players playing at any given time per server/campaign. if you further divide this by average match of 20 minutes you get that every minute you have on average 11-17 players queuing per campaign per server.

now average is bad indicator cause crossplay on servers have more players than crossplay off servers. some campaigns have double or triple number of players than other campaigns. also you need to take into account playerbase disparity so you can have 2:1 split between sides.

i will probably do analysis on concurrent player count when i find some time.


That was their mistake and OP trying to fix that, now Moscow will have both low and mid BR matches, top tier BR don’t really need smgs since they will get replaced by powerful ARs and LMGS with large mag size and auto rifles

50mm cannons can pen and kill t-34, same with AT crafted by the engineer

Sure that would be for the best but devs got extremely lazy after almost a year of waiting and created stupid map based BR

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I still consider both ppsh / kiraly as high tier that has no place against low tier

Havent really lately checked the “last” BR list but Mkb probably is somewhere BR4 ? atleast ?
id choose the kiraly over it any given day so in that sense it do have place & need in higher tiers.

Which it does rather ineffectively due to lack of APHE.
At certain ranges it can indeed pen frontally but getting OHK its entirely relied on RNG which rarely favors APC rounds.

Pretty much, the BR map locks just doesnt make any sense.

Again they won’t fight against low tier only mid tier. Looks like you haven’t read his post at all.

Are we talking about OP’s new BR system or DF’s awful BR system with 5 BR stages? Mkb should be in BR5 in Myrm1don BR since it’s AR, but BR4 in DF’s BR since it’s much weaker weapon than STG44

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Well if semi-autos are what is considered as “Mid tier” I find it quite low tier to fight against ppsh / kiraly.

What comes to Mkb its better in BR4 as DF put it out.
Kiraly / PPSh at minimum at BR4, definitely not any lower, preferably in 5.

Talking about the OP

BR = What you can use and What your oponent can use.
Map = only the map pool “within” that bracket

Br 1-2 Moscow is a different match than Br 3-4 Moscow (they are never mixed together)

Kiraly & PPSh are High Capacity SMGS

That puts them in BR 4, you will be matched against people that have them too. (or at least another good smg)

In the Proposed BR 1 and 2 Moscow will never see BR 3 and 4 Moscow

Same applies for t-34 and Panzer IV F2…they are in BR 3 and 4

BR 1 and 2 Panzer II – Panzer IV Short 75mm Moscow “will never” see BR 3 and 4 T-34, Kv-1, Panzer IV F2 Moscow.

Unless you purposefully uptier youself, thats your choice.

you dont have to choose between them.

Kiraly is in BR 3-4 bracket (no Assualt Rifles)
MKB is in BR 5-6 bracket

If you still want to use Kiralys in High BR, you can . You just uptier yourself by using another BR 5-6 piece like a King Tiger

This was pretty much actually what I had in mind once they proposed the merger idea way back.

I do really want more than two BR brackets and also believe we will see it in the future.

Your idea looks good. Another example is to make the spread +/-1.

  • Tier 1: BR 1, 1-2
  • Tier 2: BR 1-2, 2, 2-3
  • Tier 3: BR 2-3, 3, 3-4
  • Tier 4: BR 3-4, 4, 4-5
  • Tier 5: BR 4-5, 5
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it is not that i dont like it, but problem is in number of queues and playerbase to support it. you would end up with way more queues than current campaign system.


Id say there are alot more preferable suggestions than the OP with more queues, yours included. I would love many qeues and just say go with yours (when there are players)

But i believe the OP is the optimal bare minimum between queues and balance.(currently anyway)


Yeah, should only be that many queues if the number of players support it.
And that was the idea they initially conveyed.

There should always be room for at least 3 queues (your suggestion). In worst case scenario, bring in on or two bot squads.

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Also as a way to round off BR 1 (to fit the policy “everything” has a chance/Option against what it will face)

Can I suggest: (these are taken straight from Warthunder)

The T-60 gets its API HV ammo (32 mm Pen @10meters. The current is 27mm API ammo) This gives it a little more mileage in its bracket For Panzer IIIS and IVs (side armors 15-30mm)

The Panzer II, Ab-41 get its HVAP (48 mm Pen @10meters. The current is 37mm API-T ammo) Gives it a little more mileage in its bracket for the T-50 and Grants. (side armors roughly 40mm, not taking into account slope)

Keep in mind the difference In side armors for nations are quite different. Which accounts for the difference in pen values needed to have a chance.

You had it worked out that the OP is technically 8 queues correct? 3 MM brackets, 8 queues (across all factions)

and their current proposal is technically 5 queues yes? 2 MM brackets, 5 queues. (across all factions)

Kiraly is better than mkb which is the biggest reason why im wondering so “low” BR for kiraly.

General rules. Basic idea. Changes can be made as necessary.

I just thought kiraly opposite ppsh was appropriate.

Kiraly is trash because of too big horizontal recoil. I will prefer mkb over kiraly always.
I would even prefer the final bereta from Tunisia/berlin over kiraly.